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Created July 25, 2008 19:46
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require 'open-uri'
require 'rubygems'
require 'hpricot'
ARGV.each do |gi|
# Fetch the URL and pass the contents to Hpricot
url = "{gi}&rettype=fasta&retmode=xml"
doc = Hpricot.XML(open(url).read)
# Use Hpricot to naviagte to the necessary position in the document
# Select only the sub nodes that are elements, as carriage returns are treated as content
# but are not what we are interested in
elements ="TSeqSet/TSeq/*").select{|x| x.instance_of? Hpricot::Elem}
# Iterate through each element, and pass to the injected hash map
# Inject is a bit of Ruby magic that allows an enum to be traversed
# but also includes the method argument in the scope of the loop
map = elements.inject( do |hash,elem|
# Split each element into a key value pair and add to the hash
# Use gsub to remove the 'TSeq_' at the start of each key, then downcase and convert to a symbol
hash['TSeq_','').downcase.to_sym] = elem.inner_text
# Updated object needs to be returned at the end on an inject loop
# Output the arguments to the command line
# NOTE: This is the only part of the code that is dependent on the names of the tinyseq values
puts "(#{map[:gi]}|#{map[:accver]}) \"#{map[:defline]}\" size:#{map[:length]} #{map[:orgname]}"
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