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Created October 25, 2012 14:02
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Hootsuite SDK JS fix for HTTPS
// downloaded from
// to fix a bug in Hootsuite SDK
var hsp = {};
(function () {
hsp = new function () {
var g = "https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://",
q = g + "",
r = g + "",
j = "https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://",
l = !0,
c = function (b, d, f, e, c) {
if ("undefined" == typeof c || null == c) c = "";
var g = "hspframe" + c;
if ((c = document.getElementById(g)) && e) document.body.removeChild(c), c = null;
c || (c = document.createElement("iframe"), = = g, = "width: 1px; height: 1px; display: none; position: absolute; top: -999;", document.body.appendChild(c));
b = document.location.protocol + "//" + "" + encodeURIComponent(b) + "&p1=" + encodeURIComponent(d) + "&p2=" + encodeURIComponent(f) + "&key=" + encodeURIComponent(a.apiKey) + "&pid=" + encodeURIComponent(;
c.src = b
}, i = function (a) {
a || (a = function () {});
if ("undefined" === typeof JSON) {
var d = document.createElement("script");
d.type = "text/javascript";
d.async = !0;
d.src = r;
var c = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
c.parentNode.insertBefore(d, c);
var e = function () {
"undefined" !== typeof JSON ? a() : setTimeout(e, 100)
} else a()
}, m = function (a) {
var d = window.location.href,
d = RegExp(a.toLowerCase() + "=[^&]+", "i").exec(d),
a = "";
d && d.length && (d = d[0].split("="), 1 < d.length && (a = d[1]));
return a
}, a = this,
this.receiverPath = = this.apiKey = "";
this.boundEvents = [];
this.fnOnSendProfileToApp = this.fnOnSendComposedMsgToApp = this.fnOnSendToApp = this.fnOnClosePopUp = this.fnOnDropUser = this.fnOnRefresh = this.fnOnMessageSend = this.fnPhoneHome = this.fnOnGetTwitterAccounts = null;
this.init = function (b) {
var d = Math.floor(Math.random() * (new Date).getTime()),
f = function (c) {
a.fnPhoneHome = void 0;
parseInt(c) === d && (l = !0, b && b.subtitle && a.updatePlacementSubtitle(b.subtitle))
}; = m("pid");
if (b) {
a.apiKey = b.apiKey || "";
a.receiverPath = b.receiverPath || "";
a.callBack = b.callBack;
b.apiKey && ( && b.receiverPath) && (l = !1, this.fnPhoneHome = f, setTimeout(function () {
"undefined" != typeof a.fnPhoneHome && a.fnPhoneHome()
}, 5E3));
var f = a.apiKey + "_" +,
e = parent.frames[f];
a.apiKeyIsVerified = e && f == ? !0 : !1;
if (b.useTheme && "false" !== b.useTheme && "0" !== b.useTheme) {
f = "classic";
e = m("theme");
e.match(/^(blue_steel|classic|magnum)$/) && (f = e);
var g = h = null,
i = 0,
k = b.onThemeLoad ? b.onThemeLoad : function () {}, j = function () {
g && (clearTimeout(g), g = null);
h && (document.body.removeChild(h), h = null)
}, p = function () {
var a = document.getElementById(n);
if (a.currentStyle) var b = a.currentStyle.position;
else window.getComputedStyle && (b = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, null).getPropertyValue("position"));
"fixed" == b || 10 <= i ? j() : g = setTimeout(p, 100)
}, e = document.createElement("link");
e.type = "text/css";
e.rel = "stylesheet";
e.href = q + "/css/ad_" + f + ".css";
e.onload = function () {
f = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
f.length && f[0].appendChild(e);
if (b.onThemeLoad) {
var n = "hsLoadCheck",
h = document.createElement("div"); = n; = "display:none;";
g = setTimeout(p, 100)
c("init", a.receiverPath, d, !0);
this.fnCallingBack = function (b) {
"success" == b && (a.callBackIsVerified = !0)
a.apiKeyIsVerified ? setTimeout(function () {
c("callingback", null);
setTimeout(function () {
a.callBackIsVerified ? a.callBack && a.callBack("No Error") : a.callBack && a.callBack("Error: App receiver, Call back from dashboard to app failed")
}, 200)
}, 2E3) : a.callBack && a.callBack("Error: Incorrect API Key");
return a
this.apiKeyIncorrect = function () {
c("statusmsg", "API Key: " + a.apiKey + " is not correct, please check your app settings", "error", null, "status")
this.composeMessage = function (b, d) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
var f, e;
try {
d && (f = d.shortenLinks, e = d.timestamp)
} catch (g) {}
c("compose", b, f + "|" + e);
return a
this.showUser = function (b) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
b = b.replace("@", "");
c("userinfo", b);
return a
this.quickSearch = function (b) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
c("quicksearch", b);
return a
this.showTrends = function () {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
return a
this.showStatusMessage = function (b, d) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
c("statusmsg", b, d, null, "status");
return a
this.clearStatusMessage = function () {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
c("statusmsgclear", null, null, null, "status");
return a
this.showFollowDialog = function (b, d) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
c("showfollowdialog", b, d);
return a
this.customUserInfo = function (b) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
i(function () {
var a = JSON.stringify(b);
a && c("customuserinfo", a)
return a
this.showImagePreview = function (b, d) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
b, d);
return a
this.startAppTokenAuth = function () {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
this.editAppAuth = function () {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
this.reloadApp = function () {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
this.updatePlacementSubtitle = function (b) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
c("updateplacementsubtitle", b, null, null, "bg")
this.assignItem = function (b) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(),
i(function () {
var a = JSON.stringify(b);
a && c("assign", a)
return a
this.resolveItem = function (b) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
i(function () {
var a = JSON.stringify(b);
a && c("resolve", a)
return a
this.showCustomPopup = function (b, d, f, e) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
b = JSON.stringify({
url: b,
title: d,
w: f,
h: e
c("showCustomPopup", b)
this.closeCustomPopup = function (a, c) {
parent.frames[a + "_" + c].hsp.closeCustomPopupFn()
this.closeCustomPopupFn = function () {
this.getTwitterAccounts = function (b) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
c("gettwitteraccounts", null, null, null, "bg");
a.fnOnGetTwitterAccounts = function (a) {
a && "undefined" !== typeof b && b(a.split(","))
this.bind = function (b, d) {
if (!a.apiKeyIsVerified) return this.apiKeyIncorrect(), a;
if (b && d && "undefined" !== typeof d) {
var f = b.toLowerCase(),
switch (f) {
case "refresh":
e = "fnOnRefresh";
case "dropuser":
e = "fnOnDropUser";
case "closepopup":
e = "fnOnClosePopUp";
case "sendtoapp":
e = "fnOnSendToApp";
case "sendcomposedmsgtoapp":
e = "fnOnSendComposedMsgToApp";
case "sendprofiletoapp":
e = "fnOnSendProfileToApp"
e && (a[e] = function () {
l && d.apply(null, arguments)
0 > this.boundEvents.join("|").indexOf(f) && this.boundEvents.push(f);
k && clearTimeout(k);
k = setTimeout(function () {
c("userbound", a.boundEvents.join("|"))
}, 1E3)
return a
g = m("isSsl");
j = "true" == g || "1" == g ? "https://" : "http://"
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