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Last active June 15, 2017 19:35
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Italian food words
Abbacchio - lamb
Acciughe – anchovies
Aceto - vinegar
Affumicato - smoked
Aglio - garlic
Aglio e olio - garlic and oil
Agnello - lamb
Agrodolce - sweet/sour
Al dente - firm (literally to the tooth)
Amaretti - crisp cookies made with bitter almonds
Amaretto - a sweet liqueur flavored with almonds
Anace/Anice - anise
Ananas – pineapple, an unacceptable Italian pizza topping
Andato a male – gone bad
Anguille - eel
Anisette - a colorless liqueur flavor with anise
Antipasto - literally 'before the meal'
Arancia - orange
Arancine - fried rice balls with meat or other filling
Arborio - a medium-grain rice used for making risotto
Ardente - hot, piquant
Arogosta - lobster
Arrostito - roasted
Arrosto - a roast
Asparagi - asparagus
Baccala - salt cod
Bacio – also chocolate hazelnut, but easier to pronounce
Bagno caldo - hot dip
Balsamico - an aged Italian vinegar
Basilico - basil
Basilico – basil
Bigne - fritters
Biscotti - literally 'twice cooked,' it refers to all kinds of cookies
Bistecca - beefsteak
Bollito misto - mixed boiled meats served with various sauces
Bottarga - preserved roe of tuna or mullet
Bottarga – salt-cured fish roe often from Sardinia or Sicily
Braciole - stuffed meat rolls
Braciolette - small beef rolls
Brodo - broth
Bruscandoli – hop shoots
Bruschetta - toasted bread served with various toppings
Budino - pudding
Buongustaio - gourmet
Cacciatore - hunter's style
Caffè americano – an espresso served in a cappuccino cup with hot water on the side not to be mistaken with…
Caffè corretto – an espresso “corrected” with a shot of liquor, often grappa
Caffè shakerato – an espresso shaken over ice forming a frothy summer treat
Caffè – an espresso
Calamari - squid
Calzone - pizza dough that is filled and baked or fried
Cannella - cinnamon
Cannellini - white kidney beans
Cannoli - filled pastry tubes
Capocollo - a hot spiced ham
Caponata - eggplant relish
Capozzelle - lamb's head
Capperi - capers
Cappone - capon
Cappuccino – a breakfast beverage not to be ordered after lunch or dinner
Carciofi - artichokes
Carnaroli - a medium-grain rice used for making risotto
Carne - meat
Cassata - a Sicilian cream-filled layer cake
Cavolfiore - cauliflower
Cavolo - cabbage
Ceci - chick peas
Cena – dinner
Cinghiale – wild boar
Cioccolato fondente – dark chocolate
Cioccolato – chocolate
Cioppino - shellfish stew
Cipolle - onions
Colazione – breakfast
Compreso – included
Conserva - preserves
Coperto – service charge, normally included in the check
Coppa (in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna) – cured sausage made of pork shoulder
Coppa (in central Italy) – cured sausage made of pork head
Cornetto – an Italian croissant also referred to as a “brioche” in Northern Italy
Cotolette - cutlets
Cotto - cooked
Cozze - mussels
Crema – cream made with egg yolk
Crespelle - crepes
Crostata - a sweet or savory tart
Crudo - raw
Di stagione – in season
Dolce - sweet
Dolci - sweets and pastries
Escluso – excluded
Fagioli - beans
Farcita - stuffing or filling
Farro - an ancient grain similar to spelt
Fegato - liver
Festa - holiday
Fico - fig
Filetto - fillet
Finocchio - fennel
Finocchiona – fennel-flavored cured pork sausage
Fiordilatte - “the flower of milk,” theoretically made with the best part of the milk, meaning the cream
Focaccia - flatbread served plain or with various toppings
Foccacia di Recco – a very thin flat bread filled with cheese. Arguably the most delicious thing you are likely to eat in Italy. Look for it in select parts of the Ligurian coast.
Formaggio – cheese
Fra diavolo - literally 'of the devil'
Fragola – strawberry
Fragole - strawberries
Frico – fried cheese served in Friuli
Frittata - an open-faced omelet
Frittelle - fritters
Fritto - fried
Frutta - fruit
Frutti di mare - seafood
Funghi - mushrooms
Funghi porcini – mushrooms with a big brown cap
Fuori stagione – out of season
Gamberetti - shrimp
Gardiniera - mixed pickled vegetables
Garofani - cloves
Gianduja – chocolate hazelnut
Gnocchi - dumplings eaten with a sauce or in broth
Grana Padano - a cow's milk hard cheese
Granchio - crab
Granita – Sicilian shaved ice
Grappa - liqueur made from the must of grapes
Grappa – distillate made from grape pomace, the leftovers from wine-making
Griglia - grill
Grissini - breadsticks
Guanciale – cured pork jowl
Il conto – the check
Imbottire - to stuff
Imbottita - stuffed
Lampone – raspberry
Lauro - bayleaf
Lenticchie - lentils
Limone - lemon
Macchiato – an espresso “stained” with milk foam
Maiale - pork
Maiale – pork
Mandorle - almonds
Manicotti - baked pasta tubes with a filling
Manzo - beef
Marinara - a plain tomato sauce
Marinare - to marinate
Marsala - a rich brown fortified wine
Mascarpone - creamy, soft, mild cheese
Mascarpone – Italian cream cheese
Melanzane - eggplant
Merenda – snack, normally acceptable only if you are under the age of ten
Minestra - soup (usually thick)
Minestrina - thin soup
Minestrone - thick mixed vegetable soup
Moeche – soft-shelled crabs from the Venetian lagoon
More – blackberry
Mortadella - a large cured and spiced pork sausage
Mosto Cotto - grape juice cooked to form a thick dark syrup
Mozzarella - a pure white soft cheese
Mozzarella di bufala – mozzarella made with buffalo’s milk
Mozzarella – cow’s milk cheese made by pulling or stretching the warm curd
Natale - Christmas
Nocciola – hazelnut
Nocciole - hazelnuts
Noce Moscata - nutmeg
Noci - walnuts
Olio - oil
Olio di oliva - olive oil
Olio extra vergine di oliva – EVOO
Origano - oregano
Origano - oregano
Orzo - small, seed-shaped pasta
Ostriche - oysters
Pancetta - salt-cured pork, unsmoked bacon
Pancetta affumicata – smoked pancetta
Pancetta – pork belly, cured but not smoked. It’s bacon with an Italian accent.
