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Last active December 20, 2017 19:53
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errbot backup
## This file is not executable on its own. use errbot -r FILE to restore your bot."Restoring repo_manager.")
bot.repo_manager["installed_repos"] = {'sijis/err-vmware': '', 'errbotio/err-fileshare': '', 'AbigailBuccaneer/err-dailymarx': '', 'jvasallo/err-plugins': '', 'carriercomm/err-hubot': '', 'keithslater/err-whois': '', 'jwm/err-gcalendar': '', 'errbotio/err-helloworld': ''}
bot.repo_manager["repo_index"] = {'errbotio/err-killme': {'KillMe': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Kill your bot.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/killme.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'KillMe'}}, 'errbotio/err-storage-firebase': {'Firebase': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the storage plugin for Firebase.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/firebase.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Firebase'}}, 'jvasallo/err-plugins': {'Jira': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Jira plugin', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'err-jira/jira.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Jira'}, 'Zendesk': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Zendesk plugin', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'err-zendesk/zendesk.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Zendesk'}, 'Ping': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This plugin to is to determine if bot is alive', 'python': '2', 'path': 'err-ping/ping.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Ping'}, 'Salt': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Salt plugin to execute remote commands', 'python': '2', 'path': 'err-salt/salt.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Salt'}, 'AWS': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'AWS plugin to manage virtual machines in Amazon AWS', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'err-aws/aws.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'AWS'}, 'VMware': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'VMware plugin to manage virtual machines and esx hosts in vsphere 5.x', 'python': '2', 'path': 'err-vmware/vmware.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'VMware'}}, 'fmnisme/err-stackstorm': {'St2': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a plugin for st2', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/st2.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'St2'}}, 'errbotio/err-ascii-art': {'AsciiArt': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Make what you say big !', 'python': '3', 'path': '/asciiart.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'AsciiArt'}}, 'errbotio/err-guess-a-number': {'guess': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Example of errbot flows', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/guess.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'guess'}}, 'rroemhild/err-alias': {'Alias': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Use shortcuts for long commands.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/alias.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Alias'}}, 'cwjohnston/err-jira': {'JIRA': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for generating links to JIRA issues', 'python': '2', 'path': '/jira.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'JIRA'}}, 'foamz/Errbot-motion-notify': {'whoami': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'whoami will have errbot return your JID', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot-plugin/whoami.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'whoami'}, 'notify': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Turns motion notifications ON or OFF', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot-plugin/notify.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'notify'}}, 'jwm/err-rt': {'RT': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Interface to Request Tracker (RT)', 'python': '2', 'path': '/rtbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'RT'}}, 'apophys/err-chatroomgreeting': {'ChatRoomGreeting': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'If enabled, will greet every new participant in multi user chat', 'python': '3', 'path': '/chatRoomGreeting.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ChatRoomGreeting'}}, 'daenney/err-travishook': {'TravisHook': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Handle events sent from Travis-CI to our webhooks endpoint.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/travishook.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TravisHook'}}, 'alimac/err-factoid': {'Factoid': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for Errbot that allows chat users to create factoids.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/factoid.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Factoid'}}, 'err-taoistmath/err-pagerduty': {'PagerDutyBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Responds with primary and secondary On-Call', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/pagerdutybot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PagerDutyBot'}}, 'errbotio/err-backend-tox': {'Tox': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the TOX backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/tox.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Tox'}}, 'redwallhp/errbot-appeals': {' Ban Appeals': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Alerts for new ban appeals.', 'python': '3', 'path': '/appeals.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': ' Ban Appeals'}}, 'zoni/err-mailwatch': {'MailWatch': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Watch specified mailboxes for new mails', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/mailwatch.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MailWatch'}}, 'Kha/err-babble-bot': {'BabbleBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Markov chain-based Err plugin for nonsense generation', 'python': '3', 'path': '/err-babble-bot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'BabbleBot'}}, 'Kha/err-sedbot': {'SedBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Execute simple sed substitute commands', 'python': '3', 'path': '/sedbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'SedBot'}}, 'alimac/err-request-tracker': {'RT': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Integration with Request Tracker', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/requesttracker.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'RT'}}, 'benvd/err-translate': {'Translate': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Translate arbitrary strings', 'python': '2', 'path': '/translate.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Translate'}}, 'fernand0/err-camera': {'Camera': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Interacting with a web cam !', 'python': '2', 'path': '/camera.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Camera'}}, 'jwm/err-nagios': {'Nagios': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Interface to Nagios', 'python': '2', 'path': '/nagiosbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Nagios'}}, 'errbotio/err-stalkerbot': {'StalkerBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Where is this guy ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/stalkerbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'StalkerBot'}}, 'staircaseJapes/slack': {'Task': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Intesgration between Slack and Todoist', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/Task/task.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Task'}}, 'errbotio/err-cards-tester': {'CardsTests': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'testing cards and cards templates', 'python': '3', 'path': '/cards.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'CardsTests'}}, 'motord/err-spree': {'Spree': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's do business !", 'python': '2', 'path': '/spree.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Spree'}}, 'Kromey/err-writerbot': {'WriterBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A collection of fun and useful helpers for writers', 'python': '3', 'path': '/writerbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'WriterBot'}}, 'daenney/err-githubhook': {'GithubHook': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Handle events sent from Github to our webhooks endpoint.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/githubhook.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GithubHook'}}, 'oversize/err-random': {'Random': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A random number generating plugin', 'python': '2', 'path': '/random.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Random'}}, 'jasedit/errbot-catfacts': {'Catfacts': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin for retrieving catfacts', 'python': '3', 'path': '/catfacts.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Catfacts'}}, 'Kromey/err-nanobot': {'NanoBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "Integrate Err with NaNoWriMo's word count API", 'python': '3', 'path': '/nanobot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'NanoBot'}}, 'cwjohnston/err-pagerduty': {'PagerDuty': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for interacting with PagerDuty', 'python': '2', 'path': '/pagerduty.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PagerDuty'}}, 'cwjohnston/err-sensu': {'Sensu': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Interact with Sensu API', 'python': '2', 'path': '/sensu.