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Created March 14, 2014 21:23
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/*! d3.chart - v0.2.0
* License: MIT Expat
* Date: 2014-02-21
module.exports = function(D3) {
"use strict";
/*jshint unused: false */
var d3 = D3;
var hasOwnProp = Object.hasOwnProperty;
var d3cAssert = function(test, message) {
if (test) {
throw new Error("[d3.chart] " + message);
d3cAssert(d3, "d3.js is required");
d3cAssert(typeof d3.version === "string" && d3.version.match(/^3/),
"d3.js version 3 is required");
"use strict";
var lifecycleRe = /^(enter|update|merge|exit)(:transition)?$/;
* Create a layer using the provided `base`. The layer instance is *not*
* exposed to d3.chart users. Instead, its instance methods are mixed in to the
* `base` selection it describes; users interact with the instance via these
* bound methods.
* @private
* @constructor
* @param {d3.selection} base The containing DOM node for the layer.
var Layer = function(base) {
d3cAssert(base, "Layers must be initialized with a base.");
this._base = base;
this._handlers = {};
* Invoked by {@link Layer#draw} to join data with this layer's DOM nodes. This
* implementation is "virtual"--it *must* be overridden by Layer instances.
* @param {Array} data Value passed to {@link Layer#draw}
Layer.prototype.dataBind = function() {
d3cAssert(false, "Layers must specify a `dataBind` method.");
* Invoked by {@link Layer#draw} in order to insert new DOM nodes into this
* layer's `base`. This implementation is "virtual"--it *must* be overridden by
* Layer instances.
Layer.prototype.insert = function() {
d3cAssert(false, "Layers must specify an `insert` method.");
* Subscribe a handler to a "lifecycle event". These events (and only these
* events) are triggered when {@link Layer#draw} is invoked--see that method
* for more details on lifecycle events.
* @param {String} eventName Identifier for the lifecycle event for which to
* subscribe.
* @param {Function} handler Callback function
* @returns {d3.selection} Reference to the layer's base.
Layer.prototype.on = function(eventName, handler, options) {
options = options || {};
"Unrecognized lifecycle event name specified to `Layer#on`: '" +
eventName + "'."
if (!(eventName in this._handlers)) {
this._handlers[eventName] = [];
callback: handler,
chart: options.chart || null
return this._base;
* Unsubscribe the specified handler from the specified event. If no handler is
* supplied, remove *all* handlers from the event.
* @param {String} eventName Identifier for event from which to remove
* unsubscribe
* @param {Function} handler Callback to remove from the specified event
* @returns {d3.selection} Reference to the layer's base.
*/ = function(eventName, handler) {
var handlers = this._handlers[eventName];
var idx;
"Unrecognized lifecycle event name specified to `Layer#off`: '" +
eventName + "'."
if (!handlers) {
return this._base;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
handlers.length = 0;
return this._base;
for (idx = handlers.length - 1; idx > -1; --idx) {
if (handlers[idx].callback === handler) {
handlers.splice(idx, 1);
return this._base;
* Render the layer according to the input data: Bind the data to the layer
* (according to {@link Layer#dataBind}, insert new elements (according to
* {@link Layer#insert}, make lifecycle selections, and invoke all relevant
* handlers (as attached via {@link Layer#on}) with the lifecycle selections.
* - update
* - update:transition
* - enter
* - enter:transition
* - exit
* - exit:transition
* @param {Array} data Data to drive the rendering.
Layer.prototype.draw = function(data) {
var bound, entering, events, selection, handlers, eventName, idx, len;
bound =, data);
// Although `bound instanceof d3.selection` is more explicit, it fails
// in IE8, so we use duck typing to maintain compatability.
d3cAssert(bound && ===,
"Invalid selection defined by `Layer#dataBind` method.");
d3cAssert(bound.enter, "Layer selection not properly bound.");
entering = bound.enter();
entering._chart = this._base._chart;
events = [
name: "update",
selection: bound
name: "enter",
// Defer invocation of the `insert` method so that the previous
// `update` selection does not contain the new nodes.
selection: this.insert.bind(entering)
name: "merge",
// This selection will be modified when the previous selection
// is made.
