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Created November 9, 2011 21:57
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spectrumAnalyzer function for DST (Matlab)
% Michael Bartnett
% mrb402
% Friday November 4, 2011
% spectrumAnalyzer.m
% Function spectrumAnalyzer
% Reads a wav file and generates a STFT
% Usage: spectrumAnalyzer(filename, winLength, overlapLength, winType[, fftLength])
% filename - The wav file to read
% winLength - The length of each FFT window
% overlapLength - The amount to overlap between FFT windows
% winType - The windowing function to use
% fftLength - Optional parameter to increase the resolution of each FFT window
% Window functions:
% rect - Uses rectwin()
% hamming - Uses hamming()
% hann - Uses hann()
% blackman - Uses blackman()
% bartlett - Uses bartlett
% window - Uses bartlett()
function y = spectrumAnalyzer(filename, winLength, overlapLength, winType, fftLength)
if nargin < 4
error('Parameters: filename, winLength, overlapLength, winType[, fftLength]');
elseif nargin == 4
fftLength = winLength;
elseif (nargin == 5) && (fftLength <= winLength)
error('If specified, fftLength must be greater than winLength')
if overlapLength > winLength
error('winLength must be greater than overlapLength')
% Generate window based on winType parameter
switch winType
case 'rect'
window = rectwin(winLength);
case 'hamming'
window = hamming(winLength);
case 'hann'
window = hann(winLength);
case 'blackman'
window = blackman(winLength);
case 'bartlett'
window = bartlett(winLength);
error('winType must be one of rect, hamming, hann, blackman, or bartlett');
% Read in wav file, capture numchannels
samples = wavread(filename);
[numSamples, channels] = size(samples);
% Sum to mono if more than one channel
mix = samples(:,1);
if channels > 1
for i = 2:channels
mix = mix + samples(:,i);
% Normalize mix
mix = mix / max(mix);
% Calculate the number of frames, and how much to pad the source signal
numFrames = ceil(numSamples / (winLength - overlapLength));
targetLen = numFrames * (winLength - overlapLength) + overlapLength;;
padCount = targetLen - length(mix);
% Pad it
mix = [mix; zeros(padCount, 1)];
% Preallocate STFT buffer
y = zeros(numFrames, winLength);
for i = 1:numFrames - 1
r1 = i * (winLength - overlapLength) + 1; % calculate start of slice
r2 = (r1 + winLength - 1); % calculate end of slice
% Pull slice out of source signal
submix = mix(r1:(r1 + winLength - 1),1) .* window;
if fftLength > winLength
pre = ceil((fftLength - winLength) / 2);
post = fftLength - pre;
submix = [zeros(pre,1); submix; zeros(post,1)];
% Get the magnitude
transformed = abs(fft(submix, winLength));
% Add it to the next row in the preallocated STFT buffer
y(i,:) = transformed;
% Normalize the magnitudes
y = y / sum(window);
% Scale magnitudes to dB
y = log10(y / 1.0);
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