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Created October 31, 2018 21:23
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#lang racket
; Interpreter for MetaScheme, the core staged language.
(struct lit [v] #:transparent)
(struct lam [xs e] #:transparent)
(struct ref [x] #:transparent)
(struct app [e1 e2] #:transparent)
(struct lif [c t e] #:transparent)
(struct quot [e] #:transparent)
(struct unquot [e] #:transparent)
(struct rep [e] #:transparent)
(struct clo [xs e env] #:transparent)
(struct prim [proc] #:transparent)
(struct bind [phase val])
(define gensym
(let ([ctr 0])
(λ (sym)
(define init (symbol->string sym))
(define base init #;(car (string-split init "-")))
(set! ctr (+ ctr 1))
(string->symbol (string-append base "-" (number->string ctr))))))
(define (eval exp env)
(match exp
[(lit v)
[(ref x)
(match-define (bind (or 0 'all) b-v)
(hash-ref env x (lambda () (error 'eval "unbound reference ~a" x))))
[(lam x e)
(clo x e env)]
[(app e1 e2)
(lapply (eval e1 env)
(eval e2 env))]
[(lif c t e)
(if (eval c env)
(eval t env)
(eval e env))]
[(quot e)
(rep (stage e env 1))]
(define (lapply f v)
(match f
[(clo x b c-env)
(eval b (hash-set c-env x (bind 0 v)))]
[(prim proc)
(proc v)]))
(define (stage exp env ph)
(match exp
[(lit v)
(lit v)]
[(ref x)
(match-define (bind b-ph b-v) (hash-ref env x))
[(equal? 'all b-ph)
(ref x)]
[(= ph b-ph)
(ref b-v)]
(error 'stage "variable not in phase: ~a" x)])]
[(lam x e)
(define g (gensym x))
(lam g (stage e (hash-set env x (bind ph g)) ph))]
[(app e1 e2)
(app (stage e1 env ph)
(stage e2 env ph))]
[(lif c t e)
(lif (stage c env ph) (stage t env ph) (stage e env ph))]
[(quot e)
(quot (stage e env (+ ph 1)))]
[(unquot e)
(let loop ([e^ (unquot e)]
[ph ph])
[(= ph 0)
(rep-e (eval e^ env))]
[(unquot? e^)
(loop (unquot-e e^) (- ph 1))]
(unquot (stage e env (- ph 1)))]))]))
(define (make-prim n f)
(let rec ([n n]
[args '()])
(if (= n 0)
(apply f (reverse args))
(prim (lambda (x)
(rec (- n 1) (cons x args)))))))
(define (select top-sexp path)
(let loop ([sexp top-sexp]
[path path])
(if (null? path)
(if (< (car path) (length sexp))
(loop (list-ref sexp (car path)) (cdr path))
(error 'parse "bad syntax: ~a" top-sexp)))))
(define prim-info
(cons 'run (make-prim 1 (lambda (v) (eval (rep-e v) prim-env))))
(cons 'lift (make-prim 1 (lambda (v) (rep (lit v)))))
(cons 'error (make-prim 3 error))
(cons 'car (make-prim 1 car))
(cons 'cdr (make-prim 1 cdr))
(cons 'cadr (make-prim 1 cadr))
(cons '- (make-prim 2 -))
(cons '* (make-prim 2 *))
(cons '+ (make-prim 2 +))
(cons '/ (make-prim 2 /))
(cons 'not (make-prim 1 not))
(cons 'null? (make-prim 1 null?))
(cons 'list? (make-prim 1 list?))
(cons 'box (make-prim 1 box))
(cons 'unbox (make-prim 1 unbox))
(cons 'set-box! (make-prim 2 set-box!))
(cons 'pair? (make-prim 1 pair?))
(cons 'symbol? (make-prim 1 symbol?))
(cons 'number? (make-prim 1 number?))
(cons 'select (make-prim 2 select))
(cons 'procedure? (make-prim 1 procedure?))
(cons 'equal? (make-prim 2 equal?))
(cons 'hash-set (make-prim 3 hash-set))
(cons 'hash-ref (make-prim 2 hash-ref))
(cons 'hash-has-key? (make-prim 2 hash-has-key?))