selection: bound
name: "exit",
selection: bound.exit.bind(bound)
for (var i = 0, l = events.length; i < l; ++i) {
eventName = events[i].name;
selection = events[i].selection;
// Some lifecycle selections are expressed as functions so that
// they may be delayed.
if (typeof selection === "function") {
selection = selection();
if (selection.empty()) {
// Although `selection instanceof d3.selection` is more explicit,
// it fails in IE8, so we use duck typing to maintain
// compatability.
d3cAssert(selection && ===,
"Invalid selection defined for '" + eventName +
"' lifecycle event.");
handlers = this._handlers[eventName];
if (handlers) {
for (idx = 0, len = handlers.length; idx < len; ++idx) {
// Attach a reference to the parent chart so the selection"s
// `chart` method will function correctly.
selection._chart = handlers[idx].chart || this._base._chart;[idx].callback);
handlers = this._handlers[eventName + ":transition"];
if (handlers && handlers.length) {
selection = selection.transition();
for (idx = 0, len = handlers.length; idx < len; ++idx) {
selection._chart = handlers[idx].chart || this._base._chart;[idx].callback);
"use strict";
* Create a new layer on the d3 selection from which it is called.
* @static
* @param {Object} [options] Options to be forwarded to {@link Layer|the Layer
* constructor}
* @returns {d3.selection}
d3.selection.prototype.layer = function(options) {
var layer = new Layer(this);
var eventName;
// Set layer methods (required)
layer.dataBind = options.dataBind;
layer.insert = options.insert;
// Bind events (optional)
if ("events" in options) {
for (eventName in {
// Mix the public methods into the D3.js selection (bound appropriately)
this.on = function() { return layer.on.apply(layer, arguments); }; = function() { return, arguments); };
this.draw = function() { return layer.draw.apply(layer, arguments); };
return this;
"use strict";
// extend
// Borrowed from Underscore.js
function extend(object) {
var argsIndex, argsLength, iteratee, key;
if (!object) {
return object;
argsLength = arguments.length;
for (argsIndex = 1; argsIndex < argsLength; argsIndex++) {
iteratee = arguments[argsIndex];
if (iteratee) {
for (key in iteratee) {
object[key] = iteratee[key];
return object;
* Call the {@Chart#initialize} method up the inheritance chain, starting with
* the base class and continuing "downward".
* @private
var initCascade = function(instance, args) {
var ctor = this.constructor;
var sup = ctor.__super__;
if (sup) {, instance, args);
// Do not invoke the `initialize` method on classes further up the
// prototype chain (again).
if (, "initialize")) {
this.initialize.apply(instance, args);
* Call the `transform` method down the inheritance chain, starting with the
* instance and continuing "upward". The result of each transformation should
* be supplied as input to the next.
* @private
var transformCascade = function(instance, data) {
var ctor = this.constructor;
var sup = ctor.__super__;
// Unlike `initialize`, the `transform` method has significance when
// attached directly to a chart instance. Ensure that this transform takes
// first but is not invoked on later recursions.
if (this === instance &&, "transform")) {
data = this.transform(data);
// Do not invoke the `transform` method on classes further up the prototype
// chain (yet).
if (, "transform")) {
data =, data);
if (sup) {
data =, instance, data);
return data;
* Create a d3.chart
* @param {d3.selection} selection The chart's "base" DOM node. This should
* contain any nodes that the chart generates.
* @param {mixed} chartOptions A value for controlling how the chart should be
* created. This value will be forwarded to {@link Chart#initialize}, so
* charts may define additional properties for consumers to modify their
* behavior during initialization.
* @constructor
var Chart = function(selection, chartOptions) {
this.base = selection;
this._layers = {};
this._attached = {};
this._events = {};
if (chartOptions && chartOptions.transform) {
this.transform = chartOptions.transform;
}, this, [chartOptions]);
* Set up a chart instance. This method is intended to be overridden by Charts
* authored with this library. It will be invoked with a single argument: the
* `options` value supplied to the {@link Chart|constructor}.
* For charts that are defined as extensions of other charts using
* `Chart.extend`, each chart's `initilize` method will be invoked starting
* with the "oldest" ancestor (see the private {@link initCascade} function for
* more details).
Chart.prototype.initialize = function() {};
* Remove a layer from the chart.
