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Created December 14, 2016 22:49
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How to compute variational expectations of empirical doc-topic probabilities
import numpy as np
import itertools
def calc_bar_z_K(resp_UK=None, wc_U=None):
''' Compute empirical doc-topic probability vector
barz_K : 1D array, size K
barz_K[k] = fraction of tokens in doc explained by topic k
return, resp_UK) / np.sum(wc_U)
def calc_bar_z_outer_prod_KK(resp_UK=None, wc_U=None):
''' Compute outer-product of empirical doc-topic probability vector
Uses smarter for-loop strategy that uses U^2/2 outer product calculations
barz_KK : 2D array, size K x K
barz_KK[j, k] = frac of pairs of tokens explained by j and k
= [ \sum_{u} \sum_{v} c_u r_uj c_v r_vk ] / (sum(c)*sum(c))
U = wc_U.size
# Element-wise multiply
wresp_UK = wc_U[:, None] * resp_UK
barz_KK = np.zeros((K, K))
# Loop over pairs of rows (u,v) where u == v
for u in xrange(U):
barz_KK += (wc_U[u] **2) * np.diag(resp_UK[u])
# Loop over pairs of rows (u,v) where u != v
for u1, u2 in itertools.combinations(xrange(U), 2):
tmp_KK = np.outer(wresp_UK[u1], wresp_UK[u2])
barz_KK += tmp_KK
barz_KK += tmp_KK.T
return barz_KK / (np.sum(wc_U)**2)
def calc_bar_z_outer_prod_KK__slow(resp_UK=None, wc_U=None):
''' Compute outer-product of empirical doc-topic probability vector
Uses naive for-loop strategy over all pairs of rows
which requires U^2 outer product calculations
barz_KK : 2D array, size K x K
barz_KK[j, k] = frac of pairs of tokens explained by j and k
= [ \sum_{u \neq v} c_u r_uj c_v r_vk
+ \sum_{u} c_u^2 r_uj ] / (sum(c)*sum(c))
U, K = resp_UK.shape
# Element-wise multiply
wresp_UK = wc_U[:, None] * resp_UK
# Loop over pairs of rows of resp
# e.g. if U = 3, the we'll iterate over
# 0,0 & 0,1 & 0,2 & 1,0 & 1,1 & 1,2 & 2,0 & 2,1 & 2,2
barz_KK = np.zeros((K, K))
for u1, u2 in itertools.product(xrange(U), xrange(U)):
if u1 == u2:
barz_KK += (wc_U[u1] **2) * np.diag(resp_UK[u1])
barz_KK += np.outer(wresp_UK[u1], wresp_UK[u2])
return barz_KK / (np.sum(wc_U)**2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
U = 11 # unique word types in the doc
K = 3 # num topics
prng = np.random.RandomState(31)
# Generate random approximate posterior parameter "resp_UK"
resp_UK = prng.rand(U, K)**2
resp_UK /= resp_UK.sum(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
# Generate random word counts
wc_U = prng.randint(low=1, high=3, size=U)
print 'E[ barz * barz^T ] via formula'
formula_barz_KK = calc_bar_z_outer_prod_KK(resp_UK, wc_U)
print formula_barz_KK
# Verify that our faster calculation is correct
assert np.allclose(
calc_bar_z_outer_prod_KK(resp_UK, wc_U),
calc_bar_z_outer_prod_KK__slow(resp_UK, wc_U))
# Verify by compute outer product via Monte Carlo expectation
barz_KK_list = list()
for samp_iter in xrange(50000):
# Sample a z_U vector
z_UK = np.zeros((U,K))
for u in xrange(U):
k = prng.choice(K, p=resp_UK[u])
z_UK[u, k] = 1.0
# Compute barz 1d array
barz_K =, z_UK) / np.sum(wc_U)
# Compute outer product
barz_KK = np.outer(barz_K, barz_K)
mc_barz_KK = np.mean(np.dstack(barz_KK_list), axis=2)
print 'E[ barz * barz^T ] via MonteCarlo estimator'
print mc_barz_KK
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