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Last active August 2, 2021 13:11
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\begin{figure}[!htp] \centering
\def \radius {3cm}
\def \margin {10} % margin in angles, depends on the radius
\def \n {6}
\draw[color=white, name path=c] (0:\radius) arc (0:360:\radius);
\node[draw, rounded corners, fill=white, name path=realitynode] at ({360/\n * 2}:\radius) (reality) {Reality of interest};
\node[name path=qualificationnode] at ({360/\n * 0.66}:\radius) (qualification) {Qualification}; %
\node[draw, rounded corners, fill=white, name path=conceptualmodelnode] at ({360/\n * 0}:\radius) (conceptualmodel) {Conceptual model};
\node[name path=verificationnode] at ({360/\n * 5.33}:\radius) (verification) {Verification}; %
\node[draw, rounded corners, fill=white, name path=computermodelnode] at ({360/\n * 4}:\radius) (computermodel) {Computer model};
\node[name path=validationnode] at ({360/\n * 3}:\radius) (validation) {Validation}; %
\path[name intersections={of=realitynode and c, by={i1, i2}}];
\path[name intersections={of=conceptualmodelnode and c, by={i3, i4}}];
\path[name intersections={of=computermodelnode and c, by={i5, i6}}];
\path[name intersections={of=qualificationnode and c, by={i7, i8}}];
\path[name intersections={of=verificationnode and c, by={i9, i10}}];
\path[name intersections={of=validationnode and c, by={i11, i12}}];
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMRed] (reality) -- (conceptualmodel) node[midway, fill=white, text=black]{Modeling};
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMRed] (conceptualmodel) -- (computermodel) node[midway, fill=white, text=black]{Implementation};
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMRed] (computermodel) -- (reality) node[midway, fill=white, text=black, anchor=west, xshift=-1em]{Simulation};
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMDarkBlue] (i1) to[bend left=29] (i7);
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMDarkBlue] (i3) to[bend right=15] (i8);
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMDarkBlue] (i4) to[bend left=15] (i9);
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMDarkBlue] (i6) to[bend right=29] (i10);
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMDarkBlue] (i5) to[bend left=23] (i12);
\draw[->, >=latex, ACMDarkBlue] (i2) to[bend right=23] (i11);
\caption{The interplay between the reality of interest, the conceptual and computer model: The red arrows indicate the transitions during the model development, the blue arrows indicate the quality assurance approaches.}
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