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Last active July 19, 2022 11:11
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  • Save michaeldorner/feccd5bfe6314546881e1a4afcc76fb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save michaeldorner/feccd5bfe6314546881e1a4afcc76fb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
\usetikzlibrary{calc, backgrounds, positioning}
\definecolor{ACMYellow}{RGB}{255, 214, 0}
\definecolor{ACMOrange}{RGB}{252, 146, 0}
\definecolor{ACMRed}{RGB}{253, 27, 20}
\definecolor{ACMLightBlue}{RGB}{131, 206, 226}
\definecolor{ACMGreen}{RGB}{166, 188, 9}
\definecolor{ACMPurple}{RGB}{101, 1, 107}
\definecolor{ACMDarkBlue}{RGB}{9, 53, 122}
\tikzstyle{important}=[draw, circle, minimum size=8mm, fill=white];
\tikzstyle{unimportant}=[draw, circle, minimum size=4mm, fill=white];
\node at (0,1) (v1) {};
\node at (2,1.75) (v2) {};
\node at (2,0) (v3) {};
\node at (4,3) (v4) {};
\node at (4,0) (v5) {};
\node at (6,1) (v6) {};
\node at (4.55,-1.5) (v7) {};
\node at (0.75,2) (v8) {};
\node at (2.5,3.5) (v9) {};
\draw[draw, fill=ACMDarkBlue, fill opacity=0.5] \hedgem{v1}{v8}{v2,v3}{6mm};
\draw[draw, fill=ACMRed, fill opacity=0.5] \hedgem{v2}{v9}{v4}{6mm};
\draw[draw, fill=ACMPurple, fill opacity=0.5] \hedgem{v5}{v4}{v6}{6mm};
\draw[draw, fill=ACMOrange, fill opacity=0.5] \hedgem{v3}{v6}{v7}{6mm};
\node[important] at (v1) {$v_1$};
\node[important] at (v2) {$v_2$};
\node[important] at (v3) {$v_3$};
\node[important] at (v4) {$v_4$};
\node[important] at (v5) {$v_5$};
\node[important] at (v6) {$v_6$};
\node[unimportant] at (v7) {};
\node[unimportant] at (v8) {};
\node[unimportant] at (v9) {};
\node at (1, 1) {$e_1$};
\node at (2.75, 2.75) {$e_2$};
\node at (3.5, -1) {$e_3$};
\node at (4.75, 2) {$e_4$};
% Needs
% \usetikzlibrary{calc}
% \usepackage{ifthen}
% Rotate input point by 90 degrees clockwise.
% \pgfpoint{-\y}{\x}
% Rotate input point by 90 degrees clockwise.
% \pgfpoint{-\y}{\x}
% #1 start point
% #2 end point
% #3 radius
% Compute a length-radius vector perpendicular (clockwise)
% to the vector from start point to end point.
% #1 start point
% #2 end point
% #3 radius
% Compute a length-radius vector perpendicular (counterclockwise)
% to the line from start point to end point.
% #1 start point
% #2 end point
% #3 radius
% Add to end point a length-radius vector perpendicular
% (counter-clockwise) to the line from start point to end point.
% #1 start point
% #2 end point
% #3 radius
% Add to end point a length-radius vector perpendicular
% (counter-clockwise) to the line from start point to end point.
($ (#2) ! #3 ! -90 : (#1) $)
% #1 = previous pgf point
% #2 = current pgf point
% #3 = next pgf point
% #4 = radius
% Computes a path comprising a rounded corner on the outside of the angle #1#2#3.
\pgfmathparse{\pgfmathresult - \anglea}
\ifthenelse{180=\arcangle \or 180<\arcangle}{
\pgfmathparse{-360 + \arcangle}}{
-- (\x,\y) arc [start angle=\startangle, delta angle=\deltaangle, radius=#4]
% #1#2#3 = tikz points
% #4 = radius
% Computes a path comprising the line of the points outside of the
% convex hull H of the points #1#2#3 that have distance #4 to H.
% Points #1#2#3 need to be in clockwise order.
\outside{#1}{#2}{#4} \corner{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} \corner{#2}{#3}{#1}{#4} \corner{#3}{#1}{#2}{#4} -- cycle
% #1#2 = tikz points
% #3 = list of tikz points
% #4 = radius
% Computes a path comprising the line of the points outside of the convex hull H of the points #1#2[#3] that have distance #4 to H.
% Points #1#2[#3] need to be vertices of a convex polygon and in clockwise order.
foreach \c in {#3} {
-- cycle
% #1#2 = tikz points
% #3 = radius
% #1 = tikz point
% #2 = radius
(#1) circle [radius = #2]
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