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Last active April 28, 2018 19:19
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// Based on pseudocode at
import Foundation
protocol PIDControllee {
func measured_value() -> Float;
func output(_ v:Float);
class PIDController {
let controllee: PIDControllee
let Kp: Float
let Ki: Float
let Kd: Float
let dt: TimeInterval
var done = false
init(p:Float, i:Float, d:Float, controllee c:PIDControllee, interval:TimeInterval) {
controllee = c
Kp = p
Ki = i
Kd = d
dt = interval
func run() {
var previous_error = 0
var integral = 0
repeat {
let error = setpoint - controllee.measured_value()
integral = integral + error * dt
let derivative = (error - previous_error) / dt
out(e:error, i:integral, d:derivative)
previous_error = error
} while !done
func out(e: Float, i: Float, d: Float) {
controllee.output(Kp * e + Ki * i + Kd * d)
func wait(_ d:TimeInterval) { // TODO: sleep?
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