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Created February 15, 2018 22:01
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#lang hackett
;; Ord typeclass
(data Ordering
(class (Eq A) => (Ord A)
[compare : {A -> A -> Ordering}
(λ [x y] (case* [{x le? y} {y le? x}]
[[True True] eq]
[[True False] lt]
[[False True] gt]
[[False False] (error! "Ord instance not totally ordered")]))]
;; <=, >=, <, and > are defined by Hackett as functions on integers and I'm not confident that I
;; can still write the Ord instance for integers if I shadow them here
[le? : {A -> A -> Bool}
(λ* [[x y] (case (compare x y) [gt False] [_ True])])]
[ge? : {A -> A -> Bool} (λ* [[x y] (case (compare x y) [lt False] [_ True])])]
[lt? : {A -> A -> Bool} (λ* [[x y] (case (compare x y) [lt True] [_ False])])]
[gt? : {A -> A -> Bool} (λ* [[x y] (case (compare x y) [gt True] [_ False])])])
(instance (Ord Integer)
[le? <=])
;; I couldn't find the actual implementation in Haskell but this seems to be what GHC does
(instance (∀ [A] (Ord A) => (Ord (List A)))
(λ* [[Nil Nil] eq]
[[Nil _] lt]
[[_ Nil] gt]
[[{x :: xs} {y :: ys}]
(case (compare x y)
[eq (compare xs ys)]
[ans ans])])])
;; Utilities
;; I believe these are a part of the `Bits` typeclass in Haskell
(defn shiftL : {Integer -> Integer -> Integer}
[[x n]
(if {n == 0}
(shiftL {x * 2} {n - 1}))])
(defn shiftR : {Integer -> Integer -> Integer}
[[x n]
(if {n == 0}
(shiftR (quotient! x 2) {n - 1}))])
;; Triples
(data (Triple A B C)
(Triple A B C))
(instance (∀ [A B C] (Eq A) (Eq B) (Eq C) => (Eq (Triple A B C)))
[== (λ* [[(Triple a1 b1 c1) (Triple a2 b2 c2)]
{{a1 == a2} && {b1 == b2} && {c1 == c2}}])])
(instance (∀ [A B C] (Show A) (Show B) (Show C) => (Show (Triple A B C)))
[show (λ* [[(Triple a b c)]
{"Triple " ++ (show a) ++ " " ++ (show b) ++ " " ++ (show c)}])])
;; Set Datatype and Instances
(data (Set A)
(Bin Integer A (Set A) (Set A))
;; Eq converts the set to a list. In a lazy setting, this
;; actually seems one of the faster methods to compare two trees
;; and it is certainly the simplest :-)
(instance (∀ [A] (Eq A) => (Eq (Set A)))
[== (λ* [[t1 t2]
{{(size t1) == (size t2)} && {(toAscList t1) == (toAscList t2)}}])])
;; Ord
(instance (∀ [A] (Ord A) => (Ord (Set A)))
[compare (λ [s1 s2] (compare (toAscList s1) (toAscList s2)))])
;; Show
(instance (∀ [A] (Show A) => (Show (Set A)))
[show (λ [s] {"fromList " ++ (show (toList s))})])
;; Query
;; /O(1)/. Is this the empty set?
(defn null : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> Bool})
[[Tip] True]
[[(Bin _ _ _ _)] False])
;; /O(1)/. The number of elements in the set.
(defn size : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> Integer})
[[Tip] 0]
[[(Bin sz _ _ _)] sz])
;; apparently hackett can't infer typeclass constraints
;; explicitly quantifying these types is a PITA
;; /O(log n)/. Is the element in the set?
(def member : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> Bool})
(letrec ([go
(λ* [[_ Tip] False]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)]
(case (compare x y)
[lt (go x l)]
[gt (go x r)]
[eq True])])])
;; /O(log n)/. Is the element not in the set?
(defn not-member : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> Bool})
[[a t] (not (member a t))])
;; /O(log n)/. Find largest element smaller than the given one.
;; > lookupLT 3 (fromList [3, 5]) == Nothing
;; > lookupLT 5 (fromList [3, 5]) == Just 3
(def lookup-lt : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Maybe A)})
(letrec ([go-nothing
(λ* [[_ Tip] Nothing]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)]
(if {x le? y}
(go-nothing x l)
(go-just x y r))])]
(λ* [[_ best Tip] (Just best)]
[[x best (Bin _ y l r)]
(if {x le? y}
(go-just x best l)
(go-just x y r))])])
;; /O(log n)/. Find smallest element greater than the given one.
;; > lookupGT 4 (fromList [3, 5]) == Just 5
;; > lookupGT 5 (fromList [3, 5]) == Nothing
(def lookup-gt : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Maybe A)})
(letrec ([go-nothing
(λ* [[_ Tip] Nothing]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)]
(if {x lt? y}
(go-just x y l)
(go-nothing x r))])]
(λ* [[_ best Tip] (Just best)]
[[x best (Bin _ y l r)]
(if {x lt? y}
(go-just x y l)
(go-just x best r))])])
;; | /O(log n)/. Find largest element smaller or equal to the given one.
;; > lookupLE 2 (fromList [3, 5]) == Nothing
;; > lookupLE 4 (fromList [3, 5]) == Just 3
;; > lookupLE 5 (fromList [3, 5]) == Just 5
(def lookupLE : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Maybe A)})
(letrec ([go-nothing
(λ* [[_ Tip] Nothing]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)]
(case (compare x y)
[lt (go-nothing x l)]
[eq (Just y)]
[gt (go-just x y r)])])]
(λ* [[_ best Tip] (Just best)]
[[x best (Bin _ y l r)]
(case (compare x y)
[lt (go-just x best l)]
[eq (Just y)]
[gt (go-just x y r)])])])
;; | /O(log n)/. Find smallest element greater or equal to the given one.
