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Last active July 1, 2024 03:15
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F# SRTP Example
// SRTP: Statically Resolved Type Parameters
// SRTP Allows for pulling members out of types that where the member is named and typed the same
// In this example SRTP will be used to pull out the 'First: string' and 'Last: string' members
// from different types
// One example of SRTP in the F# Base Class Library is the (+) operator.
// You'll see that it has this type signature:
val inline ( + ):
x: ^T1 (requires static member ( + ) ) ->
y: ^T2 (requires static member ( + ) )
-> ^T3
// Notice the " ^ " symbol to define the generic class instead of " ' "
// Members can come from either record or class definitions
type PersonRecord = {
First: string
Last: string
// Even if the other type has extra members such as the 'Middle" member in this case
type PersonClass(first: string, middle: string, last: string) =
member val First = first
member val Middle = middle
member val Last = last
let personRecord = { First = "Person"; Last = "Record"}
let personClass = PersonClass("Person", "Of", "Class")
// The person parameter has the type ^Person.
// The definition of printPersonRegularParameter looks like this:
val inline printPersonRegularParameter:
person: ^Person (requires member First and member Last )
-> unit
// Notice that in the (+) signature the 'static member' was required, but our ^Person type
// Just needs a regular 'member'
let inline printPersonRegularParameter person =
// Notice the value is being pulled out of person with pattern matching
let first = (^Person : (member First: string) person)
let last = (^Person : (member Last: string) person)
printfn $"Person is: {first} {last}"
printPersonRegularParameter personRecord
printPersonRegularParameter personClass
// Because our 'PersonRecord' and 'PersonClass' are both going to be used in printPersonRegularParameter
// We also need to apply the 'inline' keyword to the function
// This will create two versions of our function in the compiled code,
// one that takes the 'PersonRecord', and one that takes the 'PersonClass'.
// Without 'inline' this would create one function that takes in either the the
// 'PersonRecord' or 'PersonClass' type (which ever is used in the function first),
// and won't compile when we try to use the other type
let printPersonRegularParameter person = ... (srtp definition from above, just without inline in the signature) ...
printPersonRegularParameter personRecord // Compiler warning:
// This construct causes code to be less generic
// than indicated by the type annotations. The type variable
// 'Person has been constrained to be type 'PersonRecord'.
printPersonRegularParameter personClass // Compiler error:
// This expression was expected to have type
// 'PersonRecord'
// but here has type
// 'PersonClass'
// Because pulling values is done with pattern matching we can create
// an active pattern to tidy up the pattern matching
let inline (|FirstName|) o =
// ^FirstName could just as easily be ^T or ^a as long as it's using the '^' symbol
(^FirstName: (member First: string) o)
let inline (|LastName|) o =
(^LastName: (member Last: string) o)
(* Active Patterns can be composed together with the '&' symbol
This is still looking for a single parameter defined as
having the First:string and Last:string members. *)
// Same signature as printPersonRegularParameter
let inline printPersonActivePatterns (FirstName first & LastName last) =
printfn $"Person is: {first} {last}"
printPersonActivePatterns personRecord
printPersonActivePatterns personClass
// And we could define another active pattern that combines our previous active patterns
// We'll just put return first and last in a tuple
let inline (|Person|) (FirstName first & LastName last) = first, last
// Same signature as printPersonRegularParameter and printPersonActivePatterns
// We can pull the tuple apart with further pattern matching
let inline printPersonCombinedActivePattern (Person (first, last)) =
printfn $"Person is: {first} {last}"
printPersonCombinedActivePattern personRecord
printPersonCombinedActivePattern personClass
//F# 7 No longer requires ^ character in the definition, the compiler figures it out with the `inline` keyword and member constraints
let inline printPersonGeneric<'Person
when 'Person:(member First:string)
and 'Person:(member Last:string)
> (person:'Person) =
printfn $"Person is: {person.First} {person.Last}"
printPersonGeneric personRecord
printPersonGeneric personClass
// F# 7 Grouped Member Constraint
type PersonMembers<'T
when 'T:(member First:string)
and 'T:(member Last:string)> = 'T
// Here the PersonMembers acts as a wrapper so that we can more easily define generic 'Person type,
// with all of those members necessary for a "Person" type
let inline printPersonGenericGroup<'Person when PersonMembers<'Person>> (person:'Person) =
printfn $"Person is: {person.First} {person.Last}"
printPersonGenericGroup personRecord
printPersonGenericGroup personClass
Person is: Person Record
Person is: Person Class
Person is: Person Record
Person is: Person Class
Person is: Person Record
Person is: Person Class
Person is: Person Record
Person is: Person Class
Person is: Person Record
Person is: Person Class
type PersonRecord =
First: string
Last: string
type PersonClass =
new: first: string * middle: string * last: string -> PersonClass
member First: string
member Last: string
member Middle: string
val personRecord: PersonRecord = { First = "Person"
Last = "Record" }
val personClass: PersonClass
val inline printPersonRegularParameter:
person: ^Person -> unit
when ^Person: (member get_First: ^Person -> string) and
^Person: (member get_Last: ^Person -> string)
val inline (|FirstName|) :
o: ^FirstName -> string
when ^FirstName: (member get_First: ^FirstName -> string)
val inline (|LastName|) :
o: ^LastName -> string
when ^LastName: (member get_Last: ^LastName -> string)
val inline printPersonActivePatterns:
^a -> unit
when ^a: (member get_Last: ^a -> string) and
^a: (member get_First: ^a -> string)
val inline (|Person|) :
^a -> string * string
when ^a: (member get_Last: ^a -> string) and
^a: (member get_First: ^a -> string)
val inline printPersonCombinedActivePattern:
^a -> unit
when ^a: (member get_Last: ^a -> string) and
^a: (member get_First: ^a -> string)
val inline printPersonGeneric:
person: 'Person (requires member First and member Last )
-> unit
val inline printPersonGenericGroup:
person: 'Person (requires member First and member Last )
-> unit
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The concepts of SRTP and Patrern Matching are combined in this example.

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