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Sensu'}}, 'Djiit/err-whyd': {'WhydBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Basic Err integration with', 'python': '3', 'path': '/whydbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'WhydBot'}}, 'atalyad/err-directions': {'DirectionsPlugin': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'gives you the directions from a to b.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/directions.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'DirectionsPlugin'}}, 'Ecno92/err-coffeetime': {'CoffeeTime': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'CoffeeTime! Who has to bring the coffee?', 'python': '3', 'path': '/coffeetime.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'CoffeeTime'}}, 'guymatz/err-skeleton-basic': {'Skeleton': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that ...', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/skeleton.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Skeleton'}}, 'taoistmath/err-odysseus': {'Odysseus': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Company Bot to help you navigate ChatOps', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/odysseus.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Odysseus'}, 'GuidedTour': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Guided tour to help you navigate ChatOps and company onboarding', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/guidedTour.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GuidedTour'}}, 'EFXCIA/err-rss': {'RSS': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Recieve RSS feeds in HipChat.', 'python': '3', 'path': '/rss.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'RSS'}}, 'jwm/err-gcalendar': {'GCalendar': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Interface to Google Calendar', 'python': '2', 'path': '/gcalendar.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GCalendar'}}, 'brycied00d/err-linksBot': {'LinksBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin that handle links posted in chatrooms', 'python': '3', 'path': '/LinksBot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'LinksBot'}}, 'xsrender/err-update': {'updatePermissions': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that updates MUC permissions in openfire.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/updatePermissions.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'updatePermissions'}}, 'EFXCIA/err-chef': {'Chef': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Chef server integration using the familiar knife command syntax', 'python': '3', 'path': '/chef.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Chef'}}, 'linuxtechie/transmission-gtalk': {'Magnet': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Add magnet to currently running transmission-daemon', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugin/magnet.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Magnet'}}, 'carriercomm/err-hubot': {'Hubot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Hubot emulator', 'python': '2', 'path': '/hubot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Hubot'}}, 'FrankZwiers/err-insulter': {'Insulter': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that will insult a user in a room', 'python': '2', 'path': '/insulter.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Insulter'}}, 'errbotio/err-pypi': {'Pypi': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Some commands to query pypi', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/pypi.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Pypi'}}, 'jasedit/errbot-dice': {'Dice': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin for rolling dice', 'python': '3', 'path': '/dice.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Dice'}}, 'qgerome/err-youtube': {'Youtube': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for Youtube', 'python': '2', 'path': '/youtube.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Youtube'}}, 'cwjohnston/err-giphy': {'giphy': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err interface for the Giphy API', 'python': '2', 'path': '/giphy.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'giphy'}}, 'gbin/err-broken': {'Broken': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "This is totally broken, don't use it.", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/broken.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Broken'}}, 'atinaxe/err-testplugin': {'TestPlugin': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Just for testing if installing from an arbitrary repo works.', 'python': '3', 'path': '/testplugin.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TestPlugin'}}, 'jspam/mensabot': {'MensaBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Prints the menu @Mensa Uni Karlsruhe for this day (before 2pm) or the next day (2pm and after) in a compact form.', 'python': '3', 'path': '/mensabot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MensaBot'}}, 'kongluoxing/TomBot': {'Caculator': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Perform caculate', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/user/calc.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Caculator'}, 'Interact': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A demo for showing interact control.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/user/interactdemo.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Interact'}, 'Simsimi': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A clever chat bot, powered by', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/user/simsimi.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Simsimi'}, 'AnsibleBase': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Ansible basic commands', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/ansible/ansible_base.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'AnsibleBase'}, 'Ping': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'to make sure Tom is working', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/user/ping.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Ping'}, 'Interactive': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Paging support', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/builtins/interactive.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Interactive'}, 'PlayBook': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Ansible playbook runner', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/ansible/playbook.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PlayBook'}, 'BotAdmin': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Commands related to Tom administration.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/builtins/botadmin.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'BotAdmin'}}, 'adsabs/errbot_adsaws': {'AdsAws': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'ADS AWS commands', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/adsaws.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'AdsAws'}}, 'errbotio/err-calcbot': {'CalcBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'solve me this !', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/calcbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'CalcBot'}}, 'dvl/err-bot': {'fabric': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'wrapper for fabric commands', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/fabric.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'fabric'}}, 'errbotio/err-catalog': {'Catalog': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Catalog finds contrib plugins on github and make them easy to install.', 'python': '3', 'path': '/catalog.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Catalog'}}, 'zoni/errbot-kayako': {'Kayako': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin to interface with Kayako helpdesk', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/kayako.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Kayako'}}, 'errbotio/err-nettools': {'Nettools': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'various network query tools', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/nettools.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Nettools'}}, 'aherok/errbot_plugins': {'Timezones': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Informing about timezones around the world', 'python': '3', 'path': 'timezones/timezones.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Timezones'}}, 'hanks/Mathbot_for_hipchat': {'MathBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Simple four operation rubes bot!', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/mathbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MathBot'}}, 'sijis/err-jira': {'Jira': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Jira plugin', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/jira.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Jira'}}, 'sijis/err-hostedgraphite': {'HostedGraphite': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Get HostedGraphite status and dashboards', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/hostedgraphite.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'HostedGraphite'}}, 'kaytwo/lockbot': {'Lockbot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Keep track of who is editing what', 'python': '3', 'path': '/lockbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Lockbot'}}, 'zoni/err-agressive-keepalive': {'Agressive Keepalive': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '', 'python': '2', 'path': '/keepalive.