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Created February 22, 2016 19:53
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Get Visual Studio Code Snippets via PowerShell
function Get-VSCodeSnippet {
Return the list of Snippets from a VSCode JSON file.
Given the path to one or more Visual Studio Code JSON files, the function returns all of the associated snippets, their prefix, description, and body, as well as their source file. Useful for discovering snippets after updating an extension or when using it for the first time.
The full path to one or more Visual Studio Code Snippet JSON files. By default this command will return all of the snippets found in the current user's loaded extensions and in the extensions which shipped directly with Visual Studio Code.
C:\PS> Get-VSCodeSnippet -Path C:\Users\John.Doe\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.PowerShell-0.4.1\snippets\PowerShell.json
This command will import the JSON structure of PowerShell.json and convert it into PowerShell Objects representing each snippet.
You can pipe a string that contains a path to Get-VSCodeSnippet.
Get-VSCodeSnippet returns a PSCustomObject with the properties Prefix (meaning the series of characters which map to the snippet in VSCode), Description, Body (the snippet itself), and Source (the file in which the snippet was discovered).
General notes
# Specifies a path to one or more locations. Wildcards are permitted.
HelpMessage="Path to one or more locations.")]
$Path = [string[]]("$Env:Homedrive\$Env:HomePath\.vscode\extensions\*\snippets\*.json",'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\*\snippet*\*.json')
begin {
#No pre-processing required.
process {
ForEach($SnippetsPath in (Get-Item -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSPath)){
# Plain english Source name stripped of the path and .JSON
$Source = Split-Path -Path $SnippetsPath -Leaf | ForEach-Object {$_.Substring(0,($_.Length)-5)}
# The properties which make up the object(s) returned to the pipeline
$SnippetProperties = @{Name="Source";Expression={$Source}},"Prefix","Description","Body",@{Name="SourcePath";Expression={$SnippetsPath}}
# Load the file into memory, convert from json; because of the structure of these files, the object will load with every snippet as a property of one large object - we output this object to $SnippetsRaw so we can extract the actual snippet data from the query.
$SnippetNames = Get-Content -Path $SnippetsPath |
ConvertFrom-JSON -OutVariable SnippetsRaw |
Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
ForEach($Name in $SnippetNames){
$SnippetsRaw | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Name | Select-Object -Property $SnippetProperties
end {
#No post-processing required.
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