;; > lookupGE 3 (fromList [3, 5]) == Just 3
;; > lookupGE 4 (fromList [3, 5]) == Just 5
;; > lookupGE 6 (fromList [3, 5]) == Nothing
(def lookupGE : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Maybe A)})
(letrec ([go-nothing
(λ* [[_ Tip] Nothing]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)]
(case (compare x y)
[lt (go-just x y l)]
[eq (Just y)]
[gt (go-nothing x r)])])]
(λ* [[_ best Tip] (Just best)]
[[x best (Bin _ y l r)]
(case (compare x y)
[lt (go-just x y l)]
[eq (Just y)]
[gt (go-just x best r)])])])
;; | /O(1)/. The empty set.
(def empty : (∀ [A] (Set A))
;; | /O(1)/. Create a singleton set.
(defn singleton : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A)})
[[x] (Bin 1 x Tip Tip)])
;; Insertion, Deletion
;; /O(log n)/. Insert an element in a set.
;; If the set already contains an element equal to the given value,
;; it is replaced with the new value.
(defn insert : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
(letrec ([go : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> A -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
(λ* [[orig _ Tip] (singleton (lazy orig))]
[[orig x (Bin sz y l r)]
(case (compare x y)
[lt (let ([l2 (go orig x l)])
(if (ptr-eq? l2 l)
(Bin sz y l r) ;; this used an @ pattern originally
(balanceL y l2 r)))]
[gt (let ([r2 (go orig x r)])
(if (ptr-eq? r2 r)
(Bin sz y l r) ;; this used an @ pattern originally
(balanceR y l r2)))]
[eq (if (ptr-eq? orig y)
(Bin sz y l r) ;; this used an @ pattern originally
(Bin sz (lazy orig) l r))])])])
(go x0 x0))])
;; I don't know what this is for.
(defn lazy
[[x] x])
;; stand-in in case Hackett ever provides this
(defn ptr-eq? : (∀ [A] (Eq A) => {A -> A -> Bool})
[[x y] {x == y}])
;; Insert an element to the set only if it is not in the set.
;; Used by `union`.
(defn insertR : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
(letrec ([go : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> A -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
(λ* [[orig _ Tip] (singleton (lazy orig))]
[[orig x (Bin s y l r)] ;; @ pattern used
(case (compare x y)
[lt (let ([ll (go orig x r)])
(if (ptr-eq? ll l)
(Bin s y l r)
(balanceL y ll r)))]
[gt (let ([rr (go orig x r)])
(if (ptr-eq? rr r)
(Bin s y l r)
(balanceR y l rr)))]
[eq (Bin s y l r)])])])
(go x0 x0))])
;; /O(log n)/. Delete an element from a set.
(def delete : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
(letrec ([go : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
(λ* [[_ Tip] Tip]
[[x (Bin s y l r)] ;; @ pattern used
(case (compare x y)
[lt (let ([ll (go x l)])
(if (ptr-eq? ll l)
(Bin s y l r)
(balanceR y ll r)))]
[gt (let ([rr (go x r)])
(if (ptr-eq? rr r)
(Bin s y l r)
(balanceL y l rr)))]
[eq (glue l r)])])])
;; Subset
;; /O(n+m)/. Is this a proper subset? (ie. a subset but not equal).
(defn isProperSubsetOf? : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> Bool})
[[s1 s2] {{(size s1) < (size s2)} && {s1 isSubsetOf? s2}}])
;; /O(n+m)/. Is this a subset?
;; @(s1 `isSubsetOf` s2)@ tells whether @s1@ is a subset of @s2@.
(defn isSubsetOf? : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> Bool})
[[t1 t2] {{(size t1) <= (size t2)} && {t1 isSubsetOfX? t2}}])
(defn isSubsetOfX? : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> Bool})
[[Tip _] True]
[[_ Tip] False]
[[(Bin _ x l r) t]
(case (splitMember x t)
[(Triple ls found gs)
{found && {l isSubsetOfX? ls} && {r isSubsetOfX? gs}}])])
;; Disjoint
;; /O(n+m)/. Check whether two sets are disjoint (i.e. their intersection
;; is empty).
;; > disjoint (fromList [2,4,6]) (fromList [1,3]) == True
;; > disjoint (fromList [2,4,6,8]) (fromList [2,3,5,7]) == False
;; > disjoint (fromList [1,2]) (fromList [1,2,3,4]) == False
;; > disjoint (fromList []) (fromList []) == True
(defn disjoint : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> Bool})
[[Tip _] True]
[[_ Tip] True]
[[(Bin _ x l r) t]
(case (splitMember x t)
[(Triple ls found gs)
{(not found) && (disjoint l ls) && (disjoint r gs)}])])
;; Minimal, Maximal
(defn lookupMinSure : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> A})
[[x Tip] x]
[[_ (Bin _ x l _)] (lookupMinSure x l)])
;; /O(log n)/. The minimal element of a set.
(defn lookupMin : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Maybe A)})
[[Tip] Nothing]
[[(Bin _ x l _)] (Just (lookupMinSure x l))])
;; /O(log n)/. The minimal element of a set.
(defn findMin : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> A})
[[t] (case (lookupMin t)
[(Just r) r]
[_ (error! "Set.findMin: empty set has no minimal element")])])
(defn lookupMaxSure : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> A})
[[x Tip] x]
[[_ (Bin _ x _ r)] (lookupMaxSure x r)])
;; /O(log n)/. The maximal element of a set.
(defn lookupMax : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Maybe A)})
[[Tip] Nothing]
[[(Bin _ x _ r)] (Just (lookupMaxSure x r))])
;; /O(log n)/. The maximal element of a set.
(defn findMax : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> A})
[[t] (case (lookupMax t)
[(Just r) r]
[_ (error! "Set.findMin: empty set has no minimal element")])])
;; /O(log n)/. Delete the minimal element. Returns an empty set if the set is empty.
(defn deleteMin : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[(Bin _ _ Tip r)] r]
[[(Bin _ x l r)] (balanceR x (deleteMin l) r)]
[[Tip] Tip])
;; /O(log n)/. Delete the maximal element. Returns an empty set if the set is empty.
(defn deleteMax : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[(Bin _ _ l Tip)] l]
[[(Bin _ x l r)] (balanceL x l (deleteMax r))]
[[Tip] Tip])
;; Union
;; The union of a list of sets: (@'unions' == 'foldl' 'union' 'empty'@).