* @param {String} name The name of the layer to remove.
* @returns {Layer} The layer removed by this operation.
Chart.prototype.unlayer = function(name) {
var layer = this.layer(name);
delete this._layers[name];
delete layer._chart;
return layer;
* Interact with the chart's {@link Layer|layers}.
* If only a `name` is provided, simply return the layer registered to that
* name (if any).
* If a `name` and `selection` are provided, treat the `selection` as a
* previously-created layer and attach it to the chart with the specified
* `name`.
* If all three arguments are specified, initialize a new {@link Layer} using
* the specified `selection` as a base passing along the specified `options`.
* The {@link Layer.draw} method of attached layers will be invoked
* whenever this chart's {@link Chart#draw} is invoked and will receive the
* data (optionally modified by the chart's {@link Chart#transform} method.
* @param {String} name Name of the layer to attach or retrieve.
* @param {d3.selection|Layer} [selection] The layer's base or a
* previously-created {@link Layer}.
* @param {Object} [options] Options to be forwarded to {@link Layer|the Layer
* constructor}
* @returns {Layer}
Chart.prototype.layer = function(name, selection, options) {
var layer;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return this._layers[name];
// we are reattaching a previous layer, which the
// selection argument is now set to.
if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (typeof selection.draw === "function") {
selection._chart = this;
this._layers[name] = selection;
return this._layers[name];
} else {
d3cAssert(false, "When reattaching a layer, the second argument "+
"must be a d3.chart layer");
layer = selection.layer(options);
this._layers[name] = layer;
selection._chart = this;
return layer;
* Register or retrieve an "attachment" Chart. The "attachment" chart's `draw`
* method will be invoked whenever the containing chart's `draw` method is
* invoked.
* @param {String} attachmentName Name of the attachment
* @param {Chart} [chart] d3.chart to register as a mix in of this chart. When
* unspecified, this method will return the attachment previously
* registered with the specified `attachmentName` (if any).
* @returns {Chart} Reference to this chart (chainable).
Chart.prototype.attach = function(attachmentName, chart) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return this._attached[attachmentName];
this._attached[attachmentName] = chart;
return chart;
* Update the chart's representation in the DOM, drawing all of its layers and
* any "attachment" charts (as attached via {@link Chart#attach}).
* @param {Object} data Data to pass to the {@link Layer#draw|draw method} of
* this cart's {@link Layer|layers} (if any) and the {@link
* Chart#draw|draw method} of this chart's attachments (if any).
Chart.prototype.draw = function(data) {
var layerName, attachmentName, attachmentData;
data =, this, data);
for (layerName in this._layers) {
for (attachmentName in this._attached) {
if (this.demux) {
attachmentData = this.demux(attachmentName, data);
} else {
attachmentData = data;
* Function invoked with the context specified when the handler was bound (via
* {@link Chart#on} {@link Chart#once}).
* @callback ChartEventHandler
* @param {...*} arguments Invoked with the arguments passed to {@link
* Chart#trigger}
* Subscribe a callback function to an event triggered on the chart. See {@link
* Chart#once} to subscribe a callback function to an event for one occurence.
* @param {String} name Name of the event
* @param {ChartEventHandler} callback Function to be invoked when the event
* occurs
* @param {Object} [context] Value to set as `this` when invoking the
* `callback`. Defaults to the chart instance.
* @returns {Chart} A reference to this chart (chainable).
Chart.prototype.on = function(name, callback, context) {
var events = this._events[name] || (this._events[name] = []);
callback: callback,
context: context || this,
_chart: this
return this;
* Subscribe a callback function to an event triggered on the chart. This
* function will be invoked at the next occurance of the event and immediately
* unsubscribed. See {@link Chart#on} to subscribe a callback function to an
* event indefinitely.
* @param {String} name Name of the event
* @param {ChartEventHandler} callback Function to be invoked when the event
* occurs
* @param {Object} [context] Value to set as `this` when invoking the
* `callback`. Defaults to the chart instance
* @returns {Chart} A reference to this chart (chainable)
Chart.prototype.once = function(name, callback, context) {
var self = this;
var once = function() {, once);
callback.apply(this, arguments);
return this.on(name, once, context);
* Unsubscribe one or more callback functions from an event triggered on the
* chart. When no arguments are specified, *all* handlers will be unsubscribed.
