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Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Populate Date
* Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Populate Date (Usage)
//target date= source date + inputID field (days)
new GW_Populate_Date( array(
'form_id' => 21,
'target_field_id' => 11,
'source_field_id' => 10,
//'format' => 'd/m/Y',
'modifier' => array(
'type' => 'field',
'inputId' => 12,
'modifier' => '+{0} days',
) );
* Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Populate Date
* Provides the ability to populate a Date field with a modified date based on the current date or a user-submitted date. If the
* modified date is based on a user-submitted date, the modified date can only be populated once the form has been submitted.
* @version 1.8
* @author David Smith <>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
class GW_Populate_Date {
protected static $is_script_output = false;
public function __construct( $args = array() ) {
// set our default arguments, parse against the provided arguments, and store for use throughout the class
$this->_args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'form_id' => false,
'target_field_id' => false,
'source_field_id' => false,
'format' => false,
'modifier' => false,
'min_date' => false,
) );
if( ! $this->_args['form_id'] || ! $this->_args['target_field_id'] ) {
// time for hooks
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) );
public function init() {
// make sure we're running the required minimum version of Gravity Forms
if( ! property_exists( 'GFCommon', 'version' ) || ! version_compare( GFCommon::$version, '1.8', '>=' ) ) {
if( $this->_args['source_field_id'] ) {
add_action( 'gform_pre_submission', array( $this, 'populate_date_on_pre_submission' ) );
add_filter( 'gform_pre_render', array( $this, 'load_form_script' ) );
add_filter( 'gform_register_init_scripts', array( $this, 'add_init_script' ) );
add_filter( 'gform_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_form_scripts' ) );
} else {
add_filter( 'gform_pre_render', array( $this, 'populate_date_on_pre_render' ) );
public function enqueue_form_scripts( $form ) {
if( $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'moment', '' );
add_filter( 'gform_noconflict_scripts', function( $scripts ) {
$scripts[] = 'moment';
return $scripts;
} );
public function populate_date_on_pre_render( $form ) {
if( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
return $form;
foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
if( $field['id'] == $this->_args['target_field_id'] ) {
$key = sprintf( 'gwpd_%d_%d', $form['id'], $field['id'] );
$value = $this->get_modified_date( $field );
$field['allowsPrepopulate'] = true;
$field['inputName'] = $key;
add_filter( "gform_field_value_{$key}", create_function( '', 'return \'' . $value . '\';' ) );
return $form;
public function populate_date_on_pre_submission( $form ) {
if( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
if( $field['id'] == $this->_args['target_field_id'] ) {
$timestamp = $this->get_source_timestamp( GFFormsModel::get_field( $form, $this->_args['source_field_id'] ) );
$value = $this->get_modified_date( $field, $timestamp );
$_POST[ "input_{$field['id']}" ] = $value;
public function get_source_timestamp( $field ) {
$raw = rgpost( 'input_' . $field['id'] );
if( is_array( $raw ) ) {
$raw = array_filter( $raw );
list( $format, $divider ) = $field['dateFormat'] ? array_pad( explode( '_', $field['dateFormat' ] ), 2, 'slash' ) : array( 'mdy', 'slash' );
$dividers = array( 'slash' => '/', 'dot' => '.', 'dash' => '-' );
if( empty( $raw ) ) {
$raw = date( implode( $dividers[ $divider ], str_split( $format ) ) );
$date = ! is_array( $raw ) ? explode( $dividers[ $divider ], $raw ) : $raw;
$month = $date[ strpos( $format, 'm' ) ];
$day = $date[ strpos( $format, 'd' ) ];
$year = $date[ strpos( $format, 'y' ) ];
$timestamp = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year );
return $timestamp;
public function get_modified_date( $field, $timestamp = false ) {
if( ! $timestamp ) {
$timestamp = current_time( 'timestamp' );
// Always respect the passed format; it may conflict with the Date format but this is used at the user's discretion.
