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Created February 12, 2019 19:32
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Allows for keepalive to be called every X ms while waiting for task to complete
// if task takes longer the X ms to complete then send a resposne to caller and continue to process task
const delay = (ms = 500) =>
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
const taskA = async () => {
await delay(1200)
console.log('task A complete')
return 'A'
const keepAliveFn = async () => {
console.log('keep alive')
return 'B'
const keepAliveProcessor = async (taskFn, keepAliveCb, timeout) => {
const keepAliveWrapper = async () => {
const result = await keepAliveCb()
return { __timeout: true, result }
const taskFnWrapper = async () => {
const result = await taskFn()
return { __timeout: false, result }
let processingComplete = false
const taskPromise = taskFnWrapper()
let race
while (!processingComplete) {
race = await Promise.race([taskPromise, keepAliveWrapper()])
processingComplete = race.__timeout === false
if (!processingComplete) {
await delay(timeout - 100)
return race.result
keepAliveProcessor(taskA, keepAliveFn, 300)
.then(x => console.log('fin', x))
.catch(x => console.error(x))
// ​​​​​keep alive​​​​​
// ​​​​​keep alive​​​​​
// ​​​​​keep alive​​​​​
// ​​​​​keep alive​​​​​
// ​​​​​keep alive​​​​​
// ​​​​​keep alive​​​​​
// ​​​​​task A complete​​​​​
// ​​​​​keep alive​​​​​ --- maybe an issue, haven't solved cancelling last keep alive
// ​​​​​fin A​​​​​
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