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Agressive Keepalive'}}, 'errbotio/err-gitbot': {'GitBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Some tools to follow your git repositories', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/gitbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GitBot'}}, 'thebmo/bmodjangotest': {'VersionChecker': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is calling home to check if err has a new version available', 'python': '2', 'path': 'site-packages/err-1.7.1-py2.7.egg/errbot/builtins/vcheck.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'VersionChecker'}, 'Webserver': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a plugin for enabling webhooks and web interface to err', 'python': '2', 'path': 'site-packages/err-1.7.1-py2.7.egg/errbot/builtins/webserver.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Webserver'}, 'ChatRoom': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a basic implementation of a chatroom', 'python': '2', 'path': 'site-packages/err-1.7.1-py2.7.egg/errbot/builtins/chatRoom.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ChatRoom'}}, 'tobika/err-rsspush': {'RssPush': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Example rsspush "Hello, world!" plugin', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/rsspush.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'RssPush'}}, 'gbin/err-storage-gcd': {'GoogleCloudDatastore': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the storage plugin for Google CloudDatastore.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/gcd.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GoogleCloudDatastore'}}, 'errbotio/err-storage-tester': {'StorageTester': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Tests automatically if a storage backend is OK.', 'python': '3', 'path': '/storage_tester.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'StorageTester'}}, 'Kromey/err-warbot': {'WarBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Run word wars and writing sprints', 'python': '3', 'path': '/warbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'WarBot'}}, 'errbotio/err-devops-borat': {'DevOpsBorat': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'displays a random @DEVOPS_BORAT quote', 'python': '2', 'path': '/devops_borat.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'DevOpsBorat'}}, 'sijis/err-imdb': {'IMDb': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Searches IMDb for movie titles', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/imdb.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'IMDb'}}, 'alimac/err-hello': {'HelloBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin for Errbot that responds to hello’s.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/hello.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'HelloBot'}}, 'leitu/errbot-plugin': {'Migrate': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Migrate Storage from 7mode to BBCS', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/migrate.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Migrate'}}, 'superawesome/err-kanbanize': {'Kanbanize': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin to read/write from', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/kanbanize.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Kanbanize'}}, 'superawesome/err-changelog': {'Changelog': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin to read/write from the infra changelog app', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/changelog.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Changelog'}}, 'drsm79/err-memeon': {'MemeOn': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's say hello !", 'python': '2', 'path': '/meme.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MemeOn'}}, 'f3l/f3lbot': {'Give': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '"\'Give\' things to others"', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/give.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Give'}, 'Evil': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '"Evil little snippets"', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/evil.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Evil'}, 'Cite': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '"Interface to the F3LCites system"', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/cite.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Cite'}, 'Pkg': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '"Query Arch-Repos for packages and maintainers"', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/pkg.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Pkg'}}, 'zoni/err-secondlife': {'SecondLife': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Integrating your Second Life into Err', 'python': '2', 'path': '/secondlife.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'SecondLife'}}, 'attakei/errbot-jp-weather': {'JpWeather': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Report weather in Japan', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/jpweather.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'JpWeather'}}, 'sijis/err-aws': {'AWS': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'AWS plugin to manage virtual machines in Amazon AWS', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/aws.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'AWS'}}, 'mattadair/err-zenoss': {'Zenoss': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for interacting with Zenoss 4.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/zenoss.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Zenoss'}}, 'errbotio/err-github': {'Github': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'bridge to github', 'python': '2', 'path': '/github.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Github'}}, 'KeijiAurora/PingSVSL_errbot': {'SVSL': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Err Bot plugin to ping SVSL', 'python': '2', 'path': '/svsl.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'SVSL'}}, 'keithslater/err-whois': {'Whois': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Run the whois command to see if a domain is available and who owns it', 'python': '2', 'path': '/whois.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Whois'}}, 'stevemcquaid/err-openstack': {'GDOpenstack': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Basic Openstack module for GoDaddy', 'python': '2', 'path': '/gdopenstack.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GDOpenstack'}}, 'jeffx/err-quote': {'quote': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An errbot plugin to get a quote', 'python': '3', 'path': '/quote.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'quote'}}, 'foxxyz/bookiebot': {'BookieBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Football Betting Bot', 'python': '3', 'path': '/bookiebot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'BookieBot'}}, 'Navisite/cloudbot': {'Meme': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'yo dawg(yo dawg)', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/meme/meme.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Meme'}, 'Lunch': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Lunch chooser bot', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/lunch-bot/lunch.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Lunch'}}, 'errbotio/err-fileshare': {'Fileshare': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Make a shared folder available to exchange files over chat.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/fileshare.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Fileshare'}}, 'fernand0/err-pim': {'ErrPim': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin to have a personal information manager (PIM)', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/errPim.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ErrPim'}}, 'samueldg/err-rando': {'Rando': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Bot with useful random functionalities.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/rando.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Rando'}}, 'sijis/err-kudos': {'Kudos': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This plugin gives kudos!', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/kudos.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Kudos'}}, 'avengerpenguin/alfred': {'Web': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Extends the built-in Webserver to be more 12 factor.', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/web.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Web'}, 'Trello': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Lists Trello cards', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/trello.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Trello'}}, 'errbotio/err-dictbot': {'BeerBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Find me this beer !', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/beerbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'BeerBot'}, 'DictBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'What does this word means ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/dictbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'DictBot'}}, 'krismolendyke/err-diehardbot': {'DieHard': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Die Hard', 'python': '2', 'path': '/dieHard.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'DieHard'}}, 'zoni/err-dnsutils': {'DnsUtils': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Dns utilities: host, dig, nslookup', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/dnsutils.