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Created May 9, 2014 12:11
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Facebook's React assimilated
(in-package #:grok-cl-parenscript-react)
(hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (handle-tutorial :uri "/tutorial")
(cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (stream)
(:title "React Tutorial")
(:script :type "text/javascript" :src *react-url*))
(:div :id "content")
(:script :type "text/javascript"
(cl-who:str (ps:ps* ps:*ps-lisp-library*))
(defvar *comments*
(array (ps:create :author "Pete Hunt"
:text "This is a comment")
(ps:create :author "Jordan Walke"
:text "This is *another* comment")))
(defvar *comment*
(ps:chain -react
'display-name "Comment"
#'(lambda ()
(:div :class-name "comment"
(:h2 :class-name "commentAuthor"
(ps:@ this props author))
(:span (ps:@ this props text)))))))))
(defvar *comment-list*
(ps:chain -react
'display-name "CommentList"
#'(lambda ()
(let ((comment-nodes
(mapcar #'(lambda (comment)
(ps:chain (*comment*
:author (ps:@ comment author)
:text (ps:@ comment text)))))
(ps:@ this props comments))))
(ps:chain -react -d-o-m
(div (ps:create 'class-name "commentList")
(defvar *comment-box*
(ps:chain -react
'display-name "CommentBox"
#'(lambda ()
(ps:chain -react -d-o-m
(div (ps:create 'class-name "commentBox")
(ps:chain -react -d-o-m
(h1 nil "Comments"))
(*comment-list* (ps:create
(ps:@ this props
(ps:chain -react
(*comment-box* (ps:create :comments *comments*))
(ps:chain document (get-element-by-id "content")))))))))))
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