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Last active October 21, 2016 13:50
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import scalaz.PLens._
import scalaz.Lens._
import scalaz._
case class Name(given: Option[String] = None, family: Option[String] = None)
val givenL: Name @> Option[String] = lensg(a => v => a.copy(given = v), _.given)
val familyL: Name @> Option[String] = lensg(a => v => a.copy(family = v),
case class Contact(name: Option[Name] = None)
val nameL: Contact @> Option[Name] = lensg(a => v => a.copy(name = v),
case class User(contact: Option[Contact] = None)
val contactL: User @> Option[Contact] = lensg(a => v => a.copy(contact = v),
val contactNamePL: User @?> Option[Name] = ~contactL >=> somePLens >=> ~nameL
val nameGivenPL: User @?> Option[String] = contactNamePL >=> somePLens >=> ~givenL
val nameFamilyPL: User @?> Option[String] = contactNamePL >=> somePLens >=> ~familyL
val user = User()
val st =
for {
_ <- contactL %= { _ orElse Some(Contact()) }
_ <- contactNamePL %= { _ orElse Some(Name()) }
_ <- nameGivenPL := Some("Given")
_ <- nameFamilyPL := Some("Family")
} yield ()
val expected = User(Some(Contact(Some(Name(Some("Given"), Some("Family"))))))
val actual = st exec user
assert(actual == expected)
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