Pane – bread
Panella - fried chickpea bread
Panettone - a fruit-filled yeast bread
Pangrattato - bread crumbs
Panini – more than one Italian sandwich. Panini is plural.
Panino – an Italian sandwich
Panna - cream
Panna Cotta - literally 'cooked cream,' served for dessert
Panna montata - whipped cream
Panna – cream made without egg yolk
Parmigiano - a hard cow's milk cheese
Pasqua - Easter
Pasta Frolla - pastry dough
Pasticcio - pie, pastry, or cake
Pecorino - sheep's milk cheese
Peperoncini - dried red chiles
Peperoni – bell peppers
Peperonicni – red chilis, often dried and in flakes
Pesce – fish
Pesto - a sauce from mashed ingredients, usually basil
Piccante - spicy
Pignoli - pine nuts
Piselli - peas
Pizelle - embossed wafer cookies
Pizza Dolce - cake or sweet bread
Pizza – a flatbread, often circular in shape, baked with or without toppings
Polenta - a type of cornmeal
Polipi - octopus
Pollo - chicken
Pollo - chicken
Polpette - meatballs
Pomodori - tomatoes
Pomodoro fresco – fresh tomato
Porchetta - whole roast pig cooked with herbs and garlic
Porchetta – spit-roasted stuffed pig
Porcini - meaty wild mushrooms
Pranzo – lunch
Primavera - springtime
Prosciutto - salt-cured, air-dried pork
Prosciutto San Daniele – salt-cured, air-dried ham from San Daniele in the Friuli region of Northeastern Italy
Prosciutto di Parma – salt-cured, air-dried ham, aged in or around Parma for months.
Provolone - a straw-white cheese, sometimes smoked
Ragu - meat sauce for pasta
Rapini - another name for broccoli rabe
Ribollita - Tuscan bread and vegetable soup
Ricci di mare – sea urchins, served seasonally in Puglia and Sicily
Ricotta - a fresh, mild cheese
Ripieni - stuffed
Riso - rice
Risotto - rice cooked and stirred with broth until creamy
Rollatini - small stuffed meat rolls, sometimes in a sauce
Romano - a hard Pecorino cheese
Rosmarino - rosemary
Rosso/biano – red/white
Rustico - country-style
Salame picante – pepperoni or spicy, cured sausage
Salami - ground meat cured, seasoned and shaped like a sausage
Salsa - sauce
Salsa di pomodoro – tomato sauce
Salsiccia – sausage
Salso - salt
Saltari - sauteed
Salumi - collective name for salami and similar cured meats
Salvia - sage
Sambuca - a colorless liqueur made from anise
San Giuseppe - Saint Joseph
Sarde - sardines
Scaloppine - thinly sliced meat
Sedani - celery
Sfogliatelle - Neopolitan pastry filled with flavored ricotta
Sopressata - a type of salami
Spagna - sponge cake
Speck – dry-cured, smoked ham from Northern Italy
Spiedini - anything cooked on a skewer
Spinaci - spinach
Spremuta d’arancia – fresh-squeezed orange juice
Stracciatella – chocolate chip, but with chocolate flakes rather than chocolate chunks
Strega - a yellow liqueur made from herbs
Stufato - stew
Succo di frutta – fruit juice
Sughi - sauces
Sugo di carne - meat sauce
Taralli - round sweet or savory biscuits
Tartufo bianco – white truffles, available late fall to early winter
Tartufo nero – black truffle, found year-round
Tonno - tuna
Torrone - nougat-type candy
Torta - tart
Un americano – an aperitivo of Campari, sweet vermouth, and club soda
Un bicchiere d’acqua – a glass of water
Una festa - a saint's day
Un’altra grappa, per favore – another grappa, please
Uove - eggs
Uva - grapes
Verdure - green vegetables
Vino della casa – house wine
Vino della zona – wine produced nearby
Vino – wine
Vitello - veal (calf)
Vongole - clams
Wurstel – hot dog, a passable Italian pizza topping
Zabaglione - whipped egg custard serve as dessert or a sauce
Zafferano - saffron
Zampone - sausage-stuffed pig's foot
Zenzero - ginger
Zeppole - a fried pastry
Zucca - squash
Zuppa - soup
`Nduja – spicy, spreadable pork sausage from Calabria
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