(def unions : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(List (Set A)) -> (Set A)})
(foldl union empty))
;; /O(m*log(n\/m + 1)), m <= n/. The union of two sets, preferring the first set when
;; equal elements are encountered.
(defn union : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[t1 Tip] t1]
[[t1 (Bin _ x Tip Tip)] (insertR x t1)]
[[(Bin _ x Tip Tip) t2] (insert x t2)]
[[Tip t2] t2]
[[(Bin s1 x l1 r1) t2] ;; @ pattern used
(case (splitS x t2)
[(Tuple l2 r2)
(let ([l1l2 (union l1 l2)]
[r1r2 (union r1 r2)])
(if {(ptr-eq? l1l2 l1) && (ptr-eq? r1r2 r1)}
(Bin s1 x l1 r1)
(link x l1l2 r1r2)))])])
;; Difference
;; /O(m*log(n\/m + 1)), m <= n/. Difference of two sets.
(defn difference : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[Tip _] Tip]
[[t1 Tip] t1]
[[t1 (Bin _ x l2 r2)]
(case (split x t1)
[(Tuple l1 r1)
(let ([l1l2 (difference l1 l2)]
[r1r2 (difference r1 r2)])
(if {(size l1l2) + (size r1r2) == (size t1)}
(merge l1l2 r1r2)))])])
;; Intersection
;; /O(m*log(n\/m + 1)), m <= n/. The intersection of two sets.
;; Elements of the result come from the first set, so for example
;; > import qualified Data.Set as S
;; > data AB = A | B deriving Show
;; > instance Ord AB where compare _ _ = EQ
;; > instance Eq AB where _ == _ = True
;; > main = print (S.singleton A `S.intersection` S.singleton B,
;; > S.singleton B `S.intersection` S.singleton A)
;; prints @(fromList [A],fromList [B])@.
(defn intersection : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[Tip _] Tip]
[[_ Tip] Tip]
[[t1 t2] ;; @ pattern used
(case t1
[(Bin _ x l1 r1)
(case (splitMember x t2)
[(Triple l2 b r2)
(let ([l1l2 (intersection l1 l2)]
[r1r2 (intersection r1 r2)])
(if b
(if {(ptr-eq? l1l2 l1) && (ptr-eq? r1r2 r1)}
(link x l1l2 r1r2))
(merge l1l2 r1r2)))])]
[_ (error! ":'(")])])
;; Filter and partition
;; /O(n)/. Filter all elements that satisfy the predicate.
(defn filter : (∀ [A] (Eq A) => {{A -> Bool} -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[_ Tip] Tip]
[[p (Bin s x l r)] ;; @ pattern used
(let ([l2 (filter p l)]
[r2 (filter p r)])
(if (p x)
(if {(ptr-eq? l l2) && (ptr-eq? r r2)}
(Bin s x l r)
(link x l2 r2))
(merge l2 r2)))])
;; /O(n)/. Partition the set into two sets, one with all elements that satisfy
;; the predicate and one with all elements that don't satisfy the predicate.
;; See also 'split'.
(defn partition : (∀ [A] (Eq A) => {{A -> Bool} -> (Set A) -> (Tuple (Set A) (Set A))})
[[p0 t0]
(letrec ([go (λ* [[_ Tip] (Tuple Tip Tip)]
[[p (Bin s x l r)] ;; @ pattern used
(case* [(go p l) (go p r)]
[[(Tuple l1 l2) (Tuple r1 r2)]
(if (p x)
(Tuple (if {(ptr-eq? l1 l) && (ptr-eq? r1 r)}
(Bin s x l r)
(link x l1 r1))
(merge l2 r2))
(Tuple (merge l1 r1)
(if {(ptr-eq? l2 l) && (ptr-eq? r2 r)}
(Bin s x l r)
(link x l2 r2))))])])])
(go p0 t0))])
;; Map
;; /O(n*log n)/.
;; @'map' f s@ is the set obtained by applying @f@ to each element of @s@.
;; It's worth noting that the size of the result may be smaller if,
; for some @(x,y)@, @x \/= y && f x == f y@
(defn set-map : (∀ [A B] (Ord B) => {{A -> B} -> (Set A) -> (Set B)})
[[f s] (fromList (map f (toList s)))])
;; | /O(n)/. The
;; @'mapMonotonic' f s == 'map' f s@, but works only when @f@ is strictly increasing.
;; /The precondition is not checked./
;; Semi-formally, we have:
;; > and [x < y ==> f x < f y | x <- ls, y <- ls]
;; > ==> mapMonotonic f s == map f s
;; > where ls = toList s
(defn mapMonotonic : (∀ [A B] {{A -> B} -> (Set A) -> (Set B)})
[[_ Tip] Tip]
[[f (Bin sz x l r)] (Bin sz (f x) (mapMonotonic f l) (mapMonotonic f r))])
;; Fold
;; /O(n)/. Fold the elements in the set using the given right-associative
;; binary operator, such that @'foldr' f z == 'Prelude.foldr' f z . 'toAscList'@.
;; For example,
;; > toAscList set = foldr (:) [] set
(defn foldr : (∀ [A B] {{A -> B -> B} -> B -> (Set A) -> B})
[[f z]
(letrec [(go
(λ* [[zz Tip] zz]
[[zz (Bin _ x l r)] (go (f x (go zz r)) l)]))]
(go z))])
;; /O(n)/. Fold the elements in the set using the given left-associative
;; binary operator, such that @'foldl' f z == 'Prelude.foldl' f z . 'toAscList'@.
;; For example,
;; > toDescList set = foldl (flip (:)) [] set
(defn set-foldl : (∀ [A B] {{A -> B -> A} -> A -> (Set B) -> A})
[[f z]
(letrec ([go (λ* [[z2 Tip] z2]
[[z2 (Bin _ x l r)] (go (f (go z2 l) x) r)])])
(go z))])
;; Lists
;; /O(n)/. Convert the set to an ascending list of elements. Subject to list fusion.
(def toAscList : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (List A)})
(foldr :: Nil))
;; /O(n)/. Convert the set to a list of elements. Subject to list fusion.
