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Created January 17, 2013 22:18
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mgeutils makes MongoEngine more fun to use ;P
"""mgeutils module
Decorators and convenience functions for using mongoengine
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import logging
import bson
import mongoengine as mge
import datetime
import dateutil.parser as dateparser
import utils
_MGE_SERIALIZABLE_DOCUMENT = (mge.Document, mge.EmbeddedDocument)
def _mge_convert_to_json_builtin(obj):
"""Attempts to converted MongoEngine objects to
something that can be serialized to JSON
if isinstance(obj, _MGE_SERIALIZABLE_DOCUMENT):
if hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'):
return obj.to_dict()
logging.error("Got a MongoEngine Document, but it wasn't a superdoc")
elif isinstance(obj, _MGE_SERIALIZE_TO_UNICODE):
return unicode(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, mge.ValidationError):
result = {}
for attr in ('errors', 'field_name', 'message'):
val = getattr(obj, attr)
if isinstance(val, basestring) and val.startswith('ValidationError('):
if val:
result[attr] = val
return result
return utils._convert_to_json_builtin(obj)
def json_encode(value, *args, **kwargs):
"""JSON encoding that supports encoding mongoengine Documents."""
default = kwargs.pop('default', None) or _mge_convert_to_json_builtin
return utils.json_encode(value, default=default)
class LegitDateTimeField(mge.DateTimeField):
def validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime,
self.error('Could not parse date {0}'.format(value))
def prepare_query_value(self, op, value):
if value is None:
return value
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
return value
if isinstance(value,
return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month,
return super(LegitDateTimeField, self).prepare_query_value(op, value)
def __ensure_class_not_hasattr(cls, attr_name):
assert not hasattr(cls, attr_name), (
'Class {1} already has {0} attribute. Superdoc needs that name.'
''.format(cls, attr_name))
def superdoc(cls): # Decorator
"""Decorator that mixes in some useful functions for
manipulating MongoEngine documents.
# Make some guarantees. Why decorate if you've
# already defined your helper methods?
assert isinstance(cls, mge.base.DocumentMetaclass), (
'Class {0} decorated by superdoc must be a mongoengine.Document'
__ensure_class_not_hasattr(cls, 'field_names')
__ensure_class_not_hasattr(cls, 'reference_fields')
__ensure_class_not_hasattr(cls, 'to_dict')
__ensure_class_not_hasattr(cls, 'update_fields')
@utils.restrict_kwargs('include', 'exclude')
def field_names(cls, **kwargs):
for name in cls._fields.viewkeys():
yield name
if hasattr(cls, '__getattr__'):
old_getattr = cls.__getattr__
def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
if attr_name.endswith('__id'):
realattr = attr_name[:-4]
ref_field = self._data.get(realattr, None)
# Only guarantee success for presence in reference_fields
# and exact type match
if ref_field is None and realattr in self.reference_fields:
# Sometimes a ReferenceField may be present but not set
return None
elif type(ref_field) is bson.ObjectId:
return ref_field
elif type(ref_field) is bson.DBRef:
# If old_getattr is not defined, then
# control will pass down to the "raise AttributeError"
return old_getattr(self, attr_name)
elif attr_name.endswith('__dbref'):
realattr = attr_name[:-7]
ref_field = self._data.get(realattr, None)
# Only makes sense to return DBRef objects
if ref_field is None and realattr in self.reference_fields:
return None
if type(ref_field is bson.DBRef):
return ref_field
# If old_getattr is not defined, then
# control will pass down to the "raise AttributeError"
return old_getattr(self, attr_name)
# Just continue to the AttributeError
raise AttributeError(
"'{0}' object has no attribute '{1}'"
"".format(type(self).__name__, attr_name))
def update_fields(self, **kwargs):
field_set = self.get_field_set(exclude='id')
for k in kwargs:
if k in field_set:
setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])
@utils.restrict_kwargs('include', 'exclude')
def get_field_set(cls, **kwargs):
defined_fields = frozenset(cls.field_names())
include = kwargs.get('include', defined_fields)
exclude = kwargs.get('exclude', None)
if utils.is_iter_not_str(include):
include_set = frozenset(include)
include_set = frozenset((include,))
if utils.is_iter_not_str(exclude):
exclude_set = frozenset(exclude)
exclude_set = frozenset((exclude,))
field_set = include_set - exclude_set
if not field_set <= defined_fields:
raise ValueError(
'The fields {0} are not defined in {1}'
''.format(field_set - defined_fields, cls))
return field_set
@utils.restrict_kwargs('include', 'exclude', 'include_nulls', 'include_empties')
def to_dict(self, **kwargs):
include_nulls = kwargs.pop('include_nulls', True)
include_empties = kwargs.pop('include_empties', True)
field_set = self.get_field_set(**kwargs)
result = {}
for fieldname in field_set:
if fieldname in self.reference_fields:
result[fieldname] = getattr(self, '{0}__id'.format(fieldname))
if fieldname == 'id':
value =
field = self._fields[fieldname]
value = getattr(self, fieldname)
if value or (include_empties and value is not None):
result[fieldname] = field.to_python(value)
elif include_nulls and value is None:
result[fieldname] = None
raise ValueError("Unexpected type found in to_dict call")
return result
the_ref_fields = {
field for field in cls._fields.viewkeys()
if type(cls._fields[field]) is mge.ReferenceField}
cls.reference_fields = property(lambda cls: the_ref_fields)
cls.__getattr__ = __getattr__
cls.field_names = field_names
cls.to_dict = to_dict
cls.update_fields = update_fields
cls.get_field_set = get_field_set
return cls
""""utils module
Module containing helper functions used throughout
the project, and not tied to a specify library other
than what's in the stdlib (2.7).
