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Created June 5, 2018 21:14
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(ns clj-one.core
(:import (java.awt.event KeyEvent ActionListener KeyListener)
(java.awt Color Dimension)
(javax.swing JPanel JOptionPane JFrame Timer)))
(def field-width 50)
(def field-height 30)
(def point-size 15)
(def turn-millis 100)
(def win-length 10)
(def directions
{KeyEvent/VK_LEFT [-1 0]
KeyEvent/VK_RIGHT [1 0]
KeyEvent/VK_UP [0 -1]
KeyEvent/VK_DOWN [0 1]})
(defn create-snake []
{:body (list [3 0] [2 0] [1 0] [0 0])
:direction [1 0]
:type :snake
:color (Color. 15 160 70)})
(defn create-apple []
{:location [(rand-int field-width) (rand-int field-height)]
:color (Color. 210 50 90)
:type :apple})
(defn point-to-screen-rect [[pt-x pt-y]]
[(* pt-x point-size) (* pt-y point-size) point-size point-size])
(defn move [{:keys [body direction] :as snake} & grow]
(assoc snake :body
(let [[head-x head-y] (first body)
[dir-x dir-y] direction]
[(+ head-x dir-x) (+ head-y dir-y)])
(if grow body (butlast body)))))
(defn turn [snake direction]
(assoc snake :direction direction))
(defn win? [{body :body}]
(>= (count body) win-length))
(defn head-overlaps-body? [head body]
(contains? (set body) head))
(defn head-is-outside? [[head-x head-y]]
(> head-x field-width)
(< head-x 0)
(> head-y field-height)
(< head-y 0)))
(defn lose? [{[head & body] :body}]
(head-is-outside? head)
(head-overlaps-body? head body)))
(defn eats? [{[head] :body} {apple :location}]
(= head apple))
(defn update-position [snake apple]
(if (eats? @snake @apple)
(ref-set apple (create-apple))
(alter snake move :grow))
(alter snake move)))
(defn update-direction [snake direction]
(dosync (alter snake turn direction))
(defn reset-game [snake apple]
(ref-set apple (create-apple))
(ref-set snake (create-snake)))
(defn fill-point [g pt color]
(let [[x y width height] (point-to-screen-rect pt)]
(.setColor g color)
(.fillRect g x y width height)))
(defmulti paint (fn [g object] (:type object)))
(defmethod paint :apple [g {:keys [location color]}]
(fill-point g location color))
(defmethod paint :snake [g {:keys [body color]}]
(doseq [point body]
(fill-point g point color)))
(defn game-panel [frame snake apple]
(proxy [JPanel ActionListener KeyListener] []
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(paint g @apple)
(paint g @snake))
(getPreferredSize []
(Dimension. (* (inc field-width) point-size)
(* (inc field-height) point-size)))
(actionPerformed [e]
(update-position snake apple)
(if (lose? @snake)
(reset-game snake apple)
(JOptionPane/showMessageDialog frame "You lose!")))
(if (win? @snake)
(reset-game snake apple)
(JOptionPane/showMessageDialog frame "You Win!")))
(.repaint this))
(keyPressed [e]
(let [direction (directions (.getKeyCode e))]
(if direction (update-direction snake direction))))
(keyReleased [e])
(keyTyped [e])))
(defn game []
(let [snake (ref (create-snake))
apple (ref (create-apple))
frame (JFrame. "Snake")
panel (game-panel frame snake apple)
timer (Timer. turn-millis panel)]
(.setFocusable panel true)
(.addKeyListener panel panel)
(.add frame panel)
(.pack frame)
(.setDefaultCloseOperation frame JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
(.setVisible frame true)
(.start timer)))
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