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/*! \file
\brief Demonstrates a native, cross-platform interactive solution.
\par Description
This is starting point of the program that exercises a native, cross-platform solution for user interfaces and interactivity. Further details are listed among the files associated with the solution.
\pre ISO C++ 11 or later compliant compiler with an available C++ 11 STL implementation.
\version 4
\date 2/11/2015 4/21/2015
\author Michael Gautier
\copyright Apache License 2.0
\par Copyright 2015 Michael Gautier
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, explicit or implicit. See the License for details on permissions and limitations.
A full source listing from the Capture and Draw repository.
#include "gautier_core.hpp"
#include "gautier_interaction_types.hpp"
#include "gautier_program_models.hpp"
#include "gautier_interaction.hpp"
#include "gautier_program_domain.hpp"
#include <iostream>
auto define_context_properties() -> void
constexpr short ICTX_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 1024;
constexpr short ICTX_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 728;
constexpr std::pair<float, float> ICTX_DEFAULT_EXTENT =
const std::string ICTX_DEFAULT_TITLE = "Gautier App Context";
gautier::interaction::define_context_properties(ICTX_DEFAULT_EXTENT, ICTX_DEFAULT_TITLE);
auto main() -> int
auto return_value = 0;
gautier::interaction::input_def instance_input_model;
/*Accuracy and speed is essential for this to work.*/
/*capture state*/
/*application specific logic goes here.*/
auto instance_output_model = gautier::program::process_input(instance_input_model);
/*present state*/
return_value = gautier::interaction::update_state(instance_output_model);/*defer to graphics translation engine*/
std::cout << gautier::OUTENDL;
return return_value;
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