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Created May 22, 2015 10:17
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Format a number as a word
function Format-NumAsWord
param (
[double]$n = 0,
[boolean]$Caps = $False
#not catering for currency for decimals yet
$numbers = 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight',
'Nine', 'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen',
'Fifteen', 'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eighteen', 'Nineteen'
$tens = 'Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy', 'Eighty', 'Ninety'
$suffixes = 'Thousand' , 'Million' , 'Billion' , 'Trillion' ,
'Quadrillion' , 'Quintillion' , 'Sextillion' ,
'Septillion' , 'Octillion' , 'Nonillion' ,
'Decillion' , 'Undecillion' , 'Duodecillion' ,
'Tredecillion' , 'Quattuordecillion' , 'Quinquadecillion' ,
'Sedecillion' , 'Septendecillion' , 'Octodecillion' ,
'Novendecillion' , 'Vigintillion' , 'Unvigintillion' ,
'Duovigintillion' , 'Tresvigintillion' , 'Quattuorvigintillion',
'Quinquavigintillion' , 'Sesvigintillion' , 'Septemvigintillion' ,
'Octovigintillion' , 'Novemvigintillion' , 'Trigintillion' ,
'Untrigintillion' , 'Duotrigintillion' , 'Trestrigintillion' ,
'Quattuortrigintillion', 'Quinquatrigintillion', 'Sestrigintillion' ,
'Septentrigintillion' , 'Octotrigintillion' , 'Noventrigintillion' , 'Quadragintillion'
$hasTens = $False
$words = ''
$word = ''
if ($n -lt 0){
$words = 'Negative'
$n *= -1
$power = ($suffixes.Length + 1) * 3
while ($power -gt 3){
$pow = [Math]::Pow(10, $power)
if ($n -gt $pow){
if ($n % [Math]::Pow(10, $power) -gt 0){
$words += Format-NumAsWord([Math]::Floor($n / $pow))
$words += " "
$words += $suffixes[($power / 3) - 1]
$words += " "
elseif ($n % $pow -gt 0){
$words += Format-NumAsWord([Math]::Floor($n / $pow))
$words += " "
$words += $suffixes[($power / 3) - 1]
$n %= $pow;
$power -= 3
if ($n -ge 1000){
if ($n % 1000 > 0) {
$words += Format-NumAsWord([Math]::Floor($n / 1000))
$words += " Thousand "
else {
$word += Format-NumAsWord([Math]::Floor($n / 1000))
$words += "$word Thousand "
$n %= 1000;
if (0 -le $n -and $n -le 999) {
if ([Math]::Floor($n / 100) -gt 0)
$word = Format-NumAsWord([Math]::Floor($n / 100))
$words += "$word Hundred"
$n %= 100;
if ([Math]::Floor($n / 10) -gt 1)
if ($words -ne ""){ $words += " " }
$words += $tens[[Math]::Floor($n / 10) - 2]
$hasTens = $True;
$n %= 10;
if ($n -lt 20 -and $n -gt 0)
if ($words -ne "" -and $hasTens -eq $False) { $words += " " }
if ($hasTens) {
$words += "-"
$words += $numbers[[int]$n - 1]
else {
$words += $numbers[[int]$n - 1]
$n -= [Math]::Floor($n)
if ($Caps) {
$words = $words.ToUpper()
return $words
Format-NumAsWord 1
Format-NumAsWord 2
Format-NumAsWord 123
#One Hundred Twenty-Three
Format-NumAsWord 32134645
Thirty-Two Million One Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Six Hundred Forty-Five
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