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combinatorial bit pattern synthesizer in python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import log
from random import randint
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product
from itertools import permutations
# Random bit utilities
def popcnt(v):
count = 0
for i in range(v.bit_length()):
if (v & (1 << i)) != 0:
count += 1
return count
def sparserandint(w,d):
v = 0
while (popcnt(v) < d):
v = v | 1 << randint(0,w)
return v
# Bit pattern generators
class Div:
def __init__(self,idx,width,msb,lsb):
self.idx = idx
self.width = width
self.msb = msb
self.lsb = lsb
class BitPattern:
def mask(self,d):
return ((1 << d.msb) - 1) - ((1 << d.lsb) - 1)
class FixedPattern(BitPattern):
def __init__(self,val):
self.val = val
def fval(self):
return self.val
def values(self):
return [self.val]
def patterns(self):
return [self]
class AllZero(FixedPattern):
def __init__(self):
class AllOne(FixedPattern):
def __init__(self):
class PatternGen(BitPattern):
def __init__(self,gen):
self.val = list(gen)
def values(self):
return self.val
def patterns(self):
return map(lambda i: FixedPattern(i), self.values())
class CounterGen(PatternGen):
def __init__(self,s,e):
class DiffuseRandGen(PatternGen):
def __init__(self,w,n):
super().__init__(map(lambda i : randint(0,2**w), range(0,n)))
class SparseRandGen(PatternGen):
def __init__(self,w,n,d):
super().__init__(map(lambda i : sparserandint(w,d), range(0,n)))
# Two's complement integer utilities
def IntToUInt(w,n):
if n < 0:
n = ((-n ^ (2 ** w - 1)) + 1) % (2 ** w)
return n
def UIntToInt(w,n):
if n & ((2 ** (w-1))-1):
n = -(((n ^ (2 ** w - 1)) + 1) % (2 ** w))
return n
def ListBinaryBytes(n):
return map(lambda i : ''.join(map(lambda j:
( "▄", "▟", "▙", "█" )[(n >> ((i << 3) + (j << 1))) & 3],
reversed(range(0,4)))), reversed(range(0,16)))
def ListHexBytes(n):
return map(lambda i : "0x%s" % '{:02X}'.format((n>>(i<<3))&255),
def DumpHexBinary(n):
print(" ".join(ListBinaryBytes(n)))
print(" ".join(ListHexBytes(n)))
# Combinatorial expansion of pattern subdivision generators
def SubDiv(p1,p2):
return map(lambda i : 2 ** i, range(p1,p2))
def PowBreak(n,m):
return lambda width: SubDiv(n,m if m != -1 else int(log(width,2))+1)
def DivBreak(n,m):
return lambda width: map(lambda x: int(width/x), range(n,m+1))
def CumulativeSum(l):
return [sum(l[0:x:1]) for x in range(0, len(l)+1)][1:]
def SpreadDiv(count):
def f(width,incr):
for iter in range(0,count):
m = int(width/incr)
l = CumulativeSum([incr]*m)
i = 0
while l[-1] < width:
l[i % m] += 1
i += 1
yield [Div(i,width,t[0],t[1])
for i, t in enumerate(zip(l, [0]+list(l)))]
return f
def ScatterDiv(count):
def f(width,incr):
for iter in range(0,count):
m = int(width/incr)
l = [randint(0,width) for i in range(0,m-1)]
yield [Div(i,width,t[0],t[1])
for i, t in enumerate(zip(l, [0]+list(l)))]
return f
def GenDivs(genbreak,gendiv):
def f(width):
for incr in genbreak(width):
yield gendiv(width,incr)
return f
def OnePerm():
def f(pat):
return [pat]
return f
def AllPerms():
def f(pat):
return permutations(pat)
return f
def CombineDiv(pats,divs):
return map(lambda pat : reduce(lambda x,y : x|y,
[IntToUInt(d.width, p.fval() << d.lsb) & p.mask(d)
for p,d in zip(pat,divs)]), pats)
def ReifyPat(width,divs,pat):
pats = map(lambda pc : pc.patterns(), pat[:len(divs)])
return CombineDiv(product(*pats), divs)
# Test combinatorial expansion of bit pattern subdivision generators
def SeqVal(width,GenDivs,GenPat,GenPerm):
for divsgen in GenDivs(width):
for divs in divsgen:
for pat in GenPat(width,divs):
pat = pat[:len(divs)]
for perm in GenPerm(pat):
for val in ReifyPat(width,divs,perm):
yield val
def GenPat():
def f(width,divs):
yield [CounterGen(-2,1)] + [AllZero(), AllOne()] * int(len(divs)/2)
yield [SparseRandGen(width,1,96)] + [AllZero(), AllOne()] * int(len(divs)/2)
yield [DiffuseRandGen(width,1)] + [AllZero(), AllOne()] * int(len(divs)/2)
yield [SparseRandGen(width,1,16)] + [AllZero(), AllOne()] * int(len(divs)/2)
return f
for v in SeqVal(128, GenDivs(PowBreak(0,-1), SpreadDiv(1)), GenPat(), OnePerm()):
for v in SeqVal(128, GenDivs(DivBreak(3,4), ScatterDiv(2)), GenPat(), AllPerms()):
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