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Created August 25, 2016 22:24
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  • Save michaeltlombardi/679a477caa93c8a4d10f5a11f56bc34f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save michaeltlombardi/679a477caa93c8a4d10f5a11f56bc34f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="windowsPE">
<!-- look for drivers on floppy -->
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<PathAndCredentials wcm:keyValue="1" wcm:action="add">
<component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
<component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
<Disk wcm:action="add">
<CreatePartition wcm:action="add">
<CreatePartition wcm:action="add">
<ModifyPartition wcm:action="add">
<ModifyPartition wcm:action="add">
<Label>Windows 2012 R2</Label>
<MetaData wcm:action="add">
<Key>/IMAGE/NAME </Key>
<Value>Windows Server 2012 R2 SERVERSTANDARD</Value>
<settings pass="generalize">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
<Description>Packer User</Description>
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>cmd.exe /c C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File a:\winrm.ps1</CommandLine>
<settings pass="specialize">
<component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager-SvrMgrNc" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
<component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-IE-ESC" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
<component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-OutOfBoxExperience" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="generalize">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
<Description>Packer User</Description>
<settings pass="specialize">
2016/08/25 16:58:19 [INFO] Packer version: 0.10.1
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Built with Go Version: go1.6.2
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for file
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for null
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for file
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/08/25 16:58:19 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[googlecompute:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute amazon-instance:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance null:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null qemu:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu vmware-iso:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso digitalocean:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean azure-arm:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm vmware-vmx:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx openstack:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack virtualbox-ovf:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf docker:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker file:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file amazon-ebs:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs parallels-iso:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso virtualbox-iso:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso amazon-chroot:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot parallels-pvm:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm] PostProcessors:map[compress:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress shell-local:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local vsphere:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere amazon-import:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import atlas:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas docker-import:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import docker-tag:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag docker-push:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push docker-save:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save vagrant:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant vagrant-cloud:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud artifice:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice] Provisioners:map[file:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file salt-masterless:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless powershell:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell puppet-server:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server shell:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell shell-local:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local ansible:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible chef-solo:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo puppet-masterless:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless windows-shell:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell ansible-local:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local windows-restart:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart chef-client:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client]}
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Setting cache directory: C:\dev\images\repro\packer_cache
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Loading builder: vmware-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Current exe path: C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Creating plugin client for path: C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Starting plugin: C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe []string{"C:\\Chocolatey\\lib\\packer.0.10.1\\tools\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-builder-vmware-iso"}
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 [INFO] Packer version: 0.10.1
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Built with Go Version: go1.6.2
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for file
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for null
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for file
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[digitalocean:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean qemu:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu docker:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker virtualbox-iso:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso vmware-vmx:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx amazon-chroot:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot azure-arm:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm parallels-iso:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso amazon-ebs:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs amazon-instance:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance parallels-pvm:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm googlecompute:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute virtualbox-ovf:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf null:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null openstack:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack vmware-iso:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso file:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file] PostProcessors:map[docker-save:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save shell-local:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local docker-tag:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag vsphere:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere atlas:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas compress:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-push:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push docker-import:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import vagrant:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant vagrant-cloud:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud amazon-import:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import artifice:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice] Provisioners:map[ansible-local:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local shell:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell shell-local:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local file:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file salt-masterless:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless windows-restart:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart windows-shell:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell chef-solo:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo powershell:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell puppet-server:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server ansible:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible puppet-masterless:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless chef-client:C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client]}
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Setting cache directory: C:\dev\images\repro\packer_cache
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 args: []string{"packer-builder-vmware-iso"}
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Plugin address: tcp
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Waiting for connection...
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Serving a plugin connection...
2016/08/25 16:58:19 ui: vmware-iso output will be in this color.
2016/08/25 16:58:19 ui:
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Build debug mode: false
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Force build: false
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Preparing build: vmware-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Waiting on builds to complete...
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Starting build run: vmware-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 Running builder: vmware-iso
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 reconnecting to TCP connection for SSH
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 handshaking with SSH
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Keyboard interactive challenge:
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 -- User:
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 -- Instructions:
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 -- Question 1: Password:
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 Keyboard interactive challenge:
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 -- User:
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 -- Instructions:
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 handshake complete!
