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Created October 5, 2017 01:14
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Fastboot command lines for android
1. Flashing the recovery image:
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
2. Flash the kernel and bootloader:
fastboot flash boot boot.img
3. Erase a partition:
fastboot erase cache
4. Reboot the phone:
fastboot reboot
5. Boot with a custom built kernel and root filesystem (but not write them into the flash memory):
fastboot boot linux-2.6/arch/arm/boot/zImage root-image/recovery.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz
6. Format partitions:
fastboot format cache
fastboot format userdata
7. Flash all partitions at once:
fastboot -w flashall
8. Restoring from backed up images in the user’s computer::
fastboot erase system
fastboot erase data
fastboot erase cache
and then flash the images (starting with system):
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash data data.img
fastboot flash cache cache.img
9. Boot the phone with a specific linux kernel commandline argument:
fastboot -c "console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8" boot boot.img
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Hi Michael,
I have a Redmi Note 5 Pro, which is stuck on Fastboot. I am not able to boot into recovery, and the system partition is not available on the device, as I accidentally deleted it. Could you please help me if you have any idea about this?


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orkeven commented Apr 12, 2021

Hi Michael,
I have a Redmi Note 5 Pro, which is stuck on Fastboot. I am not able to boot into recovery, and the system partition is not available on the device, as I accidentally deleted it. Could you please help me if you have any idea about this?


flash recovery and system images again.

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How can I backup my userdata before flashing the new ROM? I have a crashlooping miui.systemui.plugin and it always goes into the recovery after a few UI crashes once it booted up. My Bootloader is locked with the USB debugging off.

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I will use this colmand on vivo y11 and my phone was break 😭😭

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I will use this colmand on vivo y11 and my phone was break 😭😭

if you are typing "command" as "colmand" then i am sure you broke your phone succesfully.

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