(def toList : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (List A)})
;; /O(n*log n)/. Create a set from a list of elements.
;; If the elements are ordered, a linear-time implementation is used,
;; with the performance equal to 'fromDistinctAscList'.
;; For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromList or in
;; create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.
(def fromList : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {(List A) -> (Set A)})
(letrec ([not-ordered? (λ* [[_ Nil] False]
[[x {y :: _}] {x ge? y}])]
[fromList2 (λ [t0 xs] (foldl (flip insert) t0 xs))]
[go (λ* [[_ t Nil] t]
[[_ t {x :: Nil}] (insertMax x t)]
[[s l {x :: xss}] ;; @ pattern used
(let ([xs {x :: xss}])
(if (not-ordered? x xss)
(fromList2 l xs)
(case (create s xss)
[(Triple r ys Nil) (go (shiftL s 1) (link x l r) ys)]
[(Triple r _ ys) (fromList2 (link x l r) ys)])))])]
;; The create is returning a triple (tree, xs, ys). Both xs and ys
;; represent not yet processed elements and only one of them can be nonempty.
;; If ys is nonempty, the keys in ys are not ordered with respect to tree
;; and must be inserted using fromList'. Otherwise the keys have been
;; ordered so far.
[create (λ* [[_ Nil] (Triple Tip Nil Nil)]
[[s {x :: xss}] ;; @ pattern used
(let ([xs {x :: xss}])
(if {s == 1}
(if (not-ordered? x xss)
(Triple (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) Nil xss)
(Triple (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) xss Nil))
(case (create (shiftR s 1) xs)
[(Triple a Nil b) (Triple a Nil b)] ;; @ pattern used
[(Triple l {y :: Nil} zs) (Triple (insertMax y l) Nil zs)]
[(Triple l {y :: yss} _) ;; @ pattern used
(let ([ys {y :: yss}])
(if (not-ordered? y yss)
(Triple l Nil ys)
(case (create (shiftR s 1) yss)
[(Triple r zs ws) (Triple (link y l r) zs ws)])))]
[_ (error! "See above note about invariant")])))])])
(λ* [[Nil] Tip]
[[{x :: Nil}] (Bin 1 x Tip Tip)]
[[{x0 :: xs0}]
(if (not-ordered? x0 xs0)
(fromList2 (Bin 1 x0 Tip Tip) xs0)
(go 1 (Bin 1 x0 Tip Tip) xs0))])))
;; /O(n)/. Convert the set to a descending list of elements. Subject to list
;; fusion.
(def toDescList : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (List A)})
(set-foldl (flip ::) Nil))
;; Building trees from ascending/descending lists can be done in linear time.
;; Note that if [xs] is ascending that:
;; fromAscList xs == fromList xs
;; /O(n)/. Build a set from an ascending list in linear time.
;; /The precondition (input list is ascending) is not checked./
(defn fromAscList : (∀ [A] (Eq A) => {(List A) -> (Set A)})
[[xs] (fromDistinctAscList (combineEq xs))])
;; /O(n)/. Build a set from a descending list in linear time.
;; /The precondition (input list is descending) is not checked./
(defn fromDescList : (∀ [A] (Eq A) => {(List A) -> (Set A)})
[[xs] (fromDistinctDescList (combineEq xs))])
;; [combineEq xs] combines equal elements with [const] in an ordered list [xs]
;; TODO: combineEq allocates an intermediate list. It *should* be better to
;; make fromAscListBy and fromDescListBy the fundamental operations, and to
;; implement the rest using those.
(defn combineEq : (∀ [A] (Eq A) => {(List A) -> (List A)})
[[Nil] Nil]
[[{x :: xs}]
(letrec ([combineEq2 (λ* [[z Nil] {z :: Nil}]
[[z {y :: ys}]
(if {z == y}
(combineEq2 z ys)
{z :: (combineEq2 y ys)})])])
(combineEq2 x xs))])
;; | /O(n)/. Build a set from an ascending list of distinct elements in linear time.
;; /The precondition (input list is strictly ascending) is not checked./
;; For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromDistinctAscList or in
;; create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.
(defn fromDistinctAscList : (∀ [A] {(List A) -> (Set A)})
[[Nil] Tip]
[[{x0 :: xs0}]
(letrec ([go (λ* [[_ t Nil] t]
[[s l {x :: xs}]
(case (create s xs)
[(Tuple r ys) (let ([t2 (link x l r)])
(go (shiftL s 1) t2 ys))])])]
[create (λ* [[_ Nil] (Tuple Tip Nil)]
[[s {x :: xs2}] ;; @ pattern used
(let ([xs {x :: xs2}])
(if {s == 1}
(Tuple (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) xs2)
(case (create (shiftR s 1) xs)
[(Tuple x Nil) (Tuple x Nil)] ;; @ pattern used
[(Tuple l {y :: ys})
(case (create (shiftR s 1) ys)
[(Tuple r zs) (Tuple (link y l r) zs)])])))])])
(go 1 (Bin 1 x0 Tip Tip) xs0))])
;; /O(n)/. Build a set from a descending list of distinct elements in linear time.
;; /The precondition (input list is strictly descending) is not checked./
;; For some reason, when 'singleton' is used in fromDistinctDescList or in
;; create, it is not inlined, so we inline it manually.
(defn fromDistinctDescList : (∀ [A] {(List A) -> (Set A)})
[[Nil] Tip]
[[{x0 :: xs0}]
(letrec ([go (λ* [[_ t Nil] t]
[[s r {x :: xs}]
(case (create s xs)
[(Tuple l ys) (let ([t2 (link x l r)])
(go (shiftL s 1) t2 ys))])])]
[create (λ* [[_ Nil] (Tuple Tip Nil)]
[[s {x :: xs2}] ;; @ pattern used
(let ([xs {x :: xs2}])
(if {s == 1}
(Tuple (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) xs2)
(case (create (shiftR s 1) xs)
[(Tuple x Nil) (Tuple x Nil)] ;; @ pattern used
[(Tuple r {y :: ys})
(case (create (shiftR s 1) ys)
[(Tuple l zs) (Tuple (link y l r) zs)])])))])])
(go 1 (Bin 1 x0 Tip Tip) xs0))])
;; List variations
;; /O(n)/. An alias of 'toAscList'. The elements of a set in ascending order.