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 [INFO] no local agent socket, will not connect agent
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:19 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv system version get
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv system version get
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 Connected to VMware ESXi 5.5.0 Releasebuild-3029944
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv system settings advanced list -o /Net/GuestIPHack
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv system settings advanced list -o /Net/GuestIPHack
2016/08/25 16:58:20 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Downloading or copying ISO
2016/08/25 16:58:20 ui: vmware-iso: Downloading or copying: file:///C:/dev/images/isos/9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 Acquiring lock to download: file:///C:/dev/images/isos/9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 Parsed URL: &url.URL{Scheme:"file", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"", Path:"/C:/dev/images/isos/9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO", RawPath:"", RawQuery:"", Fragment:""}
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 [DEBUG] Using local file: /C:/dev/images/isos/9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO
2016/08/25 16:58:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:20 Verifying checksum of C:/dev/images/isos/9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 starting remote command: test -e /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 remote command exited with '1': test -e /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 starting remote command: mkdir -p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 remote command exited with '0': mkdir -p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 16:58:31 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Creating floppy disk...
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Floppy path: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Local\Temp\packer540726687
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Initializing block device backed by temporary file
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Formatting the block device with a FAT filesystem...
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Initializing FAT filesystem on block device
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Reading the root directory from the filesystem
2016/08/25 16:58:31 ui: vmware-iso: Copying: Autounattend.xml
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Adding file to floppy: Autounattend.xml
2016/08/25 16:58:31 ui: vmware-iso: Copying: winrm.ps1
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Adding file to floppy: winrm.ps1
2016/08/25 16:58:31 ui: vmware-iso: Copying: postunattend.xml
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Adding file to floppy: postunattend.xml
2016/08/25 16:58:31 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Uploading Floppy to remote machine...
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Remote uploading: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Local\Temp\packer540726687
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 starting remote command: mkdir -p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/packer_cache
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 remote command exited with '0': mkdir -p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/packer_cache
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Verifying checksum of /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/packer_cache/packer540726687
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 starting remote command: md5sum -c
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 remote command exited with '1': md5sum -c
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Starting remote scp process: scp -vt /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/packer_cache
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Started SCP session, beginning transfers...
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Copying input data into temporary file so we can read the length
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 [DEBUG] scp: Uploading packer540726687: perms=C0644 size=1474560
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 SCP session complete, closing stdin pipe.
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Waiting for SSH session to complete.
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 scp stderr (length 36): Sink: C0644 1474560 packer540726687
2016/08/25 16:58:31 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Uploading ISO to remote machine...
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Remote uploading: C:/dev/images/isos/9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 starting remote command: mkdir -p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/packer_cache
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 remote command exited with '0': mkdir -p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/packer_cache
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 Verifying checksum of /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/packer_cache/9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 16:58:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 16:58:31 starting remote command: md5sum -c
2016/08/25 17:01:52 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:52 remote command exited with '0': md5sum -c
2016/08/25 17:01:52 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:52 Initial checksum matched, no upload needed.
2016/08/25 17:01:52 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Creating virtual machine disk
2016/08/25 17:01:52 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:52 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:01:52 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:52 starting remote command: vmkfstools -c 61440M -d zeroedthick -a lsilogic /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer/disk.vmdk
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 remote command exited with '0': vmkfstools -c 61440M -d zeroedthick -a lsilogic /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer/disk.vmdk
2016/08/25 17:01:54 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Building and writing VMX file
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 Writing VMX to: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-vmx172164905\packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 Setting VMX: 'ethernet0.networkName' = 'lvsLabLAN'
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 Setting VMX: 'scsi0.virtualDev' = 'lsisas1068'
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 Floppy path present, setting in VMX
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 Writing VMX to: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-vmx172164905\packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 Suppressing messages in VMX
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 Looking for available port between 5900 and 6000
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:01:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:54 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network ip connection list
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network ip connection list
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address :::22, port 22 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address, port 22 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address :::5989, port 5989 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address, port 443 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address :::443, port 443 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address, port 80 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address :::80, port 80 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address :::902, port 902 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address, port 902 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address ::1:2233, port 2233 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address :::8000, port 8000 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 ESXi listening on address :::8100, port 8100 unavailable for VNC
2016/08/25 17:01:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:55 Trying address: labesxi01:5900...
2016/08/25 17:01:56 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:56 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5900 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:01:56 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:56 Trying address: labesxi01:5901...
2016/08/25 17:01:57 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:57 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5901 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:01:57 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:57 Trying address: labesxi01:5902...
