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Created July 20, 2017 13:25
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vectorized linear interpolation in numpy
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
def interpolate(x_fix, y_fix, x_var):
x_repeat = numpy.tile(x_var[:,None], (len(x_fix),))
distances = numpy.abs(x_repeat - x_fix)
x_indices = numpy.searchsorted(x_fix, x_var)
weights = numpy.zeros_like(distances)
idx = numpy.arange(len(x_indices))
weights[idx,x_indices] = distances[idx,x_indices-1]
weights[idx,x_indices-1] = distances[idx,x_indices]
weights /= numpy.sum(weights, axis=1)[:,None]
y_var =, y_fix.T)
return y_var
x_fix = numpy.arange(0,10,1.1) # x for which y is available
y_fix = x_fix**2
x_var = numpy.array([1.2,2.3,6.7,7.2]) # x for which y is desired
y_var = interpolate(x_fix, y_fix, x_var)
print("x_fix: {}".format(x_fix))
print("y_fix: {}".format(y_fix))
print("x_var: {}".format(x_var))
print("y_var: {}".format(y_var))
pyplot.plot(x_fix, y_fix, label="original")
pyplot.plot(x_var, y_var, label="interpolation")
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