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Created July 12, 2016 18:20
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-- code from with bug related to
-- assumption of trailing spaces after words
import Data.List;
lineBreak :: String -> String
lineBreak = joinedLines . wordJoinedLines . brokenLines . words
brokenLines :: [String] -> [[String]]
brokenLines [] = []
brokenLines wordList = brokenLine : brokenLines remainingWords
where (brokenLine, remainingWords) = splitAt (brokenLineWordCount wordList) wordList
brokenLineWordCount :: [String] -> Int
brokenLineWordCount = length . takeWhile (< 13) . scanl1 (+) . map wordLength
wordLength :: String -> Int
wordLength = succ . length
wordJoinedLines :: [[String]] -> [String]
wordJoinedLines = map (intercalate " ")
joinedLines :: [String] -> String
joinedLines = intercalate "\n"
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