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Forked from natew/debug-puppeteer.js
Created July 21, 2018 22:15
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import r2 from '@mcro/r2'
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer'
import * as _ from 'lodash'
const sleep = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms))
const onFocus = page => {
return page.evaluate(() => {
return new Promise(res => {
if (document.hasFocus()) {
} else {
window.onfocus = () => res()
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
export default class DebugApps {
isRendering?: Boolean
disposed?: Boolean
browser: any
options: any
sessions = []
intervals = []
constructor({ sessions = [], ...options }) {
this.sessions = sessions
this.options = options
setSessions(next) {
this.sessions = next
get shouldRun() {
return this.browser && !this.disposed
async start() {
try {
this.browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false,
args: [
// `--no-startup-window`,
// `--enable-slim-navigation-manager`,
// `--top-controls-hide-threshold=0.5`,
// `--disable-extensions-except=${extNames.join(',')}`,
// ...extensions,
this.browser.on('disconnected', this.dispose)
} catch (err) {
console.log('DebugBrowser Err', err)
dispose = async () => {
this.disposed = true
if (this.browser) {
await this.browser.close()
renderLoop = async () => {
while (this.shouldRun) {
const sessions = await this.getSessions()
if (await this.shouldUpdateTabs(sessions)) {
// when desktop restarts, the dev urls for some reason change in electron
// then the debugger attempts to change to that new url, which makes white bg appear
// then once desktop starts up again, the dev urls return again as they were
// so sleep 1s here when we see a change, and hope desktop has restarted, so we dont
// ever see those weird urls......
await sleep(2000)
await this.render()
await sleep(500)
getSessions = async () => {
return _.uniq(
_.flatten(await Promise.all(
lastRes = {}
getDevUrl = async ({ port, id }) => {
const url = `${port}/${id ? `${id}/` : ''}json`
try {
const answers = await r2.get(url).json
const res = _.flatten(
.map(({ webSocketDebuggerUrl, url }) => {
if (`${url}`.indexOf('chrome-extension') === 0) {
return null
if (!webSocketDebuggerUrl) {
return this.lastRes[url] || null
const debugUrl = `chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?experiments=true&v8only=true&ws=${webSocketDebuggerUrl.replace(
const res = { debugUrl, url, port }
this.lastRes[url] = res
return res
return res
} catch (err) {
if (err.message.indexOf('ECONNREFUSED') !== -1) return
console.log('dev-apps err', err.message, err.stack)
return null
pages = []
getPages = async () => {
if (!this.browser) {
return []
return (await this.browser.pages()) || []
numTabs = curSessions => {
return (
this.options.expectTabs ||
Math.max(curSessions.length, this.sessions.length)
ensureEnoughTabs = async sessions => {
const pages = await this.getPages()
const tabsToOpen = this.numTabs(sessions) - pages.length
if (tabsToOpen > 0) {
await Promise.all(
_.range(tabsToOpen).map(async () => {
const page = await this.browser.newPage()
// this handily defocuses the url bar
await page.bringToFront()
const initialRender = pages.length === 0
if (initialRender) {
// focus first tab on startup
const pages = await this.getPages()
shouldUpdateTabs = async sessions => {
const pages = await this.getPages()
const shouldUpdates = sessions.reduce((acc, session, index) => {
const page = pages[index]
acc[index] = !page || page.url() !== session.debugUrl ? true : false
return acc
}, [])
if (!shouldUpdates.reduce((a, b) => a || b, false)) {
return false
return shouldUpdates
openUrlsInTabs = async (sessions, pages, updateTabs) => {
let opens = []
for (const [index, update] of updateTabs.entries()) {
const page = pages[index]
if (!page || !update) continue
page.goto(sessions[index].debugUrl, {
waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded',
timeout: 0,
return await Promise.all(opens)
removeExtraTabs = async sessions => {
const pages = await this.getPages()
const extraPages = this.numTabs(sessions) - pages.length
if (extraPages > 0) {
// close extras
for (const page of pages.slice(pages.length - extraPages)) {
try {
await page.close()
} catch (err) {
console.log('page already closed', err.message)
await this.getPages()
finishLoadingPage = async (index, page, { url, port }) => {
if (!page) {
const injectTitle = async () => {
if (!this.shouldRun) {
// TODO can restart app on browser refresh here if wanted
try {
await page.evaluate(
(port, url) => {
try {
const PORT_NAMES = {
9000: 'Desktop',
9001: 'Electron',
let title = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]
if (!title) {
title = document.createElement('title')
const titleText =
PORT_NAMES[port] || url.replace('http://localhost:3001', '')
title.innerHTML = titleText
} catch (err) {
console.log('error doing this', err)
} catch (err) {
console.log('err in eval', err.message)
page.on('close', () => {
this.intervals[index] = setInterval(injectTitle, 5000)
onFocus(page).then(async () => {
await sleep(50)
await page.frames()[0].focus('body')
await, 10) // click out of screenshare
await, 40) // click context dropdown
await, 70) // click context first context item
await, 10) // click console
await, 70) // click into console
await'PageDown') // page down to bottom
render = async () => {
if (this.isRendering || !this.shouldRun) {
const sessions = await this.getSessions()
const shouldUpdate = await this.shouldUpdateTabs(sessions)
if (!shouldUpdate || !this.shouldRun) {
// YO watch out:
this.isRendering = true
try {
await this.ensureEnoughTabs(sessions)
const pages = await this.getPages()
console.log('updating', shouldUpdate)
if (shouldUpdate.length > this.options.expectTabs) {
throw 'inspecting inside electron, pause'
await this.openUrlsInTabs(sessions, pages, shouldUpdate)
await sleep(300)
// synchronously
for (const [index, update] of shouldUpdate.entries()) {
if (!update) continue
const { url, port } = sessions[index]
await this.finishLoadingPage(index, pages[index], { url, port })
} catch (err) {
console.log('puppeteer.err', err)
// delete extra tabs
await this.removeExtraTabs(sessions)
this.isRendering = false
clearIntervals = () => {
if (this.intervals) { => clearInterval(x))
this.intervals = []
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