2016/08/25 17:01:58 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:58 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5902 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:01:58 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:58 Trying address: labesxi01:5903...
2016/08/25 17:01:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:59 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5903 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:01:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:01:59 Trying address: labesxi01:5904...
2016/08/25 17:02:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:00 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5904 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:00 Trying address: labesxi01:5905...
2016/08/25 17:02:01 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:01 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5905 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:01 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:01 Trying address: labesxi01:5906...
2016/08/25 17:02:02 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:02 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5906 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:02 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:02 Trying address: labesxi01:5907...
2016/08/25 17:02:03 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:03 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5907 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:03 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:03 Trying address: labesxi01:5908...
2016/08/25 17:02:04 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:04 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5908 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:04 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:04 Trying address: labesxi01:5909...
2016/08/25 17:02:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:05 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5909 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:05 Trying address: labesxi01:5910...
2016/08/25 17:02:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:06 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5910 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:06 Trying address: labesxi01:5911...
2016/08/25 17:02:07 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:07 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5911 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:07 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:07 Trying address: labesxi01:5912...
2016/08/25 17:02:08 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:08 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5912 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:08 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:08 Trying address: labesxi01:5913...
2016/08/25 17:02:09 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:09 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5913 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:09 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:09 Trying address: labesxi01:5914...
2016/08/25 17:02:10 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:10 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5914 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:10 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:10 Trying address: labesxi01:5915...
2016/08/25 17:02:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:11 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5915 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:11 Trying address: labesxi01:5916...
2016/08/25 17:02:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:12 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5916 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:12 Trying address: labesxi01:5917...
2016/08/25 17:02:13 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:13 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5917 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:13 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:13 Trying address: labesxi01:5918...
2016/08/25 17:02:14 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:14 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5918 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:14 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:14 Trying address: labesxi01:5919...
2016/08/25 17:02:15 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:15 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5919 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:15 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:15 Trying address: labesxi01:5920...
2016/08/25 17:02:16 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:16 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5920 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:16 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:16 Trying address: labesxi01:5921...
2016/08/25 17:02:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:17 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5921 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:17 Trying address: labesxi01:5922...
2016/08/25 17:02:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:18 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5922 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:18 Trying address: labesxi01:5923...
2016/08/25 17:02:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:19 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5923 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:19 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:19 Trying address: labesxi01:5924...
2016/08/25 17:02:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:20 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5924 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:20 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:20 Trying address: labesxi01:5925...
2016/08/25 17:02:21 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:21 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5925 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:21 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:21 Trying address: labesxi01:5926...
2016/08/25 17:02:22 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:22 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5926 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:22 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:22 Trying address: labesxi01:5927...
2016/08/25 17:02:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:23 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5927 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:23 Trying address: labesxi01:5928...
2016/08/25 17:02:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:24 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5928 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:24 Trying address: labesxi01:5929...
2016/08/25 17:02:25 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:25 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5929 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:25 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:25 Trying address: labesxi01:5930...
2016/08/25 17:02:26 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:26 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5930 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:26 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:26 Trying address: labesxi01:5931...
2016/08/25 17:02:27 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:27 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5931 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:27 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:27 Trying address: labesxi01:5932...
2016/08/25 17:02:28 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:28 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5932 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:28 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:28 Trying address: labesxi01:5933...
2016/08/25 17:02:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:29 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5933 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:29 Trying address: labesxi01:5934...
2016/08/25 17:02:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:30 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5934 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:30 Trying address: labesxi01:5935...
2016/08/25 17:02:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:31 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5935 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:31 Trying address: labesxi01:5936...
2016/08/25 17:02:32 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:32 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5936 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:32 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:32 Trying address: labesxi01:5937...
2016/08/25 17:02:33 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:33 Timeout connecting to: labesxi01:5937 (check firewall rules)
2016/08/25 17:02:33 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:33 Trying address: labesxi01:5938...
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 Found available VNC port: 5938
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 Writing VMX to: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-vmx172164905\packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:02:34 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Registering remote VM...
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 Starting remote scp process: scp -vt /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 Started SCP session, beginning transfers...
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 Copying input data into temporary file so we can read the length
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 [DEBUG] scp: Uploading packer-repro.vmx: perms=C0644 size=2523
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 SCP session complete, closing stdin pipe.
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 Waiting for SSH session to complete.
