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Created September 7, 2020 05:01
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A non-proxying membrane
// @ts-check
* @typedef {({} | Function) & 'Near'} NearRef Intersection to make compatible only with itself.
* @typedef {({} | Function) & 'Far'} FarRef Intersection to make compatible only with itself.
* @param {*} x
const IDENTITY = x => x;
export const makeMembrane = (rootBlue, opts = {}) => {
const {
distortBlue = IDENTITY,
distortYellow = IDENTITY,
finishBlue = IDENTITY,
finishYellow = IDENTITY,
} = opts;
const blueToYellow = new WeakMap();
const yellowToBlue = new WeakMap();
* @param {WeakMap<NearRef, FarRef>} nearToFar
* @param {WeakMap<FarRef, NearRef>} farToNear
* @param {(xNear: any, makeNear: (xFar: FarRef) => NearRef) => any} distort
* @param {(xFar: FarRef, xNear: NearRef) => any} finish
* @param {'passBlueToYellow' | 'passYellowToBlue'} inverseName
const makePass = (nearToFar, farToNear, distort, finish, inverseName) => {
* @param {any} xNear
* @returns {any}
function passNearToFar(xNear) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
const passFarToNear = passFunctions[inverseName];
xNear = distort(xNear, passFarToNear);
if (Object(xNear) !== xNear) {
// Primitive value, no need to membranise.
return xNear;
// We now know we're dealing with an near object or function.
const xNearRef = /** @type {NearRef} */ (xNear);
* @type {FarRef=}
let xFar = nearToFar.get(xNearRef);
if (xFar) {
// Cached.
return xFar;
// We have an object or function.
if (typeof xNearRef === 'function') {
const fnNear = /** @type {Function} */ (xNearRef);
function fnFar(...argsFar) {
try {
const argsNear =;
if ( {
const newTargetNear = passFarToNear(;
return passNearToFar(
Reflect.construct(fnNear, argsNear, newTargetNear),
const thisNear = passFarToNear(this);
return passNearToFar(Reflect.apply(fnNear, thisNear, argsNear));
} catch (eNear) {
throw passNearToFar(eNear);
/** Typecasts necessary */
const fnUnknown = /** @type {unknown} */ (fnFar);
xFar = /** @type {FarRef} */ (fnUnknown);
} else {
xFar = /** @type {FarRef} */ ({});
nearToFar.set(xNearRef, xFar);
farToNear.set(xFar, xNearRef);
const xDescsNear = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(xNearRef);
const xProtoNear = Object.getPrototypeOf(xNearRef);
const xProtoFar = passNearToFar(xProtoNear);
xProtoFar; // Silence unused warning.
/* Object.setPrototypeOf(xFar, xProtoFar); */
// FIXME: If above is uncommented, fails with:
// TypeError {
// message: 'a prototype of something is not already in the fringeset (and .toString failed)',
// }
* @param {[string, PropertyDescriptor]} param0
* @returns {[string, PropertyDescriptor]}
const nearToFarMapper = ([name, vDescNear]) => {
if ('value' in vDescNear) {
const vDescFar = {
value: passNearToFar(vDescNear.value),
return [name, vDescFar];
const vFarDesc = {
get: passNearToFar(vDescNear.get),
set: passNearToFar(vDescNear.set),
return [name, vFarDesc];
.forEach(([name, descFar]) => {
try {
Object.defineProperty(xFar, name, descFar);
} catch (e) {
console.log(xNear, xDescsNear);
throw e;
// FIXME: If above is uncommented, fails with:
// TypeError {
// message: 'Cannot redefine property: name',
// }
const xFinished = finish(xFar, xNearRef);
return harden(xFinished);
return passNearToFar;
const passFunctions = {
passYellowToBlue: makePass(
passBlueToYellow: makePass(
return passFunctions.passBlueToYellow(rootBlue);
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