;; Subject to list fusion.
(def elems : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (List A)})
;; Split
;; /O(log n)/. The expression (@'split' x set@) is a pair @(set1,set2)@
;; where @set1@ comprises the elements of @set@ less than @x@ and @set2@
;; comprises the elements of @set@ greater than @x@.
(defn split : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Tuple (Set A) (Set A))})
[[x t] (splitS x t)])
;; originally returned a `StrictPair`
(defn splitS : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Tuple (Set A) (Set A))})
[[_ Tip] (Tuple Tip Tip)]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)]
(case (compare x y)
[lt (case (splitS x l)
[(Tuple ls gs) (Tuple ls (link y gs r))])]
[gt (case (splitS x r)
[(Tuple ls gs) (Tuple (link y l ls) gs)])]
[eq (Tuple l r)])])
(defn splitMember : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Triple (Set A) Bool (Set A))})
[[_ Tip] (Triple Tip False Tip)]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)]
(case (compare x y)
[lt (case (splitMember x l)
[(Triple ls found gs)
(let ([gs2 (link y gs r)])
(Triple ls found gs2))])]
[gt (case (splitMember x r)
[(Triple ls found gs)
(let ([ls2 (link y l ls)])
(Triple ls2 found gs))])]
[eq (Triple l True r)])])
;; Indexing
;; /O(log n)/. Return the /index/ of an element, which is its zero-based
;; index in the sorted sequence of elements. The index is a number from /0/ up
;; to, but not including, the 'size' of the set. Calls 'error' when the element
;; is not a 'member' of the set.
;; > findIndex 2 (fromList [5,3]) Error: element is not in the set
;; > findIndex 3 (fromList [5,3]) == 0
;; > findIndex 5 (fromList [5,3]) == 1
;; > findIndex 6 (fromList [5,3]) Error: element is not in the set
(def findIndex : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> Integer})
(letrec ([go : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {Integer -> A -> (Set A) -> Integer})
(λ* [[_ _ Tip] (error! "Set.findIndex: element is not in the set")]
[[idx x (Bin _ kx l r)]
(case (compare x kx)
[lt (go idx x l)]
[gt (go {idx + (size l) + 1} x r)]
[eq {idx + (size l)}])])])
(go 0)))
;; /O(log n)/. Lookup the /index/ of an element, which is its zero-based index in
;; the sorted sequence of elements. The index is a number from /0/ up to, but not
;; including, the 'size' of the set.
;; > isJust (lookupIndex 2 (fromList [5,3])) == False
;; > fromJust (lookupIndex 3 (fromList [5,3])) == 0
;; > fromJust (lookupIndex 5 (fromList [5,3])) == 1
;; > isJust (lookupIndex 6 (fromList [5,3])) == False
(def lookupIndex : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {A -> (Set A) -> (Maybe Integer)})
(letrec ([go : (∀ [A] (Ord A) => {Integer -> A -> (Set A) -> (Maybe Integer)})
(λ* [[_ _ Tip] Nothing]
[[idx x (Bin _ kx l r)]
(case (compare x kx)
[lt (go idx x l)]
[gt (go {idx + (size l) + 1} x r)]
[eq (Just {idx + (size l)})])])])
(go 0)))
;; /O(log n)/. Retrieve an element by its /index/, i.e. by its zero-based
;; index in the sorted sequence of elements. If the /index/ is out of range (less
;; than zero, greater or equal to 'size' of the set), 'error' is called.
;; > elemAt 0 (fromList [5,3]) == 3
; > elemAt 1 (fromList [5,3]) == 5
;; > elemAt 2 (fromList [5,3]) Error: index out of range
(defn elemAt : (∀ [A] {Integer -> (Set A) -> A})
[[_ Tip] (error! "Set.elemAt: index out of range")]
[[i (Bin _ x l r)]
(let ([sizeL (size l)])
(case (compare i sizeL)
[lt (elemAt i l)]
[gt (elemAt {i - sizeL - 1} r)]
[eq x]))])
;; /O(log n)/. Delete the element at /index/, i.e. by its zero-based index in
;; the sorted sequence of elements. If the /index/ is out of range (less than zero,
;; greater or equal to 'size' of the set), 'error' is called.
;; > deleteAt 0 (fromList [5,3]) == singleton 5
;; > deleteAt 1 (fromList [5,3]) == singleton 3
;; > deleteAt 2 (fromList [5,3]) Error: index out of range
;; > deleteAt (-1) (fromList [5,3]) Error: index out of range
(defn deleteAt : (∀ [A] {Integer -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[i t]
(case t
[Tip (error! "Set.deleteAt: index out of range")]
[(Bin _ x l r)
(let ([sizeL (size l)])
(case (compare i sizeL)
[lt (balanceR x (deleteAt i l) r)]
[gt (balanceL x l (deleteAt {i - sizeL - 1} r))]
[eq (glue l r)]))])])
;; Take a given number of elements in order, beginning
;; with the smallest ones.
;; take n = 'fromDistinctAscList' . 'Prelude.take' n . 'toAscList'
(defn take : (∀ [A] {Integer -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[i m]
(if {i > (size m)}
(if {i <= 0}
(letrec ([go (λ* [[i Tip] Tip]
[[i (Bin _ x l r)]
(let ([sizeL (size l)])
(case (compare i sizeL)
[lt (go i l)]
[gt (link x l (go {i - sizeL - i} r))]
[eq l]))])])
(go i m))))])
;; Drop a given number of elements in order, beginning
;; with the smallest ones.