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 scp stderr (length 34): Sink: C0644 2523 packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:02:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:34 starting remote command: vim-cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer/packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:02:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:35 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer/packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:02:35 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Starting virtual machine...
2016/08/25 17:02:35 ui: vmware-iso: The VM will be run headless, without a GUI. If you want to
vmware-iso: view the screen of the VM, connect via VNC without a password to
vmware-iso: labesxi01:5938
2016/08/25 17:02:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:02:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:35 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on 291
2016/08/25 17:02:38 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:38 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on 291
2016/08/25 17:02:38 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:38 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:02:38 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:38 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:02:39 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:39 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:02:39 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Waiting 10s for boot...
2016/08/25 17:02:49 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Connecting to VM via VNC
2016/08/25 17:02:49 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:49 Connected to VNC desktop: packer-repro
2016/08/25 17:02:49 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:49 Host IP for the VMware machine:
2016/08/25 17:02:49 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Typing the boot command over VNC...
2016/08/25 17:02:49 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:49 Waiting for WinRM, up to timeout: 30m0s
2016/08/25 17:02:49 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Waiting for WinRM to become available...
2016/08/25 17:02:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:54 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:02:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:54 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:02:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:02:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:54 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:02:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:54 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:02:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:55 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:02:55 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:02:55 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:00 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:00 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:00 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:00 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:01 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:01 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:01 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:01 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:06 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:06 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:06 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:06 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:06 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:11 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:11 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:12 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:12 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:12 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:17 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:17 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:18 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:18 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:18 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:23 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:23 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:24 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:24 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:24 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:29 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:29 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:30 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:30 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:30 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:35 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:36 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:36 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:36 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:41 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:41 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:42 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:42 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:47 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:47 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:48 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:48 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:53 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:53 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:03:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:54 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:54 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:03:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:54 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:03:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:59 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:03:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:03:59 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:00 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:00 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:05 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:05 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:06 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:06 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:06 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:11 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:11 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:12 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:12 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:12 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:17 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:17 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:18 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:18 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:18 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:23 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:23 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:24 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:24 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:24 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:29 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:29 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:30 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:30 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:30 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:35 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:36 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:36 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:36 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:41 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:41 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:42 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:42 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:47 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:47 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:48 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:48 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:53 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:53 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:04:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:54 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:54 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:04:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:54 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:04:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:59 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:04:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:04:59 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:00 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:00 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:05 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:05 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:06 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:06 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:06 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:11 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:11 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:12 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:12 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:12 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:17 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:17 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:18 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:18 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:18 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:23 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:23 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:24 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:24 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:24 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:29 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:29 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:30 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:30 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:30 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:35 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:36 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:36 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:36 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:41 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:41 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:42 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:42 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:47 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:47 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:48 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:48 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:53 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:53 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:05:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:54 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:54 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:05:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:54 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:05:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:59 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:05:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:05:59 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:00 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:00 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:05 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:05 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:06 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:06 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:06 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:11 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:11 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:12 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:12 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:12 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:17 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:17 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:18 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:18 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:18 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:23 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:23 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:24 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:24 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:24 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:29 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:29 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:30 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:30 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:30 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:35 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:36 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:36 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:36 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:41 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:41 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:42 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:42 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:47 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:47 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:48 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:48 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:53 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:53 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:06:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:54 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:54 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:06:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:54 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:06:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:59 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:06:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:06:59 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:00 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:00 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:05 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:05 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:06 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:06 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:06 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:11 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:11 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:12 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:12 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:12 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:17 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:17 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:18 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:18 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:18 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:23 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:23 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:24 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:24 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:24 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:29 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:29 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:30 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:30 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:30 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:35 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:36 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:36 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:36 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:41 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:41 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:42 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:42 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:47 