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'DnsUtils'}}, 'errbotio/err-pollbot': {'PollBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's decide what to do", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/pollbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PollBot'}}, 'pythiannunez/err-pythianbot': {'PythianBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Some misc tools for pythianites', 'python': '3', 'path': '/pythianbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PythianBot'}}, 'mrshu/err-plugins': {'UrlMatcher': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Get a preview of any link pasted to your chatroom.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'err-urlmatcher/urlmatcher.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'UrlMatcher'}}, 'helo9/err-tickerda': {'Tickerda': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for SV Darmstadt 98 livetikcer.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/tickerda.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Tickerda'}}, 'ytjohn/err-chatfluence': {'Chatfluence': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for confluence.', 'python': '3', 'path': 'err-chatfluence/chatfluence.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Chatfluence'}}, 'drsm79/err-doge': {'Doge': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Make a doge', 'python': '2', 'path': '/doge.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Doge'}}, 'sijis/err-vmware': {'VMware': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'VMware plugin to manage virtual machines and esx hosts in vsphere 5.x', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/vmware.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'VMware'}}, 'estherbester/err_puppybot': {'PuppyBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Fetch me a flickr photo', 'python': '2', 'path': 'puppybot/puppybot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PuppyBot'}}, 'errbotio/err-storage-sql': {'SQL': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the errbot storage plugin for SQL. It is compatible with Firebird, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase, IBM DB2, Amazon Redshift, exasol, Sybase SQL Anywhere, MonetDB.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/sql.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'SQL'}}, 'errbotio/err-phonevalet': {'PhoneValet': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'manage you calls and sms by chatting', 'python': '2', 'path': '/phoneValet.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PhoneValet'}}, 'FrankZwiers/err-beanstalk-api-wrapper': {'beanstalk': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A err wrapper for the Beanstalk API Python wrapper!', 'python': '2', 'path': '/beanstalk-api-wrapper.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'beanstalk'}}, 'drsm79/err-freshpots': {'FreshPots': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's say hello !", 'python': '2', 'path': '/pots.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'FreshPots'}}, 'sijis/err-zendesk': {'Zendesk': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Zendesk plugin', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/zendesk.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Zendesk'}}, 'errbotio/errbot-backend-skype': {'Skype': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the Skype backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/skype.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Skype'}}, 'sijis/err-giphy': {'Giphy': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'It returns a gif from', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/giphy.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Giphy'}}, 'chmouel/err-gerrit-changes': {'GerritBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Monitor gerrits reviews post.', 'python': '3+', 'path': '/gb.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GerritBot'}}, 'zoni/err-locker': {'Locker': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "Lock things to let people know you're using them.", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/locker.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Locker'}}, 'jmlynch/err-auto': {'Auto': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "Run TekDefense's Automater", 'python': '2', 'path': '/Auto.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Auto'}}, 'SShrike/err-backend-matrix': {'Matrix': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Backend implementation for Matrix.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/matrix.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Matrix'}}, 'Kha/err-cah': {'CAHBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Play a Good Game of Cards (TM).', 'python': '2', 'path': '/cahbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'CAHBot'}}, 'arrrrr/err-mailboxbot': {'MailboxBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Queue or relay messages for members not present in a MUC or an arbitrary mailbox name', 'python': '2', 'path': '/MailboxBot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MailboxBot'}}, 'cwjohnston/err-gifr': {'Gifr': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A silly plugin for randomizing animated gifs', 'python': '2', 'path': '/gifr.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Gifr'}}, 'errbotio/err-time': {'TimeBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'what time is it ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/timebot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TimeBot'}}, 'anitawoodruff/err-holidaybot': {'HolidayBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Queries BambooHR to find out who is on holiday', 'python': '3', 'path': '/holidaybot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'HolidayBot'}}, 'daenney/err-dnsnative': {'DNSNative': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This module uses Python libraries to provide host/IP lookup features.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/dnsnative.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'DNSNative'}}, 'xsrender/err-ping': {'ping': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that utilizes the Openfire Broadcast service to send broadcasts to groups.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/ping.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ping'}}, 'alexanderfahlke/err-jira': {'Jira': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'errbot plugin for working with Atlassian JIRA', 'python': '3', 'path': '/jira.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Jira'}}, 'errbotio/err-coderwall': {'Coderwall': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'What are the achievement of this guy ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/coderwall.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Coderwall'}}, 'Djiit/err-meetup': {'MeetUp': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Basic Err integration with', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/meetup.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MeetUp'}}, 'Kaytwo/lockbot': {'Lockbot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Keep track of who is editing what', 'python': '3', 'path': '/lockbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Lockbot'}}, 'errbotio/err-timemachine': {'TimeMachine': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's go back in time !", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/timemachine.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TimeMachine'}}, 'Djiit/err-wikipedia': {'Wikipedia': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Basic Err integration with', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/wikipedia.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Wikipedia'}}, 'joshuatobin/err-helloworld': {'HelloWorld': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's say hello !", 'python': '2', 'path': '/helloWorld.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'HelloWorld'}}, 'cwjohnston/err-magiceightball': {'MagicEightBall': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for answering yes-no questions', 'python': '2', 'path': '/magiceightball.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MagicEightBall'}}, 'RobSpectre/err-social-support': {'SocialSupport': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin for support teams to monitor social channels.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/err-social-support.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'SocialSupport'}}, 'errbotio/err-backend-campfire': {'Campfire': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the campfire backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/campfire.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Campfire'}}, 'sijis/err-sumologic': {'Sumologic': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This plugin run the sumologic search and collector functions', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/sumologic.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Sumologic'}}, 'jonschoning/err-lambdabot': {'lambdabot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'provides access to lambdabot', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/lambdabot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'lambdabot'}}, 'arrrrr/err-todolist': {'Todo list': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A simple todo-list to manage things that guybrush needs', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/todolist.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Todo list'}}, 'benvd/err-jenkins': {'JenkinsBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Integrate with Jenkins CI', 'python': '2', 'path': '/jenkinsbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'JenkinsBot'}}, 'xsrender/Utility-Bots': {'ping': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that utilizes the Openfire Broadcast service to send broadcasts to groups.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'ping/ping.