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Created September 27, 2017 16:42
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Code to reproduce Memory Error in PyRadiomics
# Short script to reproduce memory errors in PyRadiomics.
# There are two types of error:
# 1. Trying to extract features from a rather large mask
# 2. Trying to extract features from small masks for many images in a loop
# In both cases we get a memory error. In the first case the root is in
# SimpleITK failing to allocate memory. In the second case the root is
# in numpy. (Un)comment one of the lines defining the testMask to reproduce
# either error type. For the second error it takes a while until the
# Exception happens (about 210 iterations for me, but could be more or less
# depending on your system).
import radiomics
testImage = "PyRadiomicsBugTest_img.nrrd"
#testMask = "PyRadiomicsBugTest_large_mask.nrrd"
testMask = "PyRadiomicsBugTest_small_mask.nrrd"
settings = {}
settings['binWidth'] = 25
settings['resampledPixelSpacing'] = None
settings['interpolator'] = 'sitkBSpline'
settings['verbose'] = True
extractor = radiomics.featureextractor.RadiomicsFeaturesExtractor(**settings)
extractor.enableFeaturesByName(firstorder=["Mean", "Median", "Minimum", "Maximum"])
features = []
print("Extracting features: ")
idx = 0
while True:
idx += 1
print("iteration: ", idx)
featureVector = extractor.execute(testImage, testMask, label = 1)
featureVector["index"] = idx
print("------------ DONE (never) ------------")
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michaelschwier commented Sep 27, 2017

The test image files needed to run this script (as well as the script itself again) can be found here

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