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Created October 20, 2015 03:48
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Function New-NanoElasticsearchVM {
param (
[PSCredential]$Credential = (Get-Credential -UserName Administrator -Message "Enter your password; DO NOT CHANGE THE USERNAME!"),
[string]$ComputerName = "nes01",
[string]$ISOPath = "$env:HOMEDRIVE$Env:HomePath\downloads\10514.0.150808-1529.TH2_RELEASE_SERVER_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO",
[string]$MediaPath = "C:\W2016Media",
[string]$NanoPath = "C:\nano",
[int64]$MemoryStartupBytes = (2*1024*1024*1024),
[string]$VMSwitchName = "vExternal"
#region Prepare VHD
# Mount the ISO, then copy it to a local folder, then dismount the ISO.
$MountedISO = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ISOPath -PassThru
$MountedISOVolume = Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $MountedISO.ImagePath | Get-Volume
Copy-Item -Path "$($MountedISOVolume.DriveLetter):\" -Recurse -Container -Destination $MediaPath -Force
Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ISOPath
# Also copy the Nano Server files to a separate directory. This is where the image will be built and saved.
Copy-Item -Path $MediaPath\NanoServer -Container -Recurse -Destination $NanoPath -Force
# Move into the folder containing the nano-server script files; New-NanoServerImage will fail otherwise.
Set-Location -Path $NanoPath
. .\new-nanoserverimage.ps1
# Create the new nano-server image with guest drivers, reverse forwarders (I thought this would help with Java),
# remote management, and the admin password you passed in the beginning.
New-NanoServerImage -MediaPath $MediaPath `
-BasePath .\Base `
-TargetPath .\$ComputerName `
-ComputerName $ComputerName `
-GuestDrivers `
-ReverseForwarders `
-EnableRemoteManagementPort `
-EnableIPDisplayOnBoot `
-AdministratorPassword $Credential.Password
#endregion Prepare VHD
#region Provision and Configure VM
# Set the properties; in this case, nano-server doesn't seem to play nice
# with generation 2 virtual hardware.
$VirtualMachineParameters = @{
"Name" = $ComputerName;
"BootDevice" = [string]"VHD"
"MemoryStartupBytes" = $MemoryStartupBytes;
"Generation" = [int32]1;
"SwitchName" = $VMSwitchName;
"VHDPath" = [string]"$NanoPath\$ComputerName\$ComputerName.vhd"
# Create the VM and start it.
New-VM @VirtualMachineParameters | Start-VM
# Add the VM to the trusted hosts list so it can be managed.
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value $ComputerName -Force
# So now, we turn off the firewall. Because that makes it work?
Invoke-Command -VMName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock {
Get-NetFirewallProfile | Set-NetFirewallProfile –Enabled False
# Set a new PSSession with the VM.
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential
# Download JDK8. It has to be done this (dumb) way because Oracle insists on including a license agreement before allowing a download.
# Luckily StackOverflow saved me, per usual.
$JDKSource = ""
$JDKDestination = "C:\jdk.exe"
$JDKDownloadClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$JDKDownloadCookie = "oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
$JDKDownloadClient.Headers.Add([System.Net.HttpRequestHeader]::Cookie, $JDKDownloadCookie)
$JDKDownloadClient.downloadFile($JDKSource, $JDKDestination)
#Copy the JDK installation file into the nano server.
Copy-Item -Path $JDKDestination -Destination C:\ -ToSession $Session
# Discovered the script for installing JDK silently at
$JDKInstallationScripBlock = {
$JDKInstallationDirectory = 'C:\Program Files\JDK\'
$JDKInstallationArguments = @(
"/v/qn`" INSTALLDIR=\`"$JDKInstallationDirectory\`" REBOOT=Supress IEXPLORER=0 MOZILLA=0 /L \`"install.log\`"`""
$JDKInstallationProcess = Start-Process "C:\jdk.exe" -ArgumentList $JDKInstallationArguments -Wait -PassThru
If($JDKInstallationProcess.ExitCode -ne 0) { Throw "ERROR; EXIT CODE $($JDKInstallationProcess.ExitCode)"}
# Run the installer.
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock $JDKInstallationScripBlock
# Exit Code -1073741515
# DLL not found... Great. No point in continuing on to attempt to install elasticsearch then...
#endregion Provision and Configure VM
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