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Created July 12, 2020 17:32
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Mariana color scheme overrides
// Refs:
// -
// -
"variables": {
// "black": "hsl(0, 0%, 0%)",
// "blue": "hsl(210, 50%, 60%)",
// "blue2": "hsl(209, 13%, 35%)",
// "blue3": "hsl(210, 15%, 24%)",
// "blue4": "hsl(210, 13%, 45%)",
// "blue5": "hsl(180, 36%, 54%)",
// "blue6": "hsl(221, 12%, 69%)",
// "green": "hsl(114, 31%, 68%)",
// "grey": "hsl(0, 0%, 20%)",
// "orange": "hsl(32, 93%, 66%)",
// "orange2": "hsl(32, 85%, 55%)",
// "orange3": "hsl(40, 94%, 68%)",
// "pink": "hsl(300, 30%, 68%)",
// "red": "hsl(357, 79%, 65%)",
// "red2": "hsl(13, 93%, 66%)",
// "white": "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)",
// "white2": "hsl(0, 0%, 97%)",
// "white3": "hsl(219, 28%, 88%)",
"white4": "hsl(219, 28%, 78%)",
"globals": {
"brackets_options": "bold glow",
"tags_options": "glow",
"tags_foreground": "var(orange)",
"rules": [
"name": "Brackets",
"scope": "punctuation.section",
"foreground": "var(white4)",
"name": "Labels",
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(blue5)",
"font_style": "italic",
"name": "Variables",
"scope": "variable.other -",
"foreground": "var(white3)",
"name": "Variables",
"scope": "variable.other.predefined",
"foreground": "var(red)",
"name": "Flow Controls",
"scope": "keyword.control",
// "font_style": "italic",
"name": "JSON Keys",
"scope": "meta.mapping.key.json string",
"foreground": "var(white3)",
"name": "Embeds",
"scope": "text source, source source, source string.regexp.js",
// "scope": "(text | source) (text | source)",
"background": "color(var(blue3) l(+ 4%))",
// {
// "name": "Embeds (nested again)",
// "scope": "text source source, source text source",
// // "scope": "(text | source) (text | source) (text | source)",
// "background": "color(var(blue3) l(+ 2%))",
// },
"name": "Underlines",
"scope": "markup.underline",
"font_style": "underline",
"name": "Strings",
"scope": "string, constant.character.cs",
"background": "color(var(blue3) l(+ 2%))",
"name": "Embeds with strings",
"scope": "text source string, source source string",
// "scope": "(text | source) (text | source)",
"background": "color(var(blue3) l(+ 6%))",
// {
// "name": "GFM Checkboxes",
// "scope": "keyword.other.checkbox.markdown-gfm",
// "background": "var(white3)",
// "foreground": "var(blue2)",
// },
"name": "Number Bases",
"scope": "punctuation.definition.numeric.base",
"foreground": "color(var(orange) a(- 20%))",
// "foreground_adjust": "a(- 20%)",
// "foreground_adjust": "l(+ 20%)",
"name": "SQL tables",
"scope": "constant.other.table-name",
"foreground": "var(orange2)",
"name": "TypeScript Array type",
"scope": "source.ts meta.type storage.modifier.array",
"foreground": "color(var(red) a(- 30%))",
"name": "Syntax Definition Files",
"scope": "support.module.file-path.sublime-syntax",
"foreground": "var(orange3)",
// {
// "name": "Placeholder escapes",
// "scope": "constant.other.placeholder",
// "font_style": "glow",
// },
"name": "Diff sections",
"scope": "source.diff",
"foreground": "var(orange)",
"name": "Regex groups",
"scope": "source.regexp",
"foreground": "var(white4)",
"name": "Regex sets",
"scope": "source.regexp keyword.control.set",
"foreground": "var(blue5)",
"name": "Regex special",
"scope": "source.regexp keyword.control.anchors, source.regexp keyword.other.any",
"foreground": "var(red)",
"name": "Regex assertion",
"scope": "source.regexp constant.other.assertion",
"foreground": "var(orange)",
"name": "Regex backref",
"scope": "(source.regexp | source.regexp-replacement) & keyword.other.backref-and-recursion",
"foreground": "var(orange2)",
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