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ping'}, 'updatePermissions': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that updates MUC permissions', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'updatePermissions/updatePermissions.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'updatePermissions'}, 'evetime': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that responds with the current time in the Eve Online Universe.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'evetime/evetime.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'evetime'}}, 'sijis/err-storage-redis': {'Redis': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the storage plugin for Redis.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/redisstorage.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Redis'}}, 'krismolendyke/err-topgunbot': {'TopGun': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'TOP GUN', 'python': '2', 'path': '/topGunBot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TopGun'}}, 'spyn/dungarmatrix': {'Skeleton': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin skeleton', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/skeleton.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Skeleton'}, 'OctopusDeploy': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Octopus Deploy plugin', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins.old/octopusDeploy.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'OctopusDeploy'}, 'Jabberzac Markov': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Imported from Dungarmatic trademark', 'python': '3+', 'path': 'plugins/jzacMarkov.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Jabberzac Markov'}, 'BeerBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Find me this beer !', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/beerbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'BeerBot'}, 'Jabberzac Magic': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Imported from Dungarmatic trademark', 'python': '3+', 'path': 'plugins/jzacMagic.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Jabberzac Magic'}}, 'nelsonam/meryl': {'HelloWorld': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Example "Hello, world!" plugin', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/helloworld.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'HelloWorld'}, 'Weather': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Displays weather for a zip code', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/weather.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Weather'}}, 'errbotio/err-codebot': {'CodeBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Allow to "execute code" in the bot', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/codebot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'CodeBot'}}, 'helo9/err_plugins': {'Snow': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err Plugin reporting snow height.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'err-snow/snow.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Snow'}}, 'J4LP/rooster': {'VersionChecker': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is calling home to check if err has a new version available', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/builtins/vcheck.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'VersionChecker'}, 'Trello': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Get active cards from list', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/trello.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Trello'}, 'Ping': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Err Bot plugin to ping groups of people', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/ping.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Ping'}, 'Zkillwatch': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'throwup stats on a zkill link mentioned in chat', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/zkillwatch.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Zkillwatch'}, 'notificationbot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Spam Useful Alliance Notifications to various jabber rooms', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/NotificationBot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'notificationbot'}, 'EveKills': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for shaming people who die', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/evekills.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'EveKills'}, 'Who': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'gets player info from evewho', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/who.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Who'}, 'Webserver': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a plugin for enabling webhooks and web interface to err', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/builtins/webserver.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Webserver'}, 'TimeBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'what time is it ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/timebot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TimeBot'}, 'ChatRoom': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a basic implementation of a chatroom', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/builtins/chatRoom.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ChatRoom'}, 'EveCentral': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Get prices in Jita via EveCentral', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/evecentral.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'EveCentral'}, 'fw': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'FW info', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/fwbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'fw'}, 'Smiles': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'herpaderpa', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/smiles.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Smiles'}}, 'TomNeyland/err-eve-kills': {'EveKills': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for shaming people who die', 'python': '2', 'path': '/evekills.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'EveKills'}}, 'Adman/err-wunderweather': {'WunderWeather': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Get the forecast for next 10 days.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/wunderweather.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'WunderWeather'}}, 'errbotio/err-otp': {'OTP': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This adds OTP feature to errbot.', 'python': '3', 'path': '/otp.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'OTP'}}, 'errbotio/err-imagebot': {'Cartoons': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Access to various cartoon sites.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/cartoons.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Cartoons'}, 'Posters': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'various posters..', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/posters.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Posters'}, 'ImageBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Show me something !', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/imagebot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ImageBot'}}, 'WeiBanjo/err-pagerdutytrigger': {'PagerDutyTrigger': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for triggering PagerDuty', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/pagertrigger.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PagerDutyTrigger'}}, 'TehMillhouse/err-markovbot': {'MarkovBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Markov chain-based text generator', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/markov.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MarkovBot'}}, 'raffraffraff/err-rundeck': {'Rundeck': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for Rundeck', 'python': '2', 'path': '/err-rundeck.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Rundeck'}}, 'errbotio/err-backend-tester': {'Err plugin to test fondamentals of a backend.': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'series of command to test if a backend is consistent.', 'python': '3', 'path': '/betester.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Err plugin to test fondamentals of a backend.'}}, 'Kromey/err-fbxnano': {'FbxNano': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin with useful commands for our chat server', 'python': '3', 'path': '/fbxnano.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'FbxNano'}}, 'tomblench/ofhave': {'ofhave': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'we could of written a better bot!', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugin/ofhave.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ofhave'}}, 'timfreund/err-greeter': {'Greeter': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Greeter: say hello to new channel members', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/greeter.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Greeter'}}, 'pirxthepilot/errbot-ipam': {'Ipam': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'IPAM plugin', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/ipam.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Ipam'}}, 'errbotio/err-backend-gitter': {'Gitter': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a backend implementation for', 'python': '2', 'path': '/gitter.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Gitter'}}, 'err-taoistmath/err-odysseus': {'Odysseus': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Company Bot to help you navigate ChatOps', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/odysseus.