if( $this->_args['format'] ) {
$format = $this->get_format();
else if( GFFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'date' ) {
list( $format, $divider ) = $field['dateFormat'] ? array_pad( explode( '_', $field['dateFormat' ] ), 2, 'slash' ) : array( 'mdy', 'slash' );
$dividers = array( 'slash' => '/', 'dot' => '.', 'dash' => '-' );
$format = str_replace( 'y', 'Y', $format );
$divider = $dividers[ $divider ];
$format = implode( $divider, str_split( $format ) );
if( $this->_args['modifier'] ) {
$modifier = $this->_args['modifier'];
if( is_array( $modifier ) ) {
$key = sprintf( 'input_%s', str_replace( '.', '_', $modifier['inputId'] ) );
$value = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gwpd_get_field_value', $this->_args['form_id'], $modifier['inputId'] ), intval( rgpost( $key ) ), $modifier['inputId'] );
$modifier = $value > 0 ? sprintf( str_replace( '{0}', '%d', $modifier['modifier'] ), $value ) : false;
if( $modifier ) {
$timestamp = strtotime( $modifier, $timestamp );
if( $this->_args['min_date'] ) {
$min_timestamp = strtotime( $this->_args['min_date'] ) ? strtotime( $this->_args['min_date'] ) : $this->_args['min_date'];
if( $min_timestamp > $timestamp ) {
$timestamp = $min_timestamp;
$date = date( $format, $timestamp );
return $date;
public function get_format() {
return ! $this->_args['format'] ? 'Y-m-d' : $this->_args['format'];
public function load_form_script( $form ) {
if( $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) && ! self::$is_script_output ) {
return $form;
public function output_script() {
<script type="text/javascript">
( function( $ ) {
window.GWPopulateDate = function( args ) {
var self = this;
// copy all args to current object: (list expected props)
for( prop in args ) {
if( args.hasOwnProperty( prop ) )
self[prop] = args[prop];
self.init = function() {
self.$sourceInputs = GWDates.getFieldInputs( self.sourceFieldId, self.formId );
self.$sourceInputs.change( function() {
self.populateDate( self.sourceFieldId, self.targetFieldId, self.getModifier() );
} );
if( typeof self.modifier == 'object' ) {
self.$modifierInputs = self.getInputs( self.modifier.inputId );
self.$modifierInputs.change( function() {
self.populateDate( self.sourceFieldId, self.targetFieldId, self.getModifier() );
} );
$( document ).bind( 'gform_post_conditional_logic', function( event, formId, fields ) {
if( formId == self.formId ) {
self.populateDate( self.sourceFieldId, self.targetFieldId, self.getModifier(), self.format );
} );
self.populateDate( self.sourceFieldId, self.targetFieldId, self.getModifier(), self.format );
self.populateDate = function( sourceFieldId, targetFieldId, modifier, format ) {
var date = new Date( GWDates.getFieldTimestamp( sourceFieldId, self.formId ) ),
newDate = modifier ? new Date( GWPopulateDate.strtotime( modifier, date.getTime() / 1000 ) * 1000 ) : date;
GWDates.populateDate( targetFieldId, self.formId, newDate.getTime(), format );
self.getModifier = function() {
if( typeof self.modifier != 'object' ) {
return self.modifier;
switch( self.modifier.type ) {
case 'field':
var inputId = self.modifier.inputId,
value = self.getFieldValue( inputId ),
modifier = value > 0 ? self.modifier.modifier.format( value ) : false;
return modifier;
self.getFieldValue = function( inputId ) {
var $input = self.getInputs( inputId ),
value = parseInt( $input.val() );
value = gform.applyFilters( 'gwpd_get_field_value', value, $input, inputId );
return value;
self.getInputs = function( inputId ) {
var fieldId = gformExtractFieldId( inputId ),
inputIndex = gformExtractInputIndex( inputId ),
id = inputIndex !== fieldId ? '#input_{0}_{1}' : '#input_{0}_{1}_{2}',
$input = $( id.format( self.formId, fieldId, inputIndex ) );
return $input;
GWPopulateDate.strtotime = function( text, now ) {
/*discuss at:
version: 1109.2016
original by: Caio Ariede (
improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
improved by: Caio Ariede (
improved by: A. Matías Quezada (
improved by: preuter
improved by: Brett Zamir (
improved by: Mirko Faber
input by: David
bugfixed by: Wagner B. Soares
bugfixed by: Artur Tchernychev
bugfixed by: Stephan Bösch-Plepelits (*/
var parsed, match, today, year, date, days, ranges, len, times, regex, i, fail = false;
if (!text) {
return now;
// Unecessary spaces
text = text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ')
.replace(/[\t\r\n]/g, '')
// in contrast to php, js Date.parse function interprets:
// dates given as yyyy-mm-dd as in timezone: UTC,
// dates with "." or "-" as MDY instead of DMY
// dates with two-digit years differently
// etc...etc...