;; drop n = 'fromDistinctAscList' . 'Prelude.drop' n . 'toAscList'
(defn drop : (∀ [A] {Integer -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[i m]
(if {i >= (size m)}
(letrec ([go (λ* [[_ Tip] Tip]
[[i (Bin s x l r)]
(if {i < 0}
(Bin s x l r)
(let ([sizeL (size l)])
(case (compare i sizeL)
[lt (link x (go i l) r)]
[gt (go {i - sizeL - 1} r)]
[eq (insertMin x r)])))])])
(go i m)))])
(defn splitAt : (∀ [A] {Integer -> (Set A) -> (Tuple (Set A) (Set A))})
[[i0 m0]
(if {i0 >= (size m0)}
(Tuple m0 Tip)
(letrec ([go (λ* [[_ Tip] (Tuple Tip Tip)]
[[i (Bin s x l r)]
(if {i <= 0}
(Tuple Tip (Bin s x l r))
(let ([sizeL (size l)])
(case (compare i sizeL)
[lt (case (go i l)
[(Tuple ll lr) (Tuple ll (link x lr r))])]
[gt (case (go {i - sizeL - 1} r)
[(Tuple rl rr) (Tuple (link x l rl) rr)])]
[eq (Tuple l (insertMin x r))])))])])
(go i0 m0)))])
;; /O(log n)/. Take while a predicate on the elements holds.
;; The user is responsible for ensuring that for all elements @j@ and @k@ in the set,
;; @j \< k ==\> p j \>= p k@. See note at 'spanAntitone'.
;; @
;; takeWhileAntitone p = 'fromDistinctAscList' . 'Data.List.takeWhile' p . 'toList'
;; takeWhileAntitone p = 'filter' p
;; @
(defn takeWhileAntitone : (∀ [A] {{A -> Bool} -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[_ Tip] Tip]
[[p (Bin _ x l r)]
(if (p x)
(link x l (takeWhileAntitone p r))
(takeWhileAntitone p l))])
;; /O(log n)/. Drop while a predicate on the elements holds.
;; The user is responsible for ensuring that for all elements @j@ and @k@ in the set,
;; @j \< k ==\> p j \>= p k@. See note at 'spanAntitone'.
;; @
;; dropWhileAntitone p = 'fromDistinctAscList' . 'Data.List.dropWhile' p . 'toList'
;; dropWhileAntitone p = 'filter' (not . p)
;; @
(defn dropWhileAntitone : (∀ [A] {{A -> Bool} -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[_ Tip] Tip]
[[p (Bin _ x l r)]
(if (p x)
(dropWhileAntitone p r)
(link x (dropWhileAntitone p l) r))])
;; | /O(log n)/. Divide a set at the point where a predicate on the elements stops holding.
;; The user is responsible for ensuring that for all elements @j@ and @k@ in the set,
;; @j \< k ==\> p j \>= p k@.
;; @
;; spanAntitone p xs = ('takeWhileAntitone' p xs, 'dropWhileAntitone' p xs)
;; spanAntitone p xs = partition p xs
;; @
;; Note: if @p@ is not actually antitone, then @spanAntitone@ will split the set
;; at some /unspecified/ point where the predicate switches from holding to not
;; holding (where the predicate is seen to hold before the first element and to fail
;; after the last element).
(defn spanAntitone : (∀ [A] {{A -> Bool} -> (Set A) -> (Tuple (Set A) (Set A))})
[[p0 m]
(letrec ([go (λ* [[_ Tip] (Tuple Tip Tip)]
[[p (Bin _ x l r)]
(if (p x)
(case (go p r)
[(Tuple u v) (Tuple (link x l u) v)])
(case (go p l)
[(Tuple u v) (Tuple u (link x v r))]))])])
(go p0 m))])
[balance x l r] balances two trees with value x.
The sizes of the trees should balance after decreasing the
size of one of them. (a rotation).
[delta] is the maximal relative difference between the sizes of
two trees, it corresponds with the [w] in Adams' paper.
[ratio] is the ratio between an outer and inner sibling of the
heavier subtree in an unbalanced setting. It determines
whether a double or single rotation should be performed
to restore balance. It is correspondes with the inverse
of $\alpha$ in Adam's article.
Note that according to the Adam's paper:
- [delta] should be larger than 4.646 with a [ratio] of 2.
- [delta] should be larger than 3.745 with a [ratio] of 1.534.
But the Adam's paper is errorneous:
- it can be proved that for delta=2 and delta>=5 there does
not exist any ratio that would work
- delta=4.5 and ratio=2 does not work
That leaves two reasonable variants, delta=3 and delta=4,
both with ratio=2.
- A lower [delta] leads to a more 'perfectly' balanced tree.
- A higher [delta] performs less rebalancing.
In the benchmarks, delta=3 is faster on insert operations,
and delta=4 has slightly better deletes. As the insert speedup
is larger, we currently use delta=3.
(def delta 3)
(def ratio 2)
-- The balance function is equivalent to the following:
-- balance :: a -> Set a -> Set a -> Set a
-- balance x l r
-- | sizeL + sizeR <= 1 = Bin sizeX x l r
-- | sizeR > delta*sizeL = rotateL x l r
-- | sizeL > delta*sizeR = rotateR x l r
-- | otherwise = Bin sizeX x l r
-- where
-- sizeL = size l
-- sizeR = size r
-- sizeX = sizeL + sizeR + 1
-- rotateL :: a -> Set a -> Set a -> Set a
-- rotateL x l r@(Bin _ _ ly ry) | size ly < ratio*size ry = singleL x l r
-- | otherwise = doubleL x l r
-- rotateR :: a -> Set a -> Set a -> Set a
-- rotateR x l@(Bin _ _ ly ry) r | size ry < ratio*size ly = singleR x l r
-- | otherwise = doubleR x l r
-- singleL, singleR :: a -> Set a -> Set a -> Set a
-- singleL x1 t1 (Bin _ x2 t2 t3) = bin x2 (bin x1 t1 t2) t3
-- singleR x1 (Bin _ x2 t1 t2) t3 = bin x2 t1 (bin x1 t2 t3)
-- doubleL, doubleR :: a -> Set a -> Set a -> Set a
-- doubleL x1 t1 (Bin _ x2 (Bin _ x3 t2 t3) t4) = bin x3 (bin x1 t1 t2) (bin x2 t3 t4)
-- doubleR x1 (Bin _ x2 t1 (Bin _ x3 t2 t3)) t4 = bin x3 (bin x2 t1 t2) (bin x1 t3 t4)
-- It is only written in such a way that every node is pattern-matched only once.