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Odysseus'}, 'GuidedTour': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Guided tour to help you navigate ChatOps and company onboarding', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/guidedTour.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GuidedTour'}}, 'ersiko/err-meetingbot': {'meetingbot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Tool to keep times on a meeting', 'python': '3', 'path': '/meetingbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'meetingbot'}}, 'atalyad/err-rssfeed': {'RSSFeedPlugin': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'rss feed.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/rss_feed.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'RSSFeedPlugin'}}, 'taoistmath/err-stopwatch': {'StopwatchBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Tracks elapsed time, can track multiple timers simultaneously.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/stopwatchBot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'StopwatchBot'}}, 'redwallhp/errbot-timezones': {'Timezone Converter': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Simplifies collaboration with teams spread across the globe', 'python': '3', 'path': '/timezones.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Timezone Converter'}}, 'errbotio/err-import-example': {'A': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Just a test.', 'python': '3', 'path': 'err-pluga/a.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'A'}, 'B': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Just a test.', 'python': '3', 'path': 'err-plugb/b.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'B'}}, 'AbigailBuccaneer/err-dailymarx': {'MarxBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Your daily Marx', 'python': '3', 'path': '/marxbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MarxBot'}}, 'drsm79/err-trello': {'TrelloBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Add messages to trello cards', 'python': '2', 'path': '/trello.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TrelloBot'}}, 'sijis/err-salt': {'Salt': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Salt plugin to execute remote commands', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/salt.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Salt'}}, 'Scaatis/err-faustbot': {'FaustBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "Prints a random line from Goethe's Faust in sentence context.", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/faust.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'FaustBot'}}, 'allyunion/err-logbot': {'Logbot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that can do logging to a MySQL or syslog', 'python': '2', 'path': '/logbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Logbot'}}, 'last_update': 1476600588.649677, 'sijis/err-link': {'Link': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Returns user defined links from short commands', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/link.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Link'}}, 'sijis/err-rules': {'Rules': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Returns user defined links from short commands', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/rules.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Rules'}}, 'Betriebsrat/err-quote': {'Quote': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Simple sqlite based quote storage', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/Quote.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Quote'}}, 'errbotio/err-helloworld': {'HelloWorld': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's say hello !", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/helloWorld.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'HelloWorld'}}, 'err-taoistmath/err-jenkins': {'JenkinsBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Integrate with Jenkins CI', 'python': '2', 'path': '/jenkinsbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'JenkinsBot'}}, 'pirxthepilot/errbot-hello': {'Hello': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Hello yourself', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/hello.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Hello'}}, 'taoistmath/err-pagerduty': {'PagerDutyBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Responds with primary and secondary On-Call', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/pagerdutybot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PagerDutyBot'}}, 'HaroBling/errCheat': {'Coderwall': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'What are the achievement of this guy ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'bak/coderwall.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Coderwall'}, 'ErrCheat': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'What are the achievement of this guy ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'bak/errCheat.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ErrCheat'}, 'errCheat': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin errCheat', 'python': '2', 'path': '/errcheat.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'errCheat'}}, 'log0ymxm/err-say': {'SayBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A command for saying things', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/saybot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'SayBot'}}, 'J4LP/pingbot': {'PingPlugin': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for multicast', 'python': '3', 'path': '/pingplugin.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'PingPlugin'}}, 'errbotio/err-tourney': {'Tourney': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Maintain an elo rating system.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/tourney.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Tourney'}}, 'benvd/err-music': {'Music': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Fetch lyrics, get info about artists, etc.', 'python': '2', 'path': '/music.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Music'}}, 'br0ziliy/err-excuses': {'Excuses': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin to help developers excuses', 'python': '2', 'path': '/excuses.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Excuses'}}, 'rroemhild/err-funbot': {'FunBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Have fun with your Errbot.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/funbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'FunBot'}}, 'xsrender/err-evetime': {'evetime': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin that responds with the current time in the Eve Online Universe.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/evetime.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'evetime'}}, 'ghoti/err-zkillwatch': {'Zkillwatch': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Throwup stats on a zkill link mentioned in chat', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/zkillwatch.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Zkillwatch'}}, 'ilkka/jutibot': {'FreshPots': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Come and get coffee', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/err-freshpots/freshpots.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'FreshPots'}}, 'log0ymxm/err-twss': {'TwssBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "That's what she said", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/twss.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TwssBot'}}, 'ghoti/Rooster': {'VersionChecker': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is calling home to check if err has a new version available', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/builtins/vcheck.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'VersionChecker'}, 'Trello': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Get active cards from list', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/trello.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Trello'}, 'Ping': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Err Bot plugin to ping groups of people', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/ping.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Ping'}, 'Zkillwatch': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'throwup stats on a zkill link mentioned in chat', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/zkillwatch.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Zkillwatch'}, 'notificationbot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Spam Useful Alliance Notifications to various jabber rooms', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/NotificationBot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'notificationbot'}, 'EveKills': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for shaming people who die', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/evekills.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'EveKills'}, 'Who': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'gets player info from evewho', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/who.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Who'}, 'Webserver': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a plugin for enabling webhooks and web interface to err', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/builtins/webserver.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Webserver'}, 'TimeBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'what time is it ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/timebot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TimeBot'}, 'ChatRoom': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a basic implementation of a chatroom', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/builtins/chatRoom.