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Created August 15, 2014 17:37
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Save michaelcoyote/424467fb5a524a1a8a84 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An automated Avamar perf test thing that ended up not being needed and was never finished.
# Automate the testing for Avamar POC
# script should be able to log activity and useful status.
# check error on all subprocess.Popen() and file open() functions
# Error handling: i.e. catch/log errors before dieing
# make sure all the function defs check inputs
## pull in the necessary modules ##
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from xml.dom import minidom
import logging
import datetime
## set up our logging ###########
today =
LOGDIR = "./log"
# make our logdir
if not os.path.exists(LOG):
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
LOGFILE = LOGDIR,"/",today,"_backup_logfile.log"
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y%m%d %I:%M:%S %p',filename='example.log')
def ssh_command(remote_user="root",remote_host="localhost",remote_command="hostname"):
""" run an arbitrary ssh command and return the output. No output checking or ssh error catching """
# this would better be done with something like paramiko. This way requires no additonal software
ssh_command = ["ssh",remote_user,"@",remote_host," \'",remote_command,"\'"]
sshraw = subprocess.Popen(myssh,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
sshout, ssherr = sshraw.communicate()
if sshraw.returncode:
logging.warning(" Error in run_backup with\" "ssh_command"\" :\n",ssherr)
raise Exception(ssherr)
else:" ssh command \'",ssh_command,"\' ran")" ssh output: ",sshout)
return sshout
## end ssh_command
def run_backup(testcli,testgrp):
""" Run backup on Avamar via mccli - testcli takes full """
# mccli client backup-group-dataset --name="/test01/testclient01" --group-name="/test01/group01"
mccli_run_backup = ["mccli","client","backup-group-dataset","--name=",testcli," --group-name=",testgrp ]
runraw = subprocess.Popen(mccli_run_backup, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
runout, runerr = runraw.communicate()
if runraw.returncode:
logging.warning(" Error in run_backup: ",runerr)
raise Exception(runerr)
runxml = minidom.parseString(runout)
# select activity ID and return
activity_id = runxml.getElementsByTagName('ID')[0]
return activity_id.firstChild.nodeValue[0]
## end run_backup
def show_status(act_id=0):
""" read in the status in XML format and stick it in a minidom object """
# get the status line from mccli
mccli_show_status = ["mccli","activity","show","--xml","--id="+act_id]
actraw = subprocess.Popen(mccli_show_status,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
actout,acterr = actraw.communicate()
if actraw.returncode:
logging.warning(" Error in show_status: ",acterr)
raise Exception(acterr)
# Step 2: XML processing
actxml = minidom.parseString(actout)
status = actxml.getElementsByTagName('Status')[0]
elapsed = actxml.getElementsByTagName('Elapsed')[0]
processed = actxml.getElementsByTagName('ProgressBytes')[0]
start = actxml.getElementsByTagName('StartTime')[0]
end = actxml.getElementsByTagName('EndTime')[0]
# return the relevant info." Backup Status for ",act_id,":",status.firstChild.nodeValue[0]," ------")" Elapsed time: ",elapsed.firstChild.nodeValue[0]," Data processed:",proceessed.firstChild.nodeValue[0])" Start time: ",start.firstChild.nodeValue[0]," End time: ",end.firstChild.nodeValue[0])
# write out a plain csv
# activity ID, Status, Elapsed time, Processed, Start time, End time
with open(csvfileout, 'w') as csv:
csv.close() "status line written to ",csvfileout," ----------------------")
return [status.firstChild.nodeValue[0]]
## end show_status
def show_log(act_id=0,logfileout='avamar_log_out'):
"""show the log and save to logfile"""
# get the logfile f
mccli_show_log = ["mccli","activity","get-log","--completed=true","--id=",act_id]
lograw = subprocess.Popen(mccli_show_log,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
log_o,log_err = lograw.communicate()
# error check
if lograw.returncode:
logging.warning(" Error in show_log: ",log_err)
raise Exception(log_err)
# save returned log to $LOCALDIR/log/YYYYMMDD_HHMM_$actid.log
with open(logfileout, 'w') as l:
l.close()" Backup job log written to ",logfileout)
return logfileout
## end show_log
def cpu_pc_ed(pc=100,plugin=1001,client="guest-2"):
"""Edit CPU throttling """
# call to mccli to edit --cpu-throttle valu
mccli_edit_cpu = ["mccli","dataset","edit-option","--plugin="+plugin,"--name=/test01/t01-linux-ds","--option=cpu-throttle","--value=",pc]
ecpuraw = subprocess.Popen(mccli_edit_cpu,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
ecpuout, ecpuerr = ecpuraw.communicate()
# error check
if ecpuraw.returncode:
logging.warning(" Error in cpu_pc_ed: ",ecpuerr)
raise Exception(ecpuerr)
elif ecpuout.find("modified") == "-1" :
logging.warning(" Unable to modify CPU throttle value: ",ecpout)
return -1
else:" CPU throttle value set to ",pc)" mccli dataset edit-option output: ",ecpout)
return 0
## end cpu_pc_ed
def create_workload(gb_workload=10,client="lguest-2",wl_dir="~/work"):
"""Create workload on client"""
pass # not ready yet
#run workload creator gb_workload in wl_dir on client
#return error if fails
## end create_workload
# Inital backup load
# gb_workload = [50,100,200,500]
#cpu_allow = [100,10,5]
#for wl in gb_workload:
#for cpu in cpu_allow:
# create_workload(GB_workload)
#while (show_status()[0] == "Running") :
# Post inital backup load
#for GB_workload = 500,1000,2000
# create_workload($GB_workload)
# run_backup()
# for cpu_allow = 100,10,5
# #monitorVM()
# run_backup()
# next
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