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Created December 1, 2015 05:05
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/***Service Module to debounce Pipe2 button***/
/*----------------------------- Include Files -----------------------------*/
#include "ES_Configure.h"
#include "ES_Framework.h"
#include "ES_DeferRecall.h"
#include "ES_ShortTimer.h"
#include "LCDService.h"
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "inc/hw_gpio.h"
#include "inc/hw_sysctl.h"
#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
#include "driverlib/pin_map.h"
#include "driverlib/gpio.h"
#include "Pipe2ButtonDebounce.h"
// All_BITS offset variable
#define ALL_BITS (0xff<<2)
// Data Private to Module
static uint8_t LastButtonState;
static uint8_t MyPriority;
static Button2State_t CurrentState;
Function: InitPipe2ButtonDB
Takes: 8 bit integer (priority number)
Returns: true or false
Purpose: Passes in priority number, initializes Tiva pins, and moves into state machine.
bool InitPipe2ButtonDB (uint8_t Priority){
// Store priority value as static variable
MyPriority = Priority;
// Initialize port F
// Initialize bit 7
// Sample the button port pin
// Set CurrentState to be Debouncing
CurrentState = Debouncing2;
// Start debounce timer
ES_Timer_InitTimer(DB_PIPE2_TIMER,30); // Debounce time of 30 ms
return true;
Function: PostPipe2ButtonDB
Takes: ES_Event
Returns: true or false
Purpose: Posts events to this service's queue.
bool PostPipe2Button( ES_Event ThisEvent ){
return ES_PostToService( MyPriority, ThisEvent);
Function: CheckPipe2ButtonEvents
Takes: nothing
Returns: true or false
Purpose: Checks the state of the start button and reports it to this service.
bool CheckPipe2ButtonEvents(void){
// Local Variables
ES_Event ThisEvent;
uint8_t ReturnVal = false;
// Set CurrentButtonState to state read from port pin
uint8_t CurrentButtonState = (HWREG(GPIO_PORTF_BASE+(GPIO_O_DATA+ALL_BITS)) & BIT4HI);
if (CurrentButtonState != LastButtonState){
ReturnVal = true;
if (CurrentButtonState == BIT4HI){
// Tell this service the pipe1 button is down
ThisEvent.EventType = ES_PIPE2_BUTTON_DOWN;
else{ // button is up
// Tell this service the pipe1 button is up
ThisEvent.EventType = ES_PIPE2_BUTTON_UP;
// Update LastButtonState to CurrentButtonState
LastButtonState = CurrentButtonState;
return ReturnVal;
Function: RunPipe2ButtonDB
Takes: ES_Event
Returns: ES_Event (ES_NO_EVENT)
Purpose: Runs the start button debounce state machine.
ES_Event RunPipe2ButtonDB( ES_Event ThisEvent ){
if (CurrentState == Debouncing2){
if ( (ThisEvent.EventType == ES_TIMEOUT) && (ThisEvent.EventParam == DB_PIPE2_TIMER) ){ // 0 is debounce timer number
// Move into Ready2Sample state
CurrentState = Ready2Sample2;
else if (CurrentState == Ready2Sample2){
if (ThisEvent.EventType == ES_PIPE2_BUTTON_UP){
// Start debounce timer
// Move into debouncing state
CurrentState = Debouncing2;
else if (ThisEvent.EventType == ES_PIPE2_BUTTON_DOWN){
// Start debounce timer
CurrentState = Debouncing2;
// Post DBButtonDown to all queues
ThisEvent.EventType = ES_PIPE2_BUTTON_DBDOWN;
// Return ES_NO_EVENT
ThisEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
return ThisEvent;
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