(cons 'debug (make-prim 1 (lambda (v) (displayln v) v)))
(define prim-env
(map (λ (p) (cons (car p) (bind 'all (cdr p))))
; Bootstrap parser. Only necessary for parsing the implementation of the real,
; embedded parser. Not extensible with macros, so no environment and doesn't check
; binding.
(define (parse exp)
(match exp
[(or (? number?) (? string?) #t #f)
(lit exp)]
[`(,'quote ,e)
(lit e)]
[(? symbol?)
(ref exp)]
[`(lambda (,x) ,e)
(lam x (parse e))]
[`(if ,c ,t ,e)
(lif (parse c) (parse t) (parse e))]
[`(,'quasiquote ,e)
(quot (parse e))]
[`(,'unquote ,e)
(unquot (parse e))]
[`(,e1 ,e2)
(app (parse e1) (parse e2))]
; Sugar to make the bootstrap easier
[`(let ([,x ,e]) ,b)
(app (lam x (parse b)) (parse e))]
[`(cond . ,(list cs ...))
(let loop ([cs cs])
(match cs
[(list `[else ,e])
(parse e)]
[(list-rest `[,c, e] rest)
(lif (parse c)
(parse e)
(loop rest))]))]
; Tests for the bootstrap language: parser + core evaluator
(define (bev e) (eval (parse e) prim-env))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (bev '(((lambda (x) (lambda (y) x)) 4) 5))
; Run
(check-equal? (bev '(run `5))
; Primitives
(check-equal? (bev '(if #t (car '(a b)) 'b))
; Hygiene of MetaScheme quotations
(check-equal? (bev '(((run `(lambda (x) ,((lambda (y) `(lambda (x) ,y)) `x)))
; Bootstrap sugar
(check-equal? (bev '(let ([x 5]) x))
; Lifting data. I don't know if this is safe to try to apply
; to closures; so far I'm using it for s-expressions and staged code
(check-equal? (bev '(let ([x 5]) (run (lift x))))
(define prim-parser-env
(map (λ (p) (cons (car p) (rep (ref (car p)))))
[`(,'quasiquote ,e)
(quot (parse e))]
[`(,'unquote ,e)
(unquot (parse e))]
(define parser-stx
'(lambda (parse)
(lambda (stx)
(lambda (env)
(let ([bad-syntax (lambda (stx) (((error 'parse) "bad syntax: ~a") stx))])
(let ([handle-app (lambda (stx)
(if (pair? (cdr stx))
; application
`(,((parse (car stx)) env)
,((parse (cadr stx)) env))
(bad-syntax stx)))])
[(number? stx)
(lift stx)]
[((equal? stx) #t)
(lift stx)]
[((equal? stx) #f)
(lift stx)]
[(symbol? stx)
((hash-ref env) stx)]
[(pair? stx)
(if (symbol? (car stx))
(let ([sym (car stx)])
[((equal? 'quote) sym)
(lift ((select stx) '(1)))]
[((equal? 'lambda) sym)
`(lambda (v)
,((parse ((select stx) '(2)))
(((hash-set env) ((select stx) '(1 0))) `v)))]
[((equal? 'if) sym)
`(if ,((parse ((select stx) '(1))) env)
,((parse ((select stx) '(2))) env)
,((parse ((select stx) '(3))) env))]
[((equal? 'quasiquote) sym)
``,,((parse ((select stx) '(1))) env)]
[((equal? 'unquote) sym)
((parse ((select stx) '(1))) env)]
(if ((hash-has-key? env) sym)
(let ([stager ((hash-ref env) sym)])
(if (procedure? stager)
((stager stx) env)
(handle-app stx)))
(handle-app stx))]))
(handle-app stx))]
[else (bad-syntax stx)])))))))
; Tie the knot for the bootstrap parser, externally to the language. We'll later
; implement letrec inside the language via the real parser.
(define parser-clo
(let ([b (box #f)])
(let ([fixed (make-prim 2 (lambda (stx env)
(lapply (lapply (unbox b) stx) env)))])
(set-box! b (lapply (bev parser-stx) fixed))
(unbox b))))
(define (ev stx)
(eval (rep-e (lapply (lapply parser-clo stx) prim-parser-env))
(ev '(((lambda (x) (lambda (y) (if x x y))) 5) 6))
(ev '(lambda (x) ``(lambda (y) ,,x)))
;(lapply (bev '(lambda (x) `(lambda (y) x))) 6)
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