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Created November 21, 2011 19:16
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convolver function for DST (Matlab)
% Michael Bartnett
% mrb402
% Monday November 21, 2011
% convolver.m
% Function convolver
% Convolves two audio files, a signal and an impulse response
% Usage: convolver(IRfilename, SIGfilename, OUTfile, convMethod[, chunkLength])
% IRfilename - The name of the mono wave file designated as the impulse response
% SIGfilename - The name of the mono wave file designated as the signal
% OUTfile - The mono wave file to which to write the result of the convolution
% convMethod - 1: Direct convolution, or 2: Fast convolution
% chunkLength - Optional. The length of each chunk in samples for using teh overlap-add method.
% Defaults to the length of SIGfile
function convolver(IRfilename, SIGfilename, OUTfile, convMethod, chunkLength)
% Verify number of arguments
if nargin < 4 || nargin > 5
error('Bad argcount, arguments: IRfilename, SIGfilename, OUTfile, convMethod[, chunkLength]');
% Read the signal and IR from the filesystem
sigSamples = wavread(IRfilename);
irSamples = wavread(SIGfilename);
% Ensure chunkLength has at least a default value
if nargin == 4
chunkLength = length(sigSamples);
% Find and calculate useful lengths for sample bufers
irLength = length(irSamples);
sigLength = length(sigSamples);
convLength = sigLength + irLength - 1;
chunkConvLength = chunkLength + irLength - 1;
bufferOffset = 0;
% Preallocate memory for the output
convBuffer = zeros(convLength, 1);
% Branch for convolution method
switch convMethod
case 1
% Verify we don't try to read past the length of the signal
while bufferOffset < sigLength
% Multiply each sample in IR against each sample in signal
for i = 1:irLength
newSampleSlice = sigSamples(1 + bufferOffset:bufferOffset + chunkLength) .* irSamples(i);
irOffset = bufferOffset + i - 1;
convBuffer(1 + irOffset:irOffset + chunkLength) = convBuffer(1 + irOffset:irOffset + chunkLength) + newSampleSlice;
bufferOffset = bufferOffset + chunkLength;
if (sigLength - bufferOffset) < chunkLength
chunkLength = sigLength - bufferOffset;
case 2
% Preallocate chunk buffer
chunk = zeros(chunkConvLength, 1);
% Resize IR samples to match length of convolved chunk buffer
resizedIRSamples = irSamples;
resizedIRSamples(chunkConvLength) = 0;
% Precalculate fft of IR
irfft = fft(resizedIRSamples);
% Verify we don't try to read past the length of the signal
while bufferOffset < sigLength
% Pull the next chunk out of the source signal and apply FFT
chunk(1:chunkLength) = sigSamples(1 + bufferOffset:bufferOffset + chunkLength);
fftChunk = fft(chunk);
% Take inverse fft of freq-domain IR and signal chunk
% element-wise multiplied
backInTime = ifft(irfft .* fftChunk);
convBuffer(1 + bufferOffset:bufferOffset + chunkConvLength) = convBuffer(1 + bufferOffset:bufferOffset + chunkConvLength) + backInTime;
% Update buffer offset for next chunk
bufferOffset = bufferOffset + chunkLength;
% If our chunkLength is not an even multiple of the length of the signal, we need to compensate
if (sigLength - bufferOffset) < chunkLength
chunkLength = sigLength - bufferOffset;
% If chunk length is zero, we can avoid recalculating all of these
if chunkLength > 0
% Otherwise, the length of the chunk has changed,
% so we need to resize the transformed IR as well
chunkConvLength = chunkLength + irLength - 1;
chunk = zeros(chunkConvLength, 1);
resizedIRSamples = irSamples;
resizedIRSamples(chunkConvLength) = 0;
irfft = fft(resizedIRSamples);
% Normalize the output and write it out
convBuffer = convBuffer / max(abs(convBuffer));
wavwrite(convBuffer, 44100, OUTfile);
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