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Created August 1, 2018 17:29
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#include <string>
#define STR1 "Hello"
//#define STR2 "World"
#define STR2 "12345678123456781234567812345678"
//#define STR2 "Worlda"
#define METHOD 3
std::string get_value(const bool b)
#if METHOD == 1
std::string ret;
if (b) {
ret = STR1;
} else {
ret = STR2;
return ret;
#elif METHOD == 2
if (b) {
return STR1;
} else {
return STR2;
#elif METHOD == 3
return b ? STR1 : STR2;
#elif METHOD == 4
return b ? STR1 : "World";
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