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Last active March 29, 2019 12:50
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  • Save michaelkc/7dd3ff95d792dd859e5453b2f8547596 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save michaelkc/7dd3ff95d792dd859e5453b2f8547596 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
List my git commits in the last two months, made to any repo in subfolder
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$git = "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe"
function Find-GitRepos($root)
$blacklist = @("node_modules")
$isGitRepo = Get-ChildItem $root -Hidden -Directory | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq ".git"}
if ($isGitRepo)
return @($root)
$gitRepos = @()
$childDirs = Get-ChildItem $root -Directory -Exclude $blacklist
foreach ($dir in $childDirs)
$gitRepos = $gitRepos + (Find-GitRepos $dir)
return $gitRepos
function Get-MyCommits($root)
$repo = $root.Name
$myname = &$git config --get
$commitsByMe = (&$git log --since='last 2 months' --author="$myname" --pretty=format:"SPLITME%ai%n%B%b%H" --shortstat --no-merges)|Out-String
$commits = ($commitsByMe -split "SPLITME") | Where-Object {$_}
foreach ($commit in $commits)
$lines = ($commit -split "`n")| Where-Object {([string]$_).trim() -ne ""}
$timestamp = $lines[0].Trim()
$message = $lines[1].Trim()
$sha = $lines[2].Trim()
$stats = $lines[3].Trim()
$link = [System.Uri]''
New-Object psobject -Property @{ Repo=$repo; Timestamp = $timestamp; Message=$message; Stats=$stats; Commit=$sha; Link=$link; }
$gitRepos = Find-GitRepos $pwd
$allMyCommits = @()
foreach ($gitRepo in $gitRepos)
Set-Location ($gitRepo.Fullname)
$myCommits = (Get-MyCommits $gitRepo)
$allMyCommits = $allMyCommits + $myCommits
$allMyCommits | Sort Commit -Unique| Sort -Desc Timestamp | Out-GridView -Title 'My Git commits' -Wait
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