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Last active September 14, 2017 06:18
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  • Save michaeljdennis/4513669 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save michaeljdennis/4513669 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sublime Text Settings
"keys": ["super+shift+r"],
"command": "reindent",
"args": {
"single_line": false
"keys": ["super+v"],
"command": "paste_and_indent"
"keys": ["super+shift+v"],
"command": "paste"
"protected_regions": [
// enable comp-lint, this will effectively disable the live linter
"comp_lint_enabled": true,
// list of commands to run
"comp_lint_commands": [
// run `golint` on all files in the package
// "shell":true is required in order to run the command through your shell (to expand `*.go`)
// also see: the documentation for the `shell` setting in the default settings file ctrl+dot,ctrl+4
"cmd": ["golint", "*.go"],
"shell": true
// run go vet on the package
"cmd": ["go", "vet"]
// run `go install` on the package. GOBIN is set,
// so `main` packages shouldn't result in the installation of a binary
"cmd": ["go", "install"]
"fmt_cmd": ["goimports"],
"on_save": [
// run comp-lint when you save,
// naturally, you can also bind this command `gs_comp_lint`
// to a key binding if you want
"cmd": "gs_comp_lint"
A File Icon
Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting
Package Control
Pretty JSON
Theme - One Dark
"bold_folder_labels": false,
"caret_style": "phase",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - One Dark/One Dark.tmTheme",
"draw_white_space": "all",
"enable_tab_scrolling": false,
"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
"find_selected_text": true,
"font_size": 12,
"highlight_line": true,
"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
"line_padding_bottom": 2,
"line_padding_top": 2,
"open_files_in_new_window": false,
"save_on_focus_lost": true,
"tab_size": 4,
"theme": "One Dark.sublime-theme",
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true
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