// ...therefore we manually parse lots of common date formats
match = text.match(
if (match && match[2] === match[4]) {
if (match[1] > 1901) {
switch (match[2]) {
case '-':
if (match[3] > 12 || match[5] > 31) {
return fail;
return new Date(match[1], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[5],
match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
case '.':
// YYYY.M.D is not parsed by strtotime()
return fail;
case '/':
if (match[3] > 12 || match[5] > 31) {
return fail;
return new Date(match[1], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[5],
match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
} else if (match[5] > 1901) {
switch (match[2]) {
case '-':
if (match[3] > 12 || match[1] > 31) {
return fail;
return new Date(match[5], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[1],
match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
case '.':
if (match[3] > 12 || match[1] > 31) {
return fail;
return new Date(match[5], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[1],
match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
case '/':
if (match[1] > 12 || match[3] > 31) {
return fail;
return new Date(match[5], parseInt(match[1], 10) - 1, match[3],
match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
} else {
switch (match[2]) {
case '-':
// YY-M-D
if (match[3] > 12 || match[5] > 31 || (match[1] < 70 && match[1] > 38)) {
return fail;
year = match[1] >= 0 && match[1] <= 38 ? +match[1] + 2000 : match[1];
return new Date(year, parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[5],
match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
case '.':
// D.M.YY or H.MM.SS
if (match[5] >= 70) {
// D.M.YY
if (match[3] > 12 || match[1] > 31) {
return fail;
return new Date(match[5], parseInt(match[3], 10) - 1, match[1],
match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
if (match[5] < 60 && !match[6]) {
// H.MM.SS
if (match[1] > 23 || match[3] > 59) {
return fail;
today = new Date();
return new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate(),
match[1] || 0, match[3] || 0, match[5] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
// invalid format, cannot be parsed
return fail;
case '/':
// M/D/YY
if (match[1] > 12 || match[3] > 31 || (match[5] < 70 && match[5] > 38)) {
return fail;
year = match[5] >= 0 && match[5] <= 38 ? +match[5] + 2000 : match[5];
return new Date(year, parseInt(match[1], 10) - 1, match[3],
match[6] || 0, match[7] || 0, match[8] || 0, match[9] || 0) / 1000;
case ':':
if (match[1] > 23 || match[3] > 59 || match[5] > 59) {
return fail;
today = new Date();
return new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate(),
match[1] || 0, match[3] || 0, match[5] || 0) / 1000;
// other formats and "now" should be parsed by Date.parse()
if (text === 'now') {
return now === null || isNaN(now) ? new Date()
.getTime() / 1000 | 0 : now | 0;
if (!isNaN(parsed = Date.parse(text))) {
return parsed / 1000 | 0;
// Browsers != Chrome have problems parsing ISO 8601 date strings, as they do
// not accept lower case characters, space, or shortened time zones.