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:47 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:48 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:48 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:53 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:53 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:07:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:54 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:54 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:07:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:54 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:07:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:59 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:07:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:07:59 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:00 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:00 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:05 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:05 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:06 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:06 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:06 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:11 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:11 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:12 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:12 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:12 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:17 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:17 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:17 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:17 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:17 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:17 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:18 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:18 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:18 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:23 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:23 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:23 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:23 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:23 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:23 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:24 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:24 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:24 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:29 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:29 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:29 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:29 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:29 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:30 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:30 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:35 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:35 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:35 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:36 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:36 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:41 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:41 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:41 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:41 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:41 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:42 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:42 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:47 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:47 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:47 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:47 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:47 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:48 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:48 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:53 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:53 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:53 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:53 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:53 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:53 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:54 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:08:54 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:54 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:08:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:59 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:59 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:59 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:08:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:59 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:08:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:08:59 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:09:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:00 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:09:00 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:00 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:09:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:05 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:09:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:05 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:09:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:05 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:09:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:05 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:09:05 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:05 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:09:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:06 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:09:06 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:06 [DEBUG] Error getting WinRM host: VM network port found, but no IP address
2016/08/25 17:09:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:11 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:09:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:11 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:09:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:11 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm list
2016/08/25 17:09:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:11 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:09:11 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:11 starting remote command: esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:09:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:12 remote command exited with '0': esxcli --formatter csv network vm port list -w 86357356
2016/08/25 17:09:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:12 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2016/08/25 17:09:12 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:12 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2016/08/25 17:09:33 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:33 [ERROR] connection error: unknown error Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2016/08/25 17:09:33 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:33 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: unknown error Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2016/08/25 17:09:38 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:38 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2016/08/25 17:09:38 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:38 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2016/08/25 17:09:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:59 [ERROR] connection error: unknown error Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2016/08/25 17:09:59 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:09:59 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: unknown error Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2016/08/25 17:10:04 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:04 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2016/08/25 17:10:04 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:04 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2016/08/25 17:10:25 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:25 [ERROR] connection error: unknown error Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2016/08/25 17:10:25 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:25 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: unknown error Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2016/08/25 17:10:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:30 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2016/08/25 17:10:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:30 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2016/08/25 17:10:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:30 [ERROR] connection error: http error: 401 -
2016/08/25 17:10:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:30 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http error: 401 -
2016/08/25 17:10:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:35 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2016/08/25 17:10:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:35 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2016/08/25 17:10:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:35 [ERROR] connection error: http error: 401 -
2016/08/25 17:10:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:35 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http error: 401 -
2016/08/25 17:10:40 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:40 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2016/08/25 17:10:40 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:40 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2016/08/25 17:10:40 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:40 [ERROR] connection error: http error: 401 -
2016/08/25 17:10:40 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:40 [ERROR] WinRM connection err: http error: 401 -
2016/08/25 17:10:45 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:45 [INFO] Attempting WinRM connection...
2016/08/25 17:10:45 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:45 [DEBUG] connecting to remote shell using WinRM
2016/08/25 17:10:46 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Connected to WinRM!
2016/08/25 17:10:46 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:46 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:10:46 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:46 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/tools.install 291
2016/08/25 17:10:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:47 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/tools.install 291
2016/08/25 17:10:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:47 Running the provision hook
2016/08/25 17:10:47 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Gracefully halting virtual machine...
2016/08/25 17:10:47 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:47 Executing shutdown command: C:/windows/system32/sysprep/sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /unattend:A:/postunattend.xml /quiet /shutdown
2016/08/25 17:10:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:10:48 [INFO] starting remote command: C:/windows/system32/sysprep/sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /unattend:A:/postunattend.xml /quiet /shutdown
2016/08/25 17:12:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:29 [INFO] command 'C:/windows/system32/sysprep/sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /unattend:A:/postunattend.xml /quiet /shutdown' exited with code: 0
2016/08/25 17:12:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:29 Shutdown stdout:
2016/08/25 17:12:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:29 Shutdown stderr:
2016/08/25 17:12:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:29 Waiting max 30m0s for shutdown to complete
2016/08/25 17:12:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:29 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:29 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:29 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:30 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:30 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:30 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:30 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:31 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:31 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:31 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:31 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:32 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:32 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:32 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:32 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:32 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:32 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:33 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:33 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:33 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:33 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:33 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:33 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:34 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:34 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:34 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:34 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:35 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:35 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:35 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:35 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:36 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:36 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:36 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:36 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:37 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:37 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:37 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:37 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:37 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:37 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:38 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:38 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:38 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:38 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:38 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:38 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:39 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:39 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:39 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:39 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:39 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:39 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:40 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:40 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:40 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:40 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:40 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:40 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:41 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:41 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:42 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:42 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:42 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:43 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:43 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:43 ui: vmware-iso: Waiting for VMware to clean up after itself...
2016/08/25 17:12:43 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:43 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:43 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:43 starting remote command: ls -1p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 17:12:43 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:43 remote command exited with '0': ls -1p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 17:12:43 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:43 No more lock files found. VMware is clean.
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 VM shut down.
