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Created September 10, 2019 19:08
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Verify, automate and integrate gpg and paperkey
# This script asserts the correctness of the program `paperkey`
# by David Shaw. [1] It also exemplifies the automation and integration
# of `gpg` and `paperkey`.
# If the program exits with code 0, then the test (see `function main`)
# was successful.
# Developed for gpg (GnuPG) version 2.2.12 and paperkey version 1.6.
# Dependencies: gpg and paperkey in $PATH
# Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Karl Franzl
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
# without any warranty. [2]
# [1]:
# [2]:
set -e
set -x
readonly uid=""
readonly passphrase=hackme
readonly paperkey_file="/tmp/paperkey.bin"
readonly public_key_file="/tmp/public-key.bin"
readonly secret_file="/tmp/secret.txt"
readonly secret_file_encrypted="${secret_file}.gpg"
readonly secret_text="secret-$(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
readonly gpg_passphrase_arg="--pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase ${passphrase}"
function create_clean_gpg_homedir {
export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d -t gpghome-XXXXXXXXXX)
chmod 700 ${GNUPGHOME}
function create_keys {
gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} --quick-gen-key ${uid} rsa1024 cert 2y
local fingerprint=$(gpg --list-options show-only-fpr-mbox --list-keys | awk '{print $1}')
gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} --quick-add-key ${fingerprint} rsa1024 sign 1y
gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} --quick-add-key ${fingerprint} rsa1024 encrypt 1y
gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} --quick-add-key ${fingerprint} rsa1024 auth 1y
function encrypt_secret_text {
echo -n ${secret_text} > ${secret_file}
rm -f ${secret_file_encrypted}
gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} -e -r ${uid} ${secret_file}
function create_paperkey {
gpg --export > ${public_key_file}
local secret_key_base64=$(gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} --export-secret-key | base64 -w0)
echo ${secret_key_base64} | base64 -d | paperkey --output-type raw > ${paperkey_file}
# Assert that the generated paper key can be used to restore the secret key.
[ "$(echo ${secret_key_base64} | base64 -d | md5sum)" == "$(secret_key_from_paperkey | md5sum)" ]
function secret_key_from_paperkey {
cat ${paperkey_file} | paperkey --pubring ${public_key_file}
function import_keys_from_paperkey {
gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} --import ${public_key_file}
secret_key_from_paperkey | gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} --import
function decrypt_secret_text {
[ "${secret_text}" == "$(gpg ${gpg_passphrase_arg} -d ${secret_file_encrypted})" ]
function main {
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