// Therefore, fix these problems and try again.
// Examples:
// 2015-04-15 20:33:59+02
// 2015-04-15 20:33:59z
// 2015-04-15t20:33:59+02:00
if (match = text.match(/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})[ t]([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(\.[0-9]+)?)([\+-][0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?|z)/)) {
// fix time zone information
if (match[4] == 'z') {
match[4] = 'Z';
else if (match[4].match(/^([\+-][0-9]{2})$/)) {
match[4] = match[4] + ':00';
if (!isNaN(parsed = Date.parse(match[1] + 'T' + match[2] + match[4]))) {
return parsed / 1000 | 0;
date = now ? new Date(now * 1000) : new Date();
days = {
'sun': 0,
'mon': 1,
'tue': 2,
'wed': 3,
'thu': 4,
'fri': 5,
'sat': 6
ranges = {
'yea': 'FullYear',
'mon': 'Month',
'day': 'Date',
'hou': 'Hours',
'min': 'Minutes',
'sec': 'Seconds'
function lastNext(type, range, modifier) {
var diff, day = days[range];
if (typeof day !== 'undefined') {
diff = day - date.getDay();
if (diff === 0) {
diff = 7 * modifier;
} else if (diff > 0 && type === 'last') {
diff -= 7;
} else if (diff < 0 && type === 'next') {
diff += 7;
date.setDate(date.getDate() + diff);
function process(val) {
var splt = val.split(' '), // Todo: Reconcile this with regex using \s, taking into account browser issues with split and regexes
type = splt[0],
range = splt[1].substring(0, 3),
typeIsNumber = /\d+/.test(type),
ago = splt[2] === 'ago',
num = (type === 'last' ? -1 : 1) * (ago ? -1 : 1);
if (typeIsNumber) {
num *= parseInt(type, 10);
if (ranges.hasOwnProperty(range) && !splt[1].match(/^mon(day|\.)?$/i)) {
return date['set' + ranges[range]](date['get' + ranges[range]]() + num);
if (range === 'wee') {
return date.setDate(date.getDate() + (num * 7));
if (type === 'next' || type === 'last') {
lastNext(type, range, num);
} else if (!typeIsNumber) {
return false;
return true;
times = '(years?|months?|weeks?|days?|hours?|minutes?|min|seconds?|sec' +
'|sunday|sun\\.?|monday|mon\\.?|tuesday|tue\\.?|wednesday|wed\\.?' +
regex = '([+-]?\\d+\\s' + times + '|' + '(last|next)\\s' + times + ')(\\sago)?';
match = text.match(new RegExp(regex, 'gi'));
if (!match) {
return fail;
for (i = 0, len = match.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!process(match[i])) {
return fail;
// ECMAScript 5 only
// if (!match.every(process))
// return false;
return (date.getTime() / 1000);
window.GWDates = {
getFieldTimestamp: function( dateTimeFieldId, formId, $inputs ) {
var field;
if( typeof dateTimeFieldId == 'object' ) {
field = dateTimeFieldId;
} else {
field = GWDates.getFieldPropsByCSS( dateTimeFieldId, formId );
var isVisible = window['gf_check_field_rule'] ? gf_check_field_rule( formId,, true, '' ) == 'show' : true,
$inputs = typeof $inputs == 'undefined' ? GWDates.getFieldInputs(, formId ) : $inputs,
value = 0;
if( $inputs.length <= 0 || ! isVisible ) {
return value;
switch( field.type ) {
case 'date':
var formatBits = field.dateFormat.split( '_' ),
mdy = formatBits[0],
separator = formatBits[1] ? formatBits[1] : 'slash',
sepChars = { slash: '/', dot: '.', dash: '-' },
sepChar = sepChars[ separator ];
switch( field.dateType ) {
case 'datefield':
case 'datedropdown':
var month = $inputs.eq( mdy.indexOf( 'm' ) ).val(),
day = $inputs.eq( mdy.indexOf( 'd' ) ).val(),
year = $inputs.eq( mdy.indexOf( 'y' ) ).val(),
missingData = ! month || ! day || ! year,
datetime = missingData ? false : new Date( year, month - 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
case 'datepicker':
var dateArr = $inputs.eq( 0 ).val().split( sepChar ),
month = dateArr[ mdy.indexOf( 'm' )],
day = dateArr[ mdy.indexOf( 'd' ) ],
year = dateArr[ mdy.indexOf( 'y' ) ],
missingData = ! month || ! day || ! year,
datetime = missingData ? false : new Date( year, month - 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
datetime = new Date( year, month - 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
var timestamp = datetime === false ? false : datetime.getTime();
/* Coming soon...
