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Last active March 25, 2016 02:43
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Laravel 4 Envoy deploy configuration
@servers([ 'remote' => ''])
if ( ! isset($repo) )
throw new Exception('--repo must be specified');
if ( ! isset($base_dir) )
throw new Exception('--base_dir must be specified');
$branch = isset($branch) ? $branch : 'develop';
$repo_name = array_pop(explode('/', $repo));
$repo = '' . $repo . '/tarball/' . $branch;
$release_dir = $base_dir . '/releases';
$current_dir = $base_dir . '/current';
$release = date('YmdHis');
$env = isset($env) ? $env : 'staging';
@macro('deploy', [ 'on' => 'remote', ])
[ -d {{ $release_dir }} ] || mkdir {{ $release_dir }};
cd {{ $release_dir }};
# Make the release dir
mkdir {{ $release }};
# Download the tarball
echo 'Fetching project tarball';
curl -sLo {{ $release }}.tar.gz {{ $repo }};
# Extract the tarball
echo 'Extracting tarball';
tar --strip-components=1 -zxf {{ $release }}.tar.gz -C {{ $release }};
# Purge temporary files
echo 'Purging temporary files';
rm -rf {{ $release }}.tar.gz;
echo 'Installing composer dependencies';
cd {{ $release_dir }}/{{ $release }};
composer install --prefer-dist --no-scripts -q -o;
echo 'Updating symlinks';
# Remove the storage directory and replace with persistent data
echo 'Linking storage directory';
rm -rf {{ $release_dir }}/{{ $release }}/app/storage;
cd {{ $release_dir }}/{{ $release }};
ln -nfs {{ $base_dir }}/storage app/storage;
# Optimise installation
echo 'Optimising installation';
php artisan clear-compiled --env={{ $env }};
php artisan optimize --env={{ $env }};
# Import the environment config
echo 'Linking .env.php file';
cd {{ $release_dir }}/{{ $release }};
ln -nfs {{ $base_dir }}/.env.php .env.php;
# Symlink the latest release to the current directory
echo 'Linking current release';
ln -nfs {{ $release_dir }}/{{ $release }} {{ $current_dir }};
cd {{ $release_dir }}/{{ $release }};
echo 'Updating directory permissions';
find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
echo 'Updating file permissions';
find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
echo 'Running migrations';
cd {{ $release_dir }}/{{ $release }};
php artisan migrate --env={{ $env }} --force;
cd {{ $release_dir }}/{{ $release }};
php artisan down;
cd {{ $current_dir }};
php artisan up;
echo 'Purging old releases';
# This will list our releases by modification time and delete all but the 5 most recent.
ls -dt {{ $release_dir }}/* | tail -n +6 | xargs -d '\n' rm -rf;
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