-- Only balanceL and balanceR are needed at the moment, so balance is not here anymore.
-- In case it is needed, it can be found in Data.Map.
-- Functions balanceL and balanceR are specialised versions of balance.
-- balanceL only checks whether the left subtree is too big,
-- balanceR only checks whether the right subtree is too big.
;; balanceL is called when left subtree might have been inserted to or when
;; right subtree might have been deleted from.
(defn balanceL : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[x l r]
(case r
(case l
[Tip (Bin 1 x Tip Tip)]
[(Bin _ _ Tip Tip) (Bin 2 x l Tip)]
[(Bin _ lx Tip (Bin _ lrx _ _))
(Bin 3 lrx (Bin 1 lx Tip Tip) (Bin 1 x Tip Tip))]
[(Bin _ lx (Bin a b c d) Tip) (Bin 3 lx (Bin a b c d) (Bin 1 x Tip Tip))] ;; @ pattern
[(Bin ls lx (Bin lls a b c) (Bin lrs lrx lrl lrr))
(if {lrs lt? {ratio * lls}}
(Bin {1 + ls} lx (Bin lls a b c) (Bin {1 + lrs} x (Bin lrs lrx lrl lrr) Tip))
(Bin {1 + ls} lrx (Bin {1 + lls + (size lrl)} lx (Bin lls a b c) lrl) (Bin {1 + (size lrr)} x lrr Tip)))])]
[(Bin rs _ _ _)
(case l
[Tip (Bin {1 + rs} x Tip r)]
[(Bin ls lx ll lr)
(if {ls gt? {delta * rs}}
(case* [ll lr]
[[(Bin lls _ _ _) (Bin lrs lrx lrl lrr)]
(if {lrs lt? {ratio * lls}}
(Bin {1 + ls + rs} lx ll (Bin {1 + rs + lrs} x lr r))
(Bin {1 + ls + rs} lrx (Bin {1 + lls + (size lrl)} lx ll lrl) (Bin {1 + rs + (size lrr)} x lrr r)))]
[[_ _] (error! "Failure in balanceL")])
(Bin {1 + ls + rs} x l r))])])])
;; balanceR is called when right subtree might have been inserted to or when
;; left subtree might have been deleted from.
(defn balanceR : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[x l r]
(case l
(case r
[Tip (Bin 1 x Tip Tip)]
[(Bin _ _ Tip Tip) (Bin 2 x Tip r)]
[(Bin _ rx Tip (Bin a b c d)) (Bin 3 rx (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) (Bin a b c d))] ;; @ pattern used
[(Bin _ rx (Bin _ rlx _ _) Tip) (Bin 3 rlx (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) (Bin 1 rx Tip Tip))]
[(Bin rs rx (Bin rls rlx rll rlr) (Bin rrs a b c))
(if {rls lt? {ratio * rrs}}
(Bin {1 + rs} rx (Bin {1 + rls} x Tip (Bin rls rlx rll rlr)) (Bin rrs a b c))
(Bin {1 + rs} rlx (Bin {1 + (size rll)} x Tip rll) (Bin {1 + rrs + (size rlr)} rx rlr (Bin rrs a b c))))])]
[(Bin ls _ _ _)
(case r
[Tip (Bin {1 + ls} x l Tip)]
[(Bin rs rx rl rr)
(if {rs gt? {delta * ls}}
(case* [rl rr]
[[(Bin rls rlx rll rlr) (Bin rrs _ _ _)]
(if {rls lt? {ratio * rrs}}
(Bin {1 + ls + rs} rx (Bin {1 + ls + rls} x l rl) rr)
(Bin {1 + ls + rs} rlx (Bin {1 + ls + (size rll)} x l rll) (Bin {1 + rrs + (size rlr)} rx rlr rr)))]
[[_ _] (error! "Failure in balanceR")])
(Bin {1 + ls + rs} x l r))])])])
;; The bin constructor maintains the size of the tree
(defn bin : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[x l r] (Bin {(size l) + (size r) + 1} x l r)])
Utility functions that maintain the balance properties of the tree.
All constructors assume that all values in [l] < [x] and all values
in [r] > [x], and that [l] and [r] are valid trees.
In order of sophistication:
[Bin sz x l r] The type constructor.
[bin x l r] Maintains the correct size, assumes that both [l]
and [r] are balanced with respect to each other.
[balance x l r] Restores the balance and size.
Assumes that the original tree was balanced and
that [l] or [r] has changed by at most one element.
[link x l r] Restores balance and size.
Furthermore, we can construct a new tree from two trees. Both operations
assume that all values in [l] < all values in [r] and that [l] and [r]
are valid:
[glue l r] Glues [l] and [r] together. Assumes that [l] and
[r] are already balanced with respect to each other.
[merge l r] Merges two trees and restores balance.
;; [glue l r]: glues two trees together.
;; Assumes that [l] and [r] are already balanced with respect to each other.
(defn glue : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[Tip r] r]
[[l Tip] l]
[[(Bin sl xl ll lr) (Bin sr xr rl rr)] ;; @ patterns used
(if {sl > sr}
(case (maxViewSure xl ll lr) ;; pattern-matching `let` used originally
[(Tuple m ll) (balanceR m ll (Bin sr xr rl rr))])
(case (minViewSure xl ll lr)
[(Tuple m rr) (balanceL m (Bin sl xl ll lr) rr)]))])
;; originially returned a `StrictPair`
(def minViewSure : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Tuple A (Set A))})
(letrec ([go (λ* [[x Tip r] (Tuple x r)]
[[x (Bin _ xl ll lr) r]
(case (go xl ll lr)
[(Tuple xm lll) (Tuple xm (balanceR x lll r))])])])
;; originially returned a `StrictPair`
(def maxViewSure : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Tuple A (Set A))})
(letrec ([go (λ* [[x l Tip] (Tuple x l)]
[[x l (Bin _ xr rl rr)]
(case (go xr rl rr)
[(Tuple xm rrr) (Tuple xm (balanceL x l rrr))])])])
;; Link
(defn link : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[x Tip r] (insertMin x r)]
[[x l Tip] (insertMax x l)]
[[x (Bin sizeL y ly ry) (Bin sizeR z lz rz)] ;; @ patterns used
(if {{delta * sizeL} < sizeR}
(balanceL z (link x (Bin sizeL y ly ry) lz) rz)
(if {{delta * sizeR} < sizeL}
(balanceR y ly (link x ry (Bin sizeR z lz rz)))
(bin x (Bin sizeL y ly ry) (Bin sizeR z lz rz))))])
;; insertMin and insertMax don't perform potentially expensive comparisons.
