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Created October 5, 2020 22:11
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Large table rewrite
const g = 'module-level';
const makeFooOrig = makeStoredInstanceMaker((msg = 'Hello') => {
let invocationCount = 0;
const obj = {
hello(nick) {
console.log(g, obj.getCount());
invocationCount += 1;
return `${msg}, ${nick}!`;
getCount() {
return invocationCount;
return obj;
// Fallback:
// const makeStoredInstanceMaker = fn => fn;
const $hmakeFooFromEntry = $hentry => {
// let invocationCount = 0;
const obj = {
hello(nick) {
console.log(g, obj.getCount());
$hentry.invocationCount += 1;
return `${$hentry.msg}, ${nick}!`;
getCount() {
return $hentry.invocationCount;
return obj;
const $hfooTable = makeLargeTable('makeFooxxx', $hmakeFooFromEntry);
const makeFoo = (msg = 'Hello') => {
const entry = $hfooTable.createEntry({
invocationCount: 0,
return $hmakeFooFromEntry(entry);
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