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Created April 26, 2018 18:57
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Native Array Methods
// Objective - Describe and implement the following native array methods:
// forEach, some, every, filter, map, and reduce.
// There are a number of helpful functions built-in
// to JavaScript's regular arrays. These methods
// are both higher order functions and **functional**
// in that they do not manipulate the array they
// are working on. That is, they are non-destructive.
// The simplest example is .forEach
var array = [ 10, 20, 30, 40 ]
var returnValue = array.forEach(function (element, index, collection) {
return console.log('At ' + index + ':', element, collection)
// .forEach is simply to create side effects. It does
// not return any value unlike the other native array
// methods we'll discuss today.
// Notice that the original array hasn't changed in any way!
console.log('---\nOriginal array:', array)
// All of the native array method callback functions
// have a similar function signature. They typically
// include placeholder for the element(s), index, and
// then array. You can include all or none of these
// parameters -- although you should probably include
// at least one of them!
var vegetables = [ 'Cucumber', 'Carrot', 'Kale' ]
vegetables.forEach(function (vegetable) {
if (vegetable === 'Kale') console.log('Kale is trendy.')
console.log(vegetable, 'is a pretty standard vegetable')
// Remember that since functions are first class citizens
// we can assign them to variables and pass them around!
function kaleIsTrendy(vegetable) {
if (vegetable === 'Kale') console.log('Kale is trendy.')
console.log(vegetable, 'is a pretty standard vegetable')
// Let's practice. Write a function that, for each element
// in the following array, prints out its square.
var numbers = [ 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 ]
// .some and .every turn an array into a boolean
// value. They check that at least one element in
// the array matches a conditional or that every
// element in the array matches a conditional,
// respectively.
function isTruthy (element) {
return !!element
var array = [ true, false, false ]
var someResult = array.some(isTruthy)
var everyResult = array.every(isTruthy)
// console.log(someResult)
// console.log(everyResult)
// One cool thing about these methods is that they
// return immediately as soon as they have the answer.
function isNegative (num) {
return num < 0
var array = [ 20, 10, 0, -10, -20 ]
var someResult = array.some(isNegative)
var everyResult = array.every(isNegative)
// Let's practice. Write a function that checks to see if
// all the following words have a vowel (aeiou) in them.
// Use the same check but with `.some`.
var words = [
// .filter also uses a conditional statement but it
// goes through a list of items and returns between
// 0 - N number of items back depending upon the
// given conditional. It's incredibly useful for
// whittling down large arrays so that we only pick
// out those items we want!
var characters = [
{ character: 'Superman', hero: true },
{ character: 'Sinestro', hero: false },
{ character: 'Wonder Woman', hero: true },
{ character: 'Lex Luthor', hero: false },
{ character: 'Green Lantern', hero: true }
function isHero (character) {
return character.hero
var heroes = characters.filter(isHero)
// Let's practice. Write a function that takes the following
// numbers and returns only those numbers that are divisible
// by 3.
var numbers = [ 12, 10, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1 ]
// MAP
// Map works by returning a new array after a function
// has been applied to every single element in the array.
// It will always return the same number of elements
// that is in the array it works on.
var familyMembers = [
{ firstName: 'Homer', lastName: 'Simpson' },
{ firstName: 'Marge', lastName: 'Simpson' },
{ firstName: 'Bart', lastName: 'Simpson' },
{ firstName: 'Lisa', lastName: 'Simpson' },
{ firstName: 'Maggie', lastName: 'Simpson' }
function getFirstName (person) {
return person.firstName
var firstNames =
// Let's practice. Take the following array and return
// the length of each item inside of it.
var array = [
[ 10, 0, 20 ],
// Reduce is an incredibly powerful method that allows
// us to combine all of the result in an array into a
// single result. There are a few different ways we
// can use it, so it's important to read the
// documentation carefully!
// Let's take the following array as an example.
var epic = [
'a', 'long', 'time', 'ago', 'in a', 'galaxy', 'far far', 'away'
// With `.reduce()`, we can combine all of these into
// a single string! You'll typically use reduce with
// two arguments: previous and current (also known as
// accumulator and current). In this case, reduce starts
// with giving you access to the first two elements of the
// array (i.e. 'a' and 'long'). You then returns a *single*
// value which becomes previous in the next iteration while
// current changes to be the next item in the array (i.e. 'time')
function concatenate (message, element, index, collection) {
return message + ' ' + element
var result = epic.reduce(concatenate)
// It may take a minute to get your mind wrapped around
// what's happening. However, by simply logging the values
// it (hopefully!) becomes much more clear what's going on.
// epic.reduce(function (previous, current) {
// console.log('logging -- current: "' + current + '", ' + 'previous: "' + previous + '"')
// return previous + ' ' + current
// })
// Let's get back to our users and see how we can actually
// set the initial value for our reduce method!
var users = [
{ fullName: 'George Washington', email: '' },
{ fullName: 'John Adams', email: '' },
{ fullName: 'Thomas Jefferson', email: '' },
{ fullName: 'James Madison', email: '' }
// We want to change up the structure of our users so that
// we can use the users' full name as the key and have their
// email as the value. Normally, this would take a lot of
// looping and initializing some variables. However, with
// reduce we can set an empty object as our starting point
// (i.e. previous) and do it all in a single go!
function createEmailObject (accumulator, user, index) {
accumulator[user.fullName] =
return accumulator
var result = users.reduce(createEmailObject, {})
// Notice how our initial value comes after the function
// is passed into reduce.
// Let's practice. Take the following array and multiply
// all the numbers together!
var fiveFactorial = [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
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