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ChatRoom'}, 'EveCentral': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Get prices in Jita via EveCentral', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/evecentral.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'EveCentral'}, 'fw': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'FW info', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/fwbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'fw'}, 'Smiles': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'herpaderpa', 'python': '3', 'path': 'plugins/smiles.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Smiles'}}, 'kdknowlton/err-reminders': {'ReminderPlugin': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This module allows you to tell the bot in chat to give you a reminder at some specified time.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/reminders.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ReminderPlugin'}}, 'TheArchives/Inter': {'Chat': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for relaying chat between servers', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/chat.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Chat'}, 'Players': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin that tracks online players on all connected servers.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/players.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Players'}, 'Authentication': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for simple API-key based authentication', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/auth.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Authentication'}}, 'yalker24/urlcheck': {'UrlCheck': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'displays title of urls', 'python': '3', 'path': '/UrlCheck.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'UrlCheck'}}, 'errbotio/err-tv': {'TV': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "So what's the status of this show ?", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/tv.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TV'}}, 'errbotio/err-elizabot': {'ElizaBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'El Cheapo shrink for you', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/elizabot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ElizaBot'}}, 'RobSpectre/err-twilio-lookup': {'TwilioLookup': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin for retrieving data on phone numbers from Twilio Lookup.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/err-twilio-lookup.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'TwilioLookup'}}, 'Djiit/err-quiz': {'Quiz': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Err Trivia Quiz', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/quiz.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Quiz'}}, 'jvasallo/err-stackoverflow': {'StackOverflow': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Returns top 5 stackoverflow results', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/stackoverflow.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'StackOverflow'}}, 'hreeder/r2bot-eve-plugins': {'Fun': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Fun Features for the bot', 'python': '2', 'path': '/Fun.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Fun'}, 'MarketTools': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Eve Market related tools and commands', 'python': '2', 'path': '/MarketTools.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'MarketTools'}, 'Time': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A set of time tools for eve players!', 'python': '2', 'path': '/Time.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Time'}, 'Reddit': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Reddit Commands', 'python': '2', 'path': '/Reddit.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Reddit'}, 'LastFm': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'LastFm Features for the bot', 'python': '2', 'path': '/LastFm.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'LastFm'}}, 'statmuse/err-plugins': {'AWS': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'AWS Plugin for checking Elastic Beanstalk environments and more', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'err-aws/aws.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'AWS'}}, 'xnaveira/err-insult': {'InsultBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "I'll insult anybody for you", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/insultBot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'InsultBot'}}, 'errbotio/err-social': {'Plus': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Follow google+ users', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/plus.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Plus'}}, 'jordant/err-chef': {'Chef': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Search via Chef API', 'python': '2', 'path': '/chef.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Chef'}}, 'helo9/err_forum': {'ForumBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin for phpBB-forum software.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/forumbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ForumBot'}}, 'sijis/err-ping': {'Ping': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This plugin to is to determine if bot is alive', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/ping.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Ping'}}, 'taoistmath/err-khan': {'Khan': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Launches Khan gif whenever Khan is typed.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/khan.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Khan'}}, 'ricardokirkner/err-devops-reactions': {'DevOpsReactions': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'It returns a gif from', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/devops.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'DevOpsReactions'}}, 'drsm79/mybot': {'Duck': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "Rubber duck debugging at it's best", 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/duck.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Duck'}, 'Mike': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Mike Wallace is the best person ever [ping!]', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/mike.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Mike'}, 'Doge': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Make a doge', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/doge.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Doge'}, 'Bus': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's say hello !", 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/bus.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Bus'}, 'Http': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Look up http return codes', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/http.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Http'}, 'FreshPots': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's say hello !", 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/pots.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'FreshPots'}}, 'timfreund/err-oncall': {'OnCall': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "On Call: find room administrators and others when they're away from the keyboard", 'python': '2+', 'path': '/oncall.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'OnCall'}}, 'charlesrg/err-stash': {'stash': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Plugin to receive webhooks from Stash and show on the MUC', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/stash.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'stash'}}, 'arrrrr/err-arrrrrbot': {'ArrrrrBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Various commands', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/arrrrrbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ArrrrrBot'}}, 'KeijiAurora/jew_errbot': {'jew': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'An Err plugin to annoy Jack Heisenburg', 'python': '2', 'path': '/jew.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'jew'}}, 'atalyad/err-weatherbot': {'WeatherBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'should I take my umbrella today ?', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/weatherbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'WeatherBot'}}, 'chiel1980/docker-containers': {'ChuckNorrisPlugin': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Chuck Norris random joke generator.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'err-plugins/err-chucknorris/chucknorris.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ChuckNorrisPlugin'}, 'NSStoringPlugin': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'NS Storingen feed.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'err-plugins/err-nsstoring/nsstoring.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'NSStoringPlugin'}}, 'glenbot/err-reviewboard': {'ReviewBoardBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Monitor review board requests and post to chat', 'python': '2', 'path': '/rbbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ReviewBoardBot'}}, 'drsm79/err-xkcd': {'ShowXkcd': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Show the image and alt text when someone links to xkcd', 'python': '2', 'path': '/xkcd.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ShowXkcd'}}, 'drsm79/botify': {'Botify': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's listen to musics!", 'python': '2', 'path': '/botify.