(defn insertMax : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[x Tip] (singleton x)]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)] (balanceR y l (insertMax x r))])
(defn insertMin : (∀ [A] {A -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[x Tip] (singleton x)]
[[x (Bin _ y l r)] (balanceL y (insertMin x l) r)])
;; [merge l r]: merges two trees.
(defn merge : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Set A) -> (Set A)})
[[Tip r] r]
[[l Tip] l]
[[l r] ;; @ pattern used
(case* [l r]
[[(Bin sizeL x lx rx) (Bin sizeR y ly ry)]
(if {{delta * sizeL} < sizeR}
(balanceL y (merge l ly) ry)
(if {{delta * sizeR} < sizeL}
(balanceR x lx (merge rx r))
(glue l r)))]
[[_ _] (error! ":'(")])])
;; /O(log n)/. Delete and find the minimal element.
;; > deleteFindMin set = (findMin set, deleteMin set)
(defn deleteFindMin : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Tuple A (Set A))})
[[t] (case (minView t)
[(Just r) r]
[_ (Tuple (error! "Set.deleteFindMin: can not return the minimal element of an empty set")
;; /O(log n)/. Delete and find the maximal element.
;; > deleteFindMax set = (findMax set, deleteMax set)
(defn deleteFindMax : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Tuple A (Set A))})
[[t] (case (maxView t)
[(Just r) r]
[_ (Tuple (error! "Set.deleteFindMax: can not return the maximal element of an empty set")
;; /O(log n)/. Retrieves the minimal key of the set, and the set
;; stripped of that element, or 'Nothing' if passed an empty set.
(defn minView : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Maybe (Tuple A (Set A)))})
[[Tip] Nothing]
[[(Bin _ x l r)] (Just (minViewSure x l r))])
;; /O(log n)/. Retrieves the maximal key of the set, and the set
;; stripped of that element, or 'Nothing' if passed an empty set.
(defn maxView : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Maybe (Tuple A (Set A)))})
[[Tip] Nothing]
[[(Bin _ x l r)] (Just (maxViewSure x l r))])
;; Utilities
;; /O(1)/. Decompose a set into pieces based on the structure of the underlying
;; tree. This function is useful for consuming a set in parallel.
;; No guarantee is made as to the sizes of the pieces; an internal, but
;; deterministic process determines this. However, it is guaranteed that the pieces
;; returned will be in ascending order (all elements in the first subset less than all
;; elements in the second, and so on).
;; Examples:
;; > splitRoot (fromList [1..6]) ==
;; > [fromList [1,2,3],fromList [4],fromList [5,6]]
;; > splitRoot empty == []
;; Note that the current implementation does not return more than three subsets,
;; but you should not depend on this behaviour because it can change in the
;; future without notice.
(defn splitRoot : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (List (Set A))})
[[Tip] Nil]
[[(Bin _ v l r)] {l :: (singleton v) :: r :: Nil}])
;; Calculate the power set of a set: the set of all its subsets.
;; @
;; t `member` powerSet s == t `isSubsetOf` s
;; @
;; Example:
;; @
;; powerSet (fromList [1,2,3]) =
;; fromList [[], [1], [2], [3], [1,2], [1,3], [2,3], [1,2,3]]
;; @
(defn powerSet : (∀ [A] {(Set A) -> (Set (Set A))})
(letrec ([step (λ [x pxs] (glue (insertMin (singleton x)
(mapMonotonic (insertMin x) pxs))
(insertMin empty (foldr step Tip xs0)))])
powerSet :: Set a -> Set (Set a)
powerSet xs0 = insertMin empty (foldr' step Tip xs0) where
step x pxs = insertMin (singleton x) (insertMin x `mapMonotonic` pxs) `glue` pxs
-- | Calculate the Cartesian product of two sets.
-- @
-- cartesianProduct xs ys = fromList $ liftA2 (,) (toList xs) (toList ys)
-- @
-- Example:
-- @
-- cartesianProduct (fromList [1,2]) (fromList ['a','b']) =
-- fromList [(1,'a'), (1,'b'), (2,'a'), (2,'b')]
-- @
-- @since 0.5.11
cartesianProduct :: Set a -> Set b -> Set (a, b)
cartesianProduct as bs =
getMergeSet $ foldMap (\a -> MergeSet $ mapMonotonic ((,) a) bs) as
-- A version of Set with peculiar Semigroup and Monoid instances.
-- The result of xs <> ys will only be a valid set if the greatest
-- element of xs is strictly less than the least element of ys.
-- This is used to define cartesianProduct.
newtype MergeSet a = MergeSet { getMergeSet :: Set a }
#if (MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0))
instance Semigroup (MergeSet a) where
MergeSet xs <> MergeSet ys = MergeSet (merge xs ys)
instance Monoid (MergeSet a) where
mempty = MergeSet empty
#if (MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0))
mappend = (<>)
mappend (MergeSet xs) (MergeSet ys) = MergeSet (merge xs ys)
-- | Calculate the disjoin union of two sets.
-- @ disjointUnion xs ys = map Left xs `union` map Right ys @
-- Example:
-- @
-- disjointUnion (fromList [1,2]) (fromList ["hi", "bye"]) =
-- fromList [Left 1, Left 2, Right "hi", Right "bye"]
-- @
-- @since 0.5.11
disjointUnion :: Set a -> Set b -> Set (Either a b)
disjointUnion as bs = merge (mapMonotonic Left as) (mapMonotonic Right bs)
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