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print("well the game is mainly about sailing around to think that you found America")
print("Their will be loads of dangerous stuff ahead")
Print("Like scurvy and Storms and hostile natives")
print("Alright you journey begins begging the king and queen to fund your journey")
print("Please Señor I need you fund this journey so I can prove that the world is round")
print("we can not fund you at this time Christopher as we are in a war we will however after it said King Ferdinand")
print("Six years later the King and Queen funded his journey")
print("You wake up and remember that day you walk to the front deck ")
print("a lookout says he sees the Canary Islands what do u do")
print("you have two options here you have to type the the word in capital letters")
print("to stop just type STOP like i did there")
print("Or to keep going type GO like i did there")
print("now type here if you want stop or keep going")
choice=input("type here what u want to do")
if choice == ("STOP"):print("thank god your not an idiot")
elif choice == ("GO"):
print("you sailed looking for the spice islands and ran out of food and water all your sailors left you and when you thought you found America you were dead")
print("u only have two choices STOP or GO")
print("you resupplied and we're ready to look for the spice islands")
print("one month later")
print("you leave now on the Santa Maria")
print("you dont know where you are going from here")
print("you will be sailing the ocean for a lot of weeks to find new undiscoverd land for spain and to prove that the wourld is round")
print("6 weeks later")
print("you wake up and hear someone in the distance is screaming.")
print("a lookout is screaming that he sees something")
print("well what is it then says christopher")
print("a island senor")
print("alright PREPARE THE BOATS")
print("you use a paddle boat to get to the island")
print("you call the island sal salvador")
print("end of beta")
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