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Created July 3, 2011 19:50
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Backbone models connected with Faye based backend (frontend written in CoffeeScript)
$ ->
GAME_DIV_ID = '#game'
FAYE_URL = 'http://localhost:9292/faye'
GameModel = Backbone.Model.extend {}
GameView = Backbone.View.extend {
el: $(GAME_DIV_ID)
templates: window.JST
events: {}
initialize: ->
_.bindAll @, 'render'
@model.bind 'change', @render
render: ->
state = @model.get 'state'
content = @templates[state] @model.attributes
$(@el).html content
start_game = ->
game = new GameModel()
app = new GameView model: game
faye = new Faye.Client FAYE_URL
faye.subscribe '/**', (message) ->
console.log 'FAYE'
game.set message
start_game() if $(GAME_DIV_ID)
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