2016/08/25 17:12:48 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Deleting unnecessary VMware files...
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 starting remote command: ls -1p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 remote command exited with '0': ls -1p /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 17:12:48 ui: vmware-iso: Deleting: /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer/vmware.log
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 starting remote command: rm /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer/vmware.log
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 remote command exited with '0': rm /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer/vmware.log
2016/08/25 17:12:48 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Compacting the disk image
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Writing VMX to: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-vmx172164905\packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:12:48 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Cleaning VMX prior to finishing up...
2016/08/25 17:12:48 ui: vmware-iso: Unmounting floppy from VMX...
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Deleting key: floppy0.filename
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Deleting key: floppy0.present
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Deleting key: floppy0.filetype
2016/08/25 17:12:48 ui: vmware-iso: Detaching ISO from CD-ROM device...
2016/08/25 17:12:48 ui: vmware-iso: Disabling VNC server...
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Writing VMX to: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-vmx172164905\packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Starting remote scp process: scp -vt /vmfs/volumes/lab_templates/repro-packer
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Started SCP session, beginning transfers...
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Copying input data into temporary file so we can read the length
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 [DEBUG] scp: Uploading packer-repro.vmx: perms=C0644 size=2311
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 SCP session complete, closing stdin pipe.
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 Waiting for SSH session to complete.
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 scp stderr (length 34): Sink: C0644 2311 packer-repro.vmx
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:48 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:48 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/reload 291
2016/08/25 17:12:49 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:49 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/reload 291
2016/08/25 17:12:49 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:49 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:49 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:49 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:50 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:50 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 291
2016/08/25 17:12:50 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Unregistering virtual machine...
2016/08/25 17:12:50 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:50 opening new ssh session
2016/08/25 17:12:50 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:50 starting remote command: vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister 291
2016/08/25 17:12:51 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:51 remote command exited with '0': vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister 291
2016/08/25 17:12:51 packer.exe: 2016/08/25 17:12:51 Deleting floppy disk: C:\Users\mtl\AppData\Local\Temp\packer540726687
2016/08/25 17:12:51 ui error: Build 'vmware-iso' errored: GetFileAttributesEx repro-packer: The system cannot find the file specified.
2016/08/25 17:12:51 Builds completed. Waiting on interrupt barrier...
2016/08/25 17:12:51 machine readable: error-count []string{"1"}
2016/08/25 17:12:51 ui error:
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
2016/08/25 17:12:51 machine readable: vmware-iso,error []string{"GetFileAttributesEx repro-packer: The system cannot find the file specified."}
2016/08/25 17:12:51 ui error: --> vmware-iso: GetFileAttributesEx repro-packer: The system cannot find the file specified.
2016/08/25 17:12:51 ui:
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
2016/08/25 17:12:51 waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
2016/08/25 17:12:51 C:\Chocolatey\lib\packer.0.10.1\tools\packer.exe: plugin process exited
"builders": [{
"type": "vmware-iso",
"iso_url": "C:\\dev\\images\\isos\\9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO",
"iso_checksum_type": "MD5",
"iso_checksum": "5B5E08C490AD16B59B1D9FAB0DEF883A",
"disk_size": 61440,
"communicator": "winrm",
"winrm_username": "packer",
"winrm_password": "packer",
"winrm_port": "5985",
"winrm_timeout": "30m",
"guest_os_type": "windows8srv-64",
"tools_upload_flavor": "windows",
"shutdown_command": "C:/windows/system32/sysprep/sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /unattend:A:/postunattend.xml /quiet /shutdown",
"shutdown_timeout": "30m",
"floppy_files": [
"vmx_data": {
"scsi0.virtualDev": "lsisas1068",
"ethernet0.networkName": "lvsLabLAN"
"headless": true,
"remote_host": "labesxi01",
"remote_datastore": "lab_templates",
"remote_username": "packer",
"remote_password": "packer",
"remote_type": "esx5",
"vm_name": "packer-repro",
"output_directory": "repro-packer"
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM-HTTP" dir=in localport=5985 protocol=TCP action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM-HTTPS" dir=in localport=5986 protocol=TCP action=allow
try {
$command=Get-Command Enable-PSRemoting
if($command.Parameters.Keys -contains "skipnetworkprofilecheck"){
catch {
Enable-PSRemoting @enableArgs
winrm set winrm/config/client/auth '@{Basic="true"}'
winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '@{Basic="true"}'
winrm set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'
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