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Last active December 17, 2015 00:49
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identifier-only scope colouring levels
fs = require 'fs'
esprima = require 'esprima'
escope = require 'escope'
eslevels = require 'eslevels'
js = (fs.readFileSync './input.js').toString()
ast = esprima.parse js, {range: yes}
scopes = (escope.analyze ast).scopes
scopeLevel = (scope) ->
return 0 unless scope?
level = 0
while scope = scope.upper
++level unless scope.functionExpressionScope
levels = []
for scope in scopes
level = scopeLevel scope
for variable in scope.variables
# parameters and NFE names and catch variables and uninitialised variable declarations
if variable.identifiers[0] and (not variable.defs[0].node.init or variable.defs[0].type in ['Parameter', 'CatchClause', 'FunctionName'])
levels.push [level, variable.identifiers[0].range[0], variable.identifiers[0].range[1] - 1]
# references to the variables declared in this scope
for reference in variable.references when reference.identifier
levels.push [level, reference.identifier.range[0], reference.identifier.range[1] - 1]
switch scope.type
when 'global'
# unresolved globals
for reference in scope.through
levels.push [0, reference.identifier.range[0], reference.identifier.range[1] - 1]
when 'function'
# `function` keyword
unless scope.functionExpressionScope
levels.push [level, scope.block.range[0], scope.block.range[0] + 8 - 1]
when 'with'
# `with` keyword
levels.push [level, scope.block.range[0], scope.block.range[0] + 4 - 1]
when 'catch'
# `catch` keyword
levels.push [level, scope.block.range[0], scope.block.range[0] + 5 - 1]
levels.sort (a, b) -> if a[1] < b[1] then -1 else 1
console.dir levels
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mazurov commented May 9, 2013

You are theoretician 😄 In practice, how many people use redeclaration of exception variable? (I think it also a bad coding style).

(function () {
  var a="OUTSIDE";
  try {throw new Error();} catch(a) { var a = "IN"; console.log(a);}

This code will output "IN" and "OUTSIDE", and I see that the reference to the catch variable takes precedence, so the current escope library and new escope-demo page handled it in the right way.

(function () {
  var a="OUTSIDE";
  try {throw new Error();} catch(a) { var a; console.log(a);}

will output "Error{}" and "OUTSIDE". And "var a" in "Highlight only important constructions" mode is not highlighted on escope-demo page. I think it is a correct visualization.

Or I miss something?

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