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import inspect
import functools
import json
import collections
import datetime
from tornado import escape
{fn_name}() does not support a kwarg named {kwarg_name}
Supported kwargs are: {supported_kwargs}
File "{filename}", line {lineno}, in {caller_fn_name}
{fn_name}() missing a kwarg named {kwarg_name}.
Required kwargs are: {required_kwargs}
File "{filename}", line {lineno}, in {caller_fn_name}
def is_iter_not_str(arg):
"""Helper to concisely check if an object is iterable, but not a string."""
return (isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable) and
not isinstance(arg, basestring))
def flatten(iter):
"""Quickly flatten an iterable. Returns a generator."""
for el in iter:
if is_iter_not_str(el):
for sub in flatten(el):
yield sub
yield el
def flatten_and_split(strings, separator=','):
"""For a list of [separator]-separated strings,
split the strings by [separator] and flatten the resultant
lists into one big list.
for splitstr in (s.split(',') for s in flatten(strings)):
for string in splitstr:
if string:
yield string
def _convert_to_json_builtin(value):
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
return value.isoformat()
elif isinstance(value, collections.Set):
return list(value)
raise TypeError('Could not serialize type {0}'.format(type(value)))
def json_encode(value, *args, **kwargs):
"""JSON-encodes the given Python object."""
# JSON permits but does not require forward slashes to be escaped.
# This is useful when json data is emitted in a <script> tag
# in HTML, as it prevents </script> tags from prematurely terminating
# the javscript. Some json libraries do this escaping by default,
# although python's standard library does not, so we do it here.
default = kwargs.pop('default', None) or _convert_to_json_builtin
value = escape.recursive_unicode(value)
json_str = json.dumps(value, default=default, *args, **kwargs)
return json_str.replace("</", "<\\/")
def json_decode(s):
"""JSON-decodes a json-encoded string into a Python object (dict for now).
return json.loads(s)
def restrict_kwargs(*supported_kwargs):
"""Raises TypeError if the kwargs passed into the function do not match
the list of arguments that you specify. Gets you part of the effect of
keyword-only arguments in Python 2.7.x.
def decorator(fn):
def fn_with_kwargs_restriction(*args, **kwargs):
for kwarg_name in kwargs.viewkeys():
if kwarg_name not in supported_kwargs:
stackinfo_keys = ('_fname', 'filename', 'lineno',
'caller_fn_name', 'context', '_deth')
stackinfo = inspect.stack()[1]
msg_dict = dict(zip(stackinfo_keys, stackinfo))
'context': ''.join(msg_dict['context']),
'fn_name': fn.__name__,
'kwarg_name': kwarg_name,
'supported_kwargs': supported_kwargs,
raise TypeError(_RESTRICT_KWARGS_MSG.format(**msg_dict))
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return fn_with_kwargs_restriction
return decorator
def require_kwargs(*required_kwargs):
"""Raises TypeError if the the kwargs passed into the function do not
contain all of the arguments that you specify. Gets you part of the
effect of keyword-only arguments in Python 2.7.x.
def decorator(fn):
def fn_with_kwargs_requirement(*args, **kwargs):
kwarg_keys = list(kwargs.viewkeys())
for kwarg_name in required_kwargs:
if kwarg_name not in kwarg_keys:
stackinfo_keys = ('_fname', 'filename', 'lineno',
'caller_fn_name', 'context', '_deth')
stackinfo = inspect.stack()[1]
msg_dict = dict(zip(stackinfo_keys, stackinfo))
'context': ''.join(msg_dict['context']),
'fn_name': fn.__name__,
'kwarg_name': kwarg_name,
'required_kwargs': required_kwargs,
raise TypeError(_REQUIRE_KWARGS_MSG.format(**msg_dict))
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return fn_with_kwargs_requirement
return decorator
def shallow_memoize(fn):
lookup = {}
def memoized_func(*args, **kwargs):
arg_tuple = (args, tuple(kwargs.viewkeys()), tuple(kwargs.viewvalues()))
if arg_tuple in lookup:
return lookup[arg_tuple]
result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
lookup[arg_tuple] = result
return result
return memoized_func
def sparse_bitcount(val, abs_when_negative=True):
count = 0
if abs_when_negative:
val = abs(val)
elif val < 0:
raise ValueError(
"Either specify abs_when_negatve=True, or "
"don't pass negative values to count_bits.")
while val:
val &= val - 1
count += 1
return count
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Future readers, please note that this thing is a great sadness that I would not wish upon anyone. It has destroyed so many lives, and none yet know the full extent of the damage it has wrought.

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