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Last active February 24, 2023 08:37
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  • Save michaeldorner/a7d9ee78192af6b5e084a3f6bbe0b91d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save michaeldorner/a7d9ee78192af6b5e084a3f6bbe0b91d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# pylint: disable=locally-disabled, multiple-statements, line-too-long, missing-module-docstring, no-member, missing-class-docstring, missing-function-docstring
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import bz2
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
import orjson
from import tqdm
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession
logging.basicConfig(filename=f'hamster_{}.log', encoding='utf-8', level=logging.INFO)
def load(file_path: Path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file_handle:
byte_data = bz2.decompress(
return orjson.loads(byte_data)
def store(data, file_path: Path):
def remove_keys(data, contains, equals):
if isinstance(data, dict):
return {k: remove_keys(v, contains, equals) for k, v in data.items() if not (any(s in k for s in contains) or any(s == k for s in equals))}
if isinstance(data, list):
return [remove_keys(i, contains, equals) for i in data]
return data
(file_path.parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
cleaned_data = remove_keys(data, contains=['url', 'gravatar'], equals=['body', 'href', 'node_id', 'head', 'base', '_links', 'title', 'description'])
byte_data = orjson.dumps(cleaned_data)
byte_data = bz2.compress(byte_data)
with open(file_path, 'wb') as file_handle:
class GitHubAPIError(Exception):
class GitHubAPI:
def read(cls, resp: requests.Response):'HTTP status %i for %s', resp.status_code, resp.url)
match resp.status_code:
case 200:
return orjson.loads(resp.content)
case 403:
if int(resp.headers.get('X-RateLimit-Remaining', 1)) > 0:
return []
raise GitHubAPIError(f'{resp.status_code} for {resp.url}: {resp.text}')
case 404 | 500: # GitHub API is not bullet-proof
return []
case _:
raise GitHubAPIError(f'{resp.status_code} for {resp.url}: {resp.text}')
def __init__(self, api_token, out_dir: Path, api_url: str = '', time_out: int = 2*60, num_workers: int = 4):
if api_url[-1] != '/':
api_url += '/'
self.api_url = api_url
self.num_workers = num_workers
self.time_out = time_out
self.out_dir = out_dir
self.http_session = requests.session()
'User-Agent':'hamster_bth/ 1.0',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',
'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_token}',
retries = Retry(total=5,
status_forcelist=[500, 501, 502, 503, 504],
self.http_session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
self.http_session.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
def query(self, endpoint: str, params, progress_desc=None):
disable_progress = progress_desc is None
resp = self.http_session.get(self.api_url + endpoint, timeout=self.time_out, params=params)
result =
if 'last' in resp.links:
parsed_url = urlparse(resp.links['last']['url'])
captured_value = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
last_page = int(captured_value['page'][0])
with FuturesSession(max_workers=self.num_workers, session=self.http_session) as future_session:
futures = [future_session.get(self.api_url + endpoint, params=params|{'page': page}) for page in range(2, last_page+1)]
for future in tqdm(as_completed(futures), disable=disable_progress, total=len(futures), desc=progress_desc):
resp = future.result()
result +=
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='desc')
parser.add_argument('api_token', type=str, help='API token')
parser.add_argument('out_dir', type=Path, help='The output directory for all data')
parser.add_argument('--api_url', type=str, default='', help='Specify API URL for GitHub Enterprise')
parser.add_argument('--disable_cache', default=False, action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help='Disable cache')
parser.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=1, help='Worker for parallel requests')
parser.add_argument('--organization', type=str, help='Specify a single organization')
args = parser.parse_args()
gh = GitHubAPI(api_token=args.api_token, out_dir=args.out_dir, api_url=args.api_url, num_workers=args.num_workers)
if args.organization:
organizations = [{'login': args.organization}]
organizations = []
org_file_path = args.out_dir / 'organizations.json.bz2'
if org_file_path.exists() and not args.disable_cache:
organizations = load(org_file_path)
organizations = gh.query('organizations', params={'per_page': 100}, progress_desc='Collect organizations')
store(organizations, org_file_path)
repos = []
for org_name in tqdm([org['login'] for org in organizations], desc='Collect repos from organizations'):
repo_file_path = args.out_dir/'orgs'/org_name/'repos.json.bz2'
if repo_file_path.exists() and not args.disable_cache:
org_repos = load(repo_file_path)
org_repos = gh.query(f'orgs/{org_name}/repos', params={'type': 'all', 'per_page': 100})
store(org_repos, repo_file_path)
repos += [tuple(repo['full_name'].split('/')) for repo in org_repos]
pulls = []
for owner, name in tqdm(repos, desc='Collect pulls from repositories'):
if owner == 'guardrail' and name == 'guardrail-tingle-tests':
pulls_file_path = args.out_dir/f'repos/{owner}/{name}/pulls.json.bz2'
if pulls_file_path.exists() and not args.disable_cache:
repo_pulls = load(pulls_file_path)
repo_pulls = gh.query(f'repos/{owner}/{name}/pulls', params={'state': 'all', 'per_page': 100})
store(repo_pulls, pulls_file_path)
pulls += [(owner, name, pull['number']) for pull in repo_pulls]
with FuturesSession(max_workers=args.num_workers, session=gh.http_session) as future_session:
futures = {}
for owner, name, pr_number in pulls:
timeline_file_path = args.out_dir/f'repos/{owner}/{name}/timelines/{pr_number}.json.bz2'
if not timeline_file_path.exists() or args.disable_cache:
future = future_session.get(gh.api_url + f'repos/{owner}/{name}/issues/{pr_number}/timeline', params={'per_page': 100})
futures[future] = (owner, name, pr_number)
for future in tqdm(as_completed(futures), total=len(futures), desc='Collect timelines for pulls'):
owner, name, pr_number = futures[future]
resp = future.result()
timeline_file_path = args.out_dir/f'repos/{owner}/{name}/timelines/{pr_number}.json.bz2'
if 'next' in resp.links:
timeline = gh.query(f'repos/{owner}/{name}/issues/{pr_number}/timeline', params={'per_page': 100})
timeline =
store(timeline, timeline_file_path)
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