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Created August 19, 2015 20:04
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var Games = require('../models/game');
var controller = function() {};
controller.prototype = {
delete: function (id, callback) {
Games.findById(id).exec(function (err, game) {
if (err) return callback({status: 500, body: err});
return callback({status: 204, body: ''});
get: function (limit, skip, callback) {
Games.find().lean().limit(limit).skip(skip).populate('team_home').populate('team_away').populate('venue').exec(function (err, games) {
if (err) return callback({status: 500, body: err});
return callback({status: 200, body: games});
getById: function (id, callback) {
Games.findById(id).populate('team_home').populate('team_away').populate('venue').exec(function (err, game) {
if (err) return callback({status: 500, body: err});
if (game === null) return callback({status: 404, body: {message: 'No Games Found'}});
return callback({status: 200, body: game});
save: function (request, callback) {
var game = new Games(request); (err, result) {
if (err) return callback({status: 500, body: err});
Games.findById(result._id).populate('team_home').populate('team_away').populate('venue').exec(function (err, data) {
if (err) return callback({status: 500, body: err});
return callback({status: 201, body: data});
update: function (id, update, callback) {
update.updated_at =;
Games.update({_id: id}, update).exec(function (err) {
if (err) return callback({status: 500, body: err});
return callback({status: 204, body: ''});
module.exports = new controller();
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