case 'time':
var timestamp = moment().format( 'X' ),
hour = $inputs.eq( 0 ).val(),
min = $inputs.eq( 1 ).val(),
ampm = $inputs.eq( 2 ).val(),
missingData = ! hour || ! min;
if( ! missingData ) {
var timeStr = ampm ? hour + ':' + min + ' ' + ampm : hour + ':' + min,
format = ampm ? 'h:m a' : 'HH:m',
datetime = moment( timeStr, format );
timestamp = datetime.format( 'X' );
return timestamp;
getFieldPropsByCSS: function( fieldId, formId ) {
var $field = $( '#field_' + formId + '_' + fieldId ),
classes = $field.attr( 'class' ),
field = { id: fieldId, type: null };
if( ! classes ) {
return field;
var cssClasses = $field.attr( 'class' ).split( /\s+/ );
for( var i = 0; i < cssClasses.length; i++ ) {
if( cssClasses[i].indexOf( 'gw-field-' ) != -1 ) {
var classBits = cssClasses[i].split( '-' ),
prop = classBits[2],
value = classBits[3];
field[prop] = value;
// hacky way of determining whether any property is set
//return typeof prop != 'undefined' ? field : false;
return field;
populateDate: function( dateTimeFieldId, formId, timestamp, format ) {
var field = GWDates.getFieldPropsByCSS( dateTimeFieldId, formId ),
date = timestamp instanceof Date ? timestamp: new Date( timestamp ),
isVisible = window['gf_check_field_rule'] ? gf_check_field_rule( formId,, true, '' ) == 'show' : true,
$inputs = typeof $inputs == 'undefined' ? $( '#field_' + formId + '_' + ).find( 'input, select' ) : $inputs;
if( $inputs.length <= 0 || ! isVisible ) {
return false;
switch( field.type ) {
case 'date':
var formatBits = field.dateFormat.split( '_' ),
mdy = formatBits[0],
separator = formatBits[1] ? formatBits[1] : 'slash',
sepChars = { slash: '/', dot: '.', dash: '-' },
dateParts = {
month: isNaN( date.getMonth() ) ? '' : date.getMonth() + 1,
day: isNaN( date.getDate() ) ? '' : date.getDate(),
year: isNaN( date.getFullYear() ) ? '' : date.getFullYear()
switch( field.dateType ) {
case 'datefield':
case 'datedropdown':
$inputs.eq( mdy.indexOf( 'm' ) ).val( dateParts.month );
$inputs.eq( mdy.indexOf( 'd' ) ).val( );
$inputs.eq( mdy.indexOf( 'y' ) ).val( dateParts.year );
case 'datepicker':
var dateStr = ! dateParts.month ? '' : mdy.split( '' ).join( sepChars[ separator ] )
.replace( 'm', GWDates.padDateOrMonth( dateParts.month ) )
.replace( 'd', GWDates.padDateOrMonth( ) )
.replace( 'y', dateParts.year );
$inputs.val( dateStr );
var mo = moment( timestamp );
$inputs.val( mo.formatPHP( format ) );
getFieldInputs: function( fieldId, formId ) {
return $( '#field_' + formId + '_' + fieldId ).find( 'input, select' );
padDateOrMonth: function( num ) {
return ( '0' + num ).slice( -2 );
} )( jQuery );
( function ( m ) {
* PHP => moment.js
* Will take a php date format and convert it into a JS format for moment
var formatMap = {
d: 'DD',
D: 'ddd',
j: 'D',
l: 'dddd',
N: 'E',
S: function () {
return '[' + this.format('Do').replace(/\d*/g, '') + ']';
w: 'd',
z: function () {
return this.format('DDD') - 1;