* When only a `name` is specified, all handlers subscribed to that event will
* be unsubscribed. When a `name` and `callback` are specified, only that
* function will be unsubscribed from that event. When a `name` and `context`
* are specified (but `callback` is omitted), all events bound to the given
* event with the given context will be unsubscribed.
* @param {String} [name] Name of the event to be unsubscribed
* @param {ChartEventHandler} [callback] Function to be unsubscribed
* @param {Object} [context] Contexts to be unsubscribe
* @returns {Chart} A reference to this chart (chainable).
*/ = function(name, callback, context) {
var names, n, events, event, i, j;
// remove all events
if (arguments.length === 0) {
for (name in this._events) {
this._events[name].length = 0;
return this;
// remove all events for a specific name
if (arguments.length === 1) {
events = this._events[name];
if (events) {
events.length = 0;
return this;
// remove all events that match whatever combination of name, context
// and callback.
names = name ? [name] : Object.keys(this._events);
for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
n = names[i];
events = this._events[n];
j = events.length;
while (j--) {
event = events[j];
if ((callback && callback === event.callback) ||
(context && context === event.context)) {
events.splice(j, 1);
return this;
* Publish an event on this chart with the given `name`.
* @param {String} name Name of the event to publish
* @param {...*} arguments Values with which to invoke the registered
* callbacks.
* @returns {Chart} A reference to this chart (chainable).
Chart.prototype.trigger = function(name) {
var args =, 1);
var events = this._events[name];
var i, ev;
if (events !== undefined) {
for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
ev = events[i];
ev.callback.apply(ev.context, args);
return this;
* Create a new {@link Chart} constructor with the provided options acting as
* "overrides" for the default chart instance methods. Allows for basic
* inheritance so that new chart constructors may be defined in terms of
* existing chart constructors. Based on the `extend` function defined by
* {@link|Backbone.js}.
* @static
* @param {String} name Identifier for the new Chart constructor.
* @param {Object} protoProps Properties to set on the new chart's prototype.
* @param {Object} staticProps Properties to set on the chart constructor
* itself.
* @returns {Function} A new Chart constructor
Chart.extend = function(name, protoProps, staticProps) {
var parent = this;
var child;
// The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by
// you (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or
// defaulted by us to simply call the parent's constructor.
if (protoProps &&, "constructor")) {
child = protoProps.constructor;
} else {
child = function(){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); };
// Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
extend(child, parent, staticProps);
// Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling
// `parent`'s constructor function.
var Surrogate = function(){ this.constructor = child; };
Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new Surrogate();
// Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass, if
// supplied.
if (protoProps) { extend(child.prototype, protoProps); }
// Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed
// later.
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
Chart[name] = child;
return child;
"use strict";
* Create a new chart constructor or return a previously-created chart
* constructor.
* @static
* @param {String} name If no other arguments are specified, return the
* previously-created chart with this name.
* @param {Object} protoProps If specified, this value will be forwarded to
* {@link Chart.extend} and used to create a new chart.
* @param {Object} staticProps If specified, this value will be forwarded to
* {@link Chart.extend} and used to create a new chart.
d3.chart = function(name) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
return Chart;
} else if (arguments.length === 1) {
return Chart[name];
return Chart.extend.apply(Chart, arguments);
* Instantiate a chart or return the chart that the current selection belongs
* to.
* @static
* @param {String} [chartName] The name of the chart to instantiate. If the
* name is unspecified, this method will return the chart that the
* current selection belongs to.
* @param {mixed} options The options to use when instantiated the new chart.
* See {@link Chart} for more information.
d3.selection.prototype.chart = function(chartName, options) {
// Without an argument, attempt to resolve the current selection's
// containing d3.chart.
if (arguments.length === 0) {
return this._chart;
var ChartCtor = Chart[chartName];
d3cAssert(ChartCtor, "No chart registered with name '" + chartName + "'");
return new ChartCtor(this, options);
// Implement the zero-argument signature of `d3.selection.prototype.chart`
// for all selection types.
d3.selection.enter.prototype.chart = function() {
return this._chart;
d3.transition.prototype.chart = d3.selection.enter.prototype.chart;
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