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Created January 19, 2016 17:27
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January 2016 scripting games
# function to test connection
Function test-ping{
( [string] $compName)
Try{ Test-Connection -computername $compName -count 1 -EA stop
Write-Warning "$_"
# Creates objects for machines it was unable to connect to
Function Make-object{
[string] $Computername,
[string] $status,
[string] $MNP = ''
$prop = [ordered]@{'ComputerName' = $Computername;'StartTime' = " ";
'UpTime(Days)' = " "; 'Status' = $status; 'MightNeedPatched' = $MNP}
New-Object psobject -Property $prop |
format-table ComputerName, StartTime, 'UpTime(Days)', status, MightNeedPatched
Establishes the time since the the last reboot in days to the nearest 1/10 of a day.
Establishes the time since the last reboot on a single machine or a number of machines
this can be supplied as a command line argument or from a pipline input. If no computername
is given it will default to 'localhost'
This example gets the uptime of a single computer
get-uptime -ComputerName 'Acomputer'
ComputerName StartTime UpTime(Days) Status MightNeedPatched
-------------- --------- ------------ ------ ----------------
Acomputer 13/01/2016 02:36:32 0.8 OK False
this example shows the contents of names.txt being piped to the command
get-content c:\scripts\names.txt | get-uptime
ComputerName StartTime UpTime(Days) Status MightNeedPatched
-------------- --------- ------------ ------ ----------------
Acomputer 13/01/2016 02:36:32 0.8 OK False
ComputerName StartTime UpTime(Days) Status MightNeedPatched
-------------- --------- ------------ ------ ----------------
Aserver 13/01/2016 02:36:32 0.8 OK False
acceptepts computernames piped in or as arguments from the commandline.
Outputs an object for each computer containing the Computer Name, start time, total uptime,
the status (of either OK, Error or Offline) and if it has been up for more than 30 day that
it may need patching.
function get-uptime
# Param1 computerNames
[string[]]$ComputerName = 'LocalHost'
# scriptblock: to run wmi query on remote machines and returns an object
$SB = {Try{$os = Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -property LastBootUpTime, LocalDateTime, status -EA stop;
$status = $os.status;
$lastboot = $os.ConvertToDateTime($os.LastBootUpTime);
$now = $os.ConvertToDateTime($os.LocalDateTime);
$TDays = "{0:N1}" -f ($now - $lastboot).TotalDays;
If($Tdays -as [int] -gt 30){$MNP = $true}else{$MNP = $false};
$prop = [ordered]@{'StartTime' = $lastboot;'UpTime(Days)' = $TDays;
'Status' = $status;'MightNeedPatched' = $MNP}
}catch{Write-Warning "$env:COMPUTERNAME : $_";
$prop = [ordered]@{'StartTime' = " ";'UpTime(Days)' = " ";
'Status' = "Error";'MightNeedPatched' = "Unknown"}};
New-Object psobject -Property $prop}
foreach($computer in $ComputerName){
if (test-ping $computer){
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
invoke-command -computername $computer -ScriptBlock $SB |
format-table @{N = 'Computername'; E = 'PSComputerName'}, StartTime, 'UpTime(Days)', status, MightNeedPatched
Write-Warning "$_";
Make-object -ComputerName $computer -status "Error"
else{Make-object -ComputerName $computer -status "Offline"}
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