W: 'W',
F: 'MMMM',
m: 'MM',
M: 'MMM',
n: 'M',
t: function () {
return this.daysInMonth();
L: function () {
return this.isLeapYear() ? 1 : 0;
o: 'GGGG',
Y: 'YYYY',
y: 'YY',
a: 'a',
A: 'A',
B: function () {
var thisUTC = this.clone().utc(),
// Shamelessly stolen from
swatch = ((thisUTC.hours() + 1) % 24) + (thisUTC.minutes() / 60) + (thisUTC.seconds() / 3600);
return Math.floor(swatch * 1000 / 24);
g: 'h',
G: 'H',
h: 'hh',
H: 'HH',
i: 'mm',
s: 'ss',
u: '[u]', // not sure if moment has this
e: '[e]', // moment does not have this
I: function () {
return this.isDST() ? 1 : 0;
O: 'ZZ',
P: 'Z',
T: '[T]', // deprecated in moment
Z: function () {
return parseInt(this.format('ZZ'), 10) * 36;
c: 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ssZ',
r: 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ',
U: 'X'
formatEx = /[dDjlNSwzWFmMntLoYyaABgGhHisueIOPTZcrU]/g;
moment.fn.formatPHP = function (format) {
var that = this;
return this.format(format.replace(formatEx, function (phpStr) {
return typeof formatMap[phpStr] === 'function' ? formatMap[phpStr].call(that) : formatMap[phpStr];
}( moment ) );
self::$is_script_output = true;
public function add_init_script( $form ) {
if( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
$args = array(
'formId' => $this->_args['form_id'],
'targetFieldId' => $this->_args['target_field_id'],
'sourceFieldId' => $this->_args['source_field_id'],
'modifier' => $this->_args['modifier'],
'format' => $this->get_format(),
$script = 'new GWPopulateDate( ' . json_encode( $args ) . ' );';
$slug = implode( '_', array( 'gw_populate_date', $this->_args['form_id'], $this->_args['target_field_id'] ) );
GFFormDisplay::add_init_script( $this->_args['form_id'], $slug, GFFormDisplay::ON_PAGE_RENDER, $script );
public function is_applicable_form( $form ) {
$form_id = isset( $form['id'] ) ? $form['id'] : $form;
return $form_id == $this->_args['form_id'];
// add date props as CSS classes
add_filter( 'gform_pre_render', function( $form ) {
$prefix = 'gw-field-';
foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
$classes = false;
switch( GFFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) ) {
case 'date':
$classes = array(
'type' => sprintf( '%stype-%s', $prefix, $field->type ),
'date_type' => sprintf( '%sdateType-%s', $prefix, $field->dateType ),
'date_format' => sprintf( '%sdateFormat-%s', $prefix, $field->dateFormat ? $field->dateFormat : 'mdy' )
case 'time':
$classes = array(
'type' => sprintf( '%stype-%s', $prefix, $field->type ),
'time_format' => sprintf( '%stimeFormat-%s', $prefix, $field->timeFormat ? $field->timeFormat : 'mdy' )
if( $classes ) {
$current_classes = explode( ' ', $field->cssClass );
$classes = array_unique( array_merge( $current_classes, $classes ), SORT_REGULAR );
$field->cssClass .= ' ' . implode( ' ', $classes );
return $form;
} );
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