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Created December 1, 2015 03:33
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State Machine list of States: InitializeBucketService, Ready2Play, BucketPlaying
module variables
dropServosList is a list of PWM channels connected to servos
activeServoList is a 4 bit list of the servos currently active. Initialize list with all servos inactive.
dripServosPos is a list of positions of each servo
dripRateList is a list of drip rates for stepping the servos
numActiveServos is the number of active servos
WhichColumn is used to indicate which servo has reached the bottom and needs to be reset
BucketSensorState is the state read from a coin sensor
PipeDown is a flag to indicate if we are in flag down mode
DripRate is the drip rate of all servos at any time
ServoSetoffRate is the set off rate of all servos at any time
takes in priority number and returns boolean
Set MyPriority
call Bucket_HWInit to initialize all PWM channels and GPIOs
set currentState to be at InitializeBucketService
post ES_INIT to bucket service
takes in ES_Event to be posted to queue and returns boolean
Post event to my priority queue
takes in ES_Event which we need to respond to and return ES_Event indicating any errors
Set ReturnEvent to No_event
Declare ES_Event Event2PostAudio, Event2PostUncleEd, Event2PostPipe that might be used to post to those service
PipeDown is a module boolean variable set to true if pipe is currently down
switch case CurrentState:
If Event is ES_INIT:
set current state to be Ready2Play
If Event is StartButton pressed:
currentState = Playing
start DRIP_SETOFF_TIMER with SetOffRate interval
start Drip_Speed_Timer with DripRate as interval
If Event is Timeout and Timer == DRIP_TIMER:
Call function StepAllServos from activeServoList
Start DripTimer with DripRate again
Else if Event is Timeout and Timer == DRIP_SETOFF_TIMER:
RandomFreeColumn = select random servo that is not in activeServoList. This should set off servo, LED on and put servo as unavailable
Start DripTimer with DripRate again
Else if Event is DripServoAtBucket:
WhichColumn = Event parameter (1,2,3 or 4) get which drip servo was at bucket
BucketSensorState = SampleBucketSensor(WhichColumn) to see whether bucket caught the water drop
if BucketSensorState caught the water drop and we are not in PipeDown:
call postAudioService ES_PLAY_TUNE with success sound
call ResetServo(WhichColumn) to put it back at the beginning, LED off and
make it available
Else if Event is DripServoAtBottom:
WhichColumn = Event parameter get which drip servo was at bottom
call postUncleEdService ES_LOST_POINT to update the LCD display
call postAudioService ES_PLAY_TUNE with lost sound to give feedback to user
call ResetServo(WhichColumn) to put it back at the beginning and LED off and
make it available
Else if Event is Timeout and Timer == PIPE_TIMER:
PipeDown = true
call SetOffAllDripServo
Else if Event is PipeRecovered:
PipeDown = false
call ResetAllServos
Else if Event is GameOver:
call ResetAllServos to put them back at their beginning position
CurrentState = Ready2Play to be ready for the next start button press
put PipeDown to be false just in case game ends during pipeDown
Else if Event Wrench2Goal:
get the speed at which Wrench player is performing from EventParam
Given this speed set the dripRate. The slower the wrench player the faster the water drops fall and viceversa.
return ReturnEvent
Initialize PWM pins for group 0 and 2 (PB6, PB7, PE4, PE5) to 50 Hz used for drip servo control
Set all the pulse widths to be at the initial position of the drip servo
Enable PE2, PE3, PC6, PC7 to be input for coin sensor reading
enable PD3, PD6, PD7 and PE1 to be output for the drip Servo LEDs
ResetAllServos call ResetServo for each servo
takes nothing and return nothing
call ResetAllServos
set activeServoList as 0x0f to indicate all servos are running
for each LED
call TurnOnLED
takes nothing and returns nothing
for each servo
if masked activeServoList with corresponding mask is true
increment the position by STEP_SIZE
if current servo position is at Bucket
post DripServoAtBucket to Bucket service with servo number as EventParam
if current servo position is at Bottom
post DripServoAtBottom to Bucket service with servo number as EventParam
Set the PWM pulse width to the new Servo Position
takes uint8 indicating which servo to reset return nothing
flip the bit in activeServoList to make it inactive
set dripServoPos for corresponding servo to Initial position
set the pulse width of the PWM channel to Initial position
call TurnOffLED with the corresponding argument
decrement numActiveServos
call randNum = rand()%numAvailableServos to randomly select an available servo
initialize temp variable counter to 0
for each dripServo
mask activeServoList to see if corresponding servo is active
if servo is not active and counter is at randNum
set this servo as active
turn on the corresponding LED
increment the numActiveServos by 1
else if servo is not active but counter is not at randNum
increment counter by 1
take in number of LED to turn on and returns nothing
given the number in the argument it writes HIGH to the corresponding TIVA pin (LED 1-> PD3, LED 2-> PD6, 3-> PD7, 4-> PE1)
take in number of LED to turn off and returns nothing
given the number in the argument it writes LOW to the corresponding TIVA pin (LED 1-> PD3, LED 2-> PD6, 3-> PD7, 4-> PE1)
take in number of Coin Sensor to sample and returns boolean
given the number in the argument it reads the state of the corresponding TIVA pin (whichIR 1-> PE2, whichIR 2-> PE3, whichIR 3-> PC6, whichIR 4-> PC7) and puts the reading into temp variable ‘input’
return ‘input’
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