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Botify'}}, 'err-taoistmath/err-khan': {'Khan': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Launches Khan gif whenever Khan is typed.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/khan.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Khan'}}, 'zoni/err-converter': {'Converter': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Convert various measurements and metrics', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/convert.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Converter'}}, 'ibelle/garakbot': {'GarakBot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Garak Obsidian Order Bot', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/garak.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'GarakBot'}}, 'sarlalian/err-shellexec': {'ShellExec': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'A plugin for Err, that allows users to run shell scripts and get the results in chat', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/shellexec.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ShellExec'}}, 'Kha/top-comment-err': {'top-comment-err': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Respond to posted links with the respictive top reddit comment', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/top-comment-err.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'top-comment-err'}}, 'dyerrington/err-mucutils': {'mucutils': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'General purpose utilities for running a channel.', 'python': '2+', 'path': '/mucutils.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'mucutils'}}, 'ersiko/err-smalltalkbot': {'smalltalkbot': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Tool to smalltalk with your teammates', 'python': '3', 'path': '/smalltalkbot.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'smalltalkbot'}}, 'yalker24/err-feedparser': {'RSSFeed': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '', 'python': '3', 'path': '/RSSFeed.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'RSSFeed'}}, 'rhyshort/rhysbot-plugins': {'Duck': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "Rubber duck debugging at it's best", 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/duck.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Duck'}, 'Mike': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Mike Wallace is the best person ever [ping!]', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/mike.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Mike'}, 'Doge': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Make a doge', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/doge.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Doge'}, 'Bus': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Get the next bus at a pre determined stop. !bus <stop> <route> <time> route and time are optional', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/bus.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Bus'}, 'Http': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Look up http return codes', 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/http.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Http'}, 'FreshPots': {'repo': '', 'documentation': "let's say hello !", 'python': '2', 'path': 'plugins/pots.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'FreshPots'}}, 'YaroslavMolchan/lctv': {'VersionChecker': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is calling home to check if err has a new version available', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/vcheck.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'VersionChecker'}, 'Utils': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Core Errbot utils commands.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/utils.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Utils'}, 'Slack': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the slack backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/slack.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Slack'}, 'IRC': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the IRC backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/irc.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'IRC'}, 'Graphic': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the graphic backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/graphic.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Graphic'}, 'Webserver': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a plugin for enabling webhooks and web interface to err', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/webserver.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Webserver'}, 'Help': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Core plugin of help related functions.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/help.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Help'}, 'Test': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the test backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/test.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Test'}, 'Telegram': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the Telegram backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/telegram.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Telegram'}, 'Text': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the text backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/text.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Text'}, 'XMPP': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the XMPP backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/xmpp.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'XMPP'}, 'ACLs': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is checking commands for ACLs.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/acls.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ACLs'}, 'I18N': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'tests/i18n_plugin/i18n.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'I18N'}, 'Dummy': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'tests/dummy_plugin/dummy.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Dummy'}, 'Null': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the Null backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/null.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Null'}, 'ChatRoom': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is a basic implementation of a chatroom', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/chatRoom.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'ChatRoom'}, 'Plugins': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Commands to manage the plugins of the bot by chatting.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/plugins.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Plugins'}, 'Hipchat': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the hipchat backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'errbot/backends/hipchat.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Hipchat'}, 'RoomTest': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'tests/room_tests/roomtest.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'RoomTest'}, 'Backup': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This core plugin manage import and export of data from Err.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/backup.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Backup'}, 'LCTV': {'repo': '', 'documentation': ' Bot plugin', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'plugins/lctv.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'LCTV'}, 'Test hooks for webhooks testing': {'repo': '', 'documentation': '', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'tests/webhooks_tests/webtest.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Test hooks for webhooks testing'}, 'Health': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'Core plugin for bot lifecycle and health related commands.', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'errbot/core_plugins/health.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Health'}}, 'vitorio/snarky-screening': {'Mr. Heckles': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'snarky-screening relay', 'python': '2+', 'path': 'MrHeckles/mrheckles.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'Mr. Heckles'}, 'SlackSameroom': {'repo': '', 'documentation': 'This is the Slack+Sameroom backend for Err.', 'python': '2', 'path': 'SlackSameroom/slacksameroom.plug', 'avatar_url': '', 'name': 'SlackSameroom'}}}"Restoring plugin_manager.")
bot.plugin_manager["configs"] = {}"Installing plugins.")
if "installed_repos" in bot.repo_manager:
for repo in bot.repo_manager["installed_repos"]:
log.error(bot.repo_manager.install_repo(repo))"Restoring plugins data.")
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Help").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("HelloWorld").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Health").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("ACLs").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Flows").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Plugins").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Example").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Utils").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("ChatRoom").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("VMware").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Backup").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Fileshare").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("VersionChecker").plugin_object
pobj = bot.plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name("Coyote test bot").plugin_object
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