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Last active November 20, 2022 10:15
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Some jq fun
# Most interactions / mentions, excluding myself.
{ sed -e '1s/.*/[/' -e '$d' tweets.js && sed '1s/.*/,/' tweets-part1.js; } | \
jq '
[.[].tweet.entities.user_mentions[] | select(.screen_name != "rotnroll666") | {handle: .screen_name}] |
group_by(.handle) | map(.[0] + {"count": length}) |
sort_by(-.count,.handle|=ascii_downcase) | limit(20;.[]) |
"@\(.handle) (\(.count))"
# "Best" tweets by RT (turns out, that retweets are in the archive, but prefixed only with RT @...
# and not a proper info
{ sed -e '1s/.*/[/' -e '$d' tweets.js && sed '1s/.*/,/' tweets-part1.js; } | \
jq -r '
[.[] | select(.tweet.full_text | startswith("RT @") | not)] |
sort_by(.tweet.retweet_count|tonumber) |reverse | limit(3;.[]) |
# Same but by fav
{ sed -e '1s/.*/[/' -e '$d' tweets.js && sed '1s/.*/,/' tweets-part1.js; } | \
jq -r '
[.[] | select(.tweet.full_text | startswith("RT @") | not)] |
sort_by(.tweet.favorite_count|